subtitle 0.1.0 copy "subtitle: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
subtitle: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

-> A library that makes it easy to work with multiple subtitle/caption file formats, written with highly efficient code, highly customizable (90%), supports Null Safety.

0.1.0 #

  • Addressed an issue with subtitle parsing (srt) that was affecting certain cases. This contribution is credited to @sahanForaty. Refer to issue #6.
  • Resolved a network subtitle problem, contributed by @thecarry98. See issue #8.
  • Corrected the issue associated with the unclosed HttpClient in the network subtitle handling.
  • Added SRT format example.

0.1.0-beta.3 #

  • Fix srt bug.
  • Remove path package from dependency.
  • Rewrite and enhance regular expressions.

0.1.0-beta.2 #

  • Add SubtitleController and its feature like:
    • Binary search for single search by providing the duration.
    • Multi result search by providing the duration.
  • Re-architect the files of project.
  • Update regex of VttRegex and SrtRegex.
  • Fix SubtitleParser bug when decoding the subtitles.
  • You can normalize the subtitle text data while decoding, like remove css styles.
  • Manual provide of the SubtitleType, or leave it to detected auto.
  • Fix dart:io bug to support dart js and flutter web by using universal_io package.
  • Reducing non-required dependency http package.
  • 3 examples added.

0.1.0-beta.1 #

  • SubtitleProvider: Simplifies fetching subtitle file data from multiple sources.
  • SubtitleRepository: Deals with the platform directly to get or download the required data and submit it to the provider.
  • SubtitleParser: Used to analyze and convert subtitle files into software objects that are viewable and usable.
  • CustomSubtitleParser: Customizable subtitle parser, for custom regexes.
  • SubtitleRegexObject: Responsible for providing the necessary expression for the purpose of decoding the content of subtitle files, has 4 children:
    • VttRegex: WebVTT regexp.
    • SrtRegex: SubRip regexp.
    • TtmlRegex: TTML or DFXP regex
    • CustomRegex: User define regexp.
  • SubtitleObject: Store the subtitle file data and its format type.
  • Initial version, created by MuhmdHsn313



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-> A library that makes it easy to work with multiple subtitle/caption file formats, written with highly efficient code, highly customizable (90%), supports Null Safety.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


path, universal_io


Packages that depend on subtitle