subtitle 0.1.3
subtitle: ^0.1.3 copied to clipboard
A library that makes it easy to work with multiple subtitle/caption file formats, written with highly efficient code, highly customizable (90%), supports Null Safety.
Subtitle #
A library that makes it easy to work with multiple translation file formats, written with highly efficient code, highly customizable (90%), supports Sound Null Safety.
Currently supported formats: #
- WebVTT
- SRT (SubRip)
- TTML (Timed Text Markup Language)
- DFXP (Distribution Format Exchange Profile)
- Custom Subtitle Format
Created by Muhammad Hasan Alasady under a MIT LICENSE.
Usage #
You have a lot of way to use this package, with internet, local file, assets file(In flutter), and from string. In this section you will learn how to use each of this:
Internet Subtitles #
You have two ways to use subtitles on the internet, firstly usingSubtitleController
and it's the easly way, secondly by usingSubtitleProvider
, this is both of ways:
Firstly provide the link of subtitle (should be an object of Uri), after that you can useSubtitleController
var url = Uri.parse(
var controller = SubtitleController(
provider: SubtitleProvider.fromNetwork(url),
var url = Uri.parse(
var controller = SubtitleController(
provider: NetworkSubtitle(url),
Like the last one, provide the link and provider, after that create a new object ofSubtitleProvider
it to preparing the subtitle data, in the last you can useSubtitleParser
to parsing the subtitles:
var url = Uri.parse(
SubtitleProvider provider = NetworkSubtitle(url);
SubtitleObject object = await provider.getSubtitle();
SubtitleParser parser = SubtitleParser(object);
After creating the controller you have to initialize it by call controller.initial()
, it's async
function, so you have to await
await controller.initial();
When you intialize it, you can use this methods to dealing with subtitles:
- controller.subtitles: The List of subtitles.
- controller.durationSearch(<Your Duration>): Provide a duration to fetch the first subtitle in range of this duration.
- controller.multiDurationSearch(<Your Duration>): Provide a duration to fetch a list of subtitles in range of this duration.
- controller.getAll(<separator
>): Return all subtitles as a single string with custom separator (default is', '
Check the API Reference or GitHub Wiki for more
File Subtitles #
Like the last one, you have same two ways, just prepare your file, and replace theSubtitleProvider
in all places to beSubtitleProvider.fromFile(file)
var file = File('example/data.vtt');
var controller = SubtitleController(
provider: SubtitleProvider.fromNetwork(file),
var file = File('example/data.vtt');
var controller = SubtitleController(
provider: FileSubtitle(file),
var file = File('example/data.vtt');
SubtitleProvider provider = FileSubtitle(file);
SubtitleObject object = await provider.getSubtitle();
SubtitleParser parser = SubtitleParser(object);
String Subtitles #
Same others just replace providers to be instance of
. -
Flutter Asset #
In flutter asset case you have to create you class (called it like
), by extendsSubtitleProvider
, and userootBundle
to load the string of asset file, after created it, do like first example, just replace providers to be instance of your new class, like:
class AssetSubtitle extends SubtitleProvider {
/// The subtitle path in your assets.
final String path;
final SubtitleType? type;
const AssetSubtitle(
this.path, {
Future<SubtitleObject> getSubtitle() async {
// Preparing subtitle file data by reading the file.
final data = await rootBundle.loadString(path);
// Find the current format type of subtitle.
final ext = extension(path);
final type = this.type ?? getSubtitleType(ext);
return SubtitleObject(data: data, type: type);
When you need to use it:
var path = 'files/subtitles/1.vtt';
var controller = SubtitleController(
provider: AssetSubtitle(path),
Components #
- SubtitleProvider: Simplifies fetching subtitle file data from multiple sources.
- SubtitleRepository: Deals with the platform directly to get or download the required data and submit it to the provider.
- SubtitleParser: Used to analyze and convert subtitle files into software objects that are viewable and usable.
- CustomSubtitleParser: Customizable subtitle parser, for custom regexes.
- SubtitleRegexObject: Responsible for providing the necessary expression for the purpose of decoding the content of subtitle files, has 4 children:
- VttRegex: WebVTT regexp.
- SrtRegex: SubRip regexp.
- TtmlRegex: TTML or DFXP regex
- CustomRegex: User define regexp.
- SubtitleObject: Store the subtitle file data and its format type.
- SubtitleController: Controller subtitles, preparing it, decoding, sorting, and search.
Example #
import 'package:subtitle/subtitle.dart';
const vttData = '''WEBVTT FILE
00:00:19.000 --> 00:00:24.000
Which is why we are bringing TV, internet and phone together in <c.highlight>one</c> super package
00:00:11.000 --> 00:00:14.000 A:end
Phone conversations where people truly <c.highlight>connect</c>
00:00:03.500 --> 00:00:05.000 D:vertical A:start
Everyone wants the most from life
00:00:06.000 --> 00:00:09.000 A:start
Like internet experiences that are rich <b>and</b> entertaining
00:00:14.500 --> 00:00:18.000
Your favourite TV programmes ready to watch at the touch of a button
00:00:24.500 --> 00:00:26.000
<c.highlight>One</c> simple way to get everything
00:00:26.500 --> 00:00:27.500 L:12%
00:00:28.000 --> 00:00:30.000 L:75%
Simply for <u>everyone</u>''';
void main(List<String> args) async {
//! By using controller
var controller = SubtitleController(
provider: SubtitleProvider.fromString(
data: vttData,
type: SubtitleType.vtt,
await controller.initial();
//! By using objects
var object = SubtitleObject(
data: vttData,
type: SubtitleType.vtt,
var parser = SubtitleParser(object);
void printResult(List<Subtitle> subtitles) {
subtitles.sort((s1, s2) => s1.compareTo(s2));
for (var result in subtitles) {
'(${result.index}) Start: ${result.start}, end: ${result.end} [${}]');