style_dart 1.0.1 copy "style_dart: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
style_dart: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard


A starting point for Dart libraries or applications.

Feature #

  • ❌ Microservice- Internal - External Service. Services be active or reactive with idle duration, terminal commands.
  • ❌ Style Command Line App
  • ❌ ViewEndpoint for Server Side Rendering. Endpoint built in initialize and serve views
  • ❌ DataView . MVC Pattern
  • ❌ Auto Api Documentation
  • ❌ Role Based Admin Auth
  • ❌ Differnt State for Each Client
  • ❌ Monitoring- All calling tree statuses, service statuses, client states
  • ❌ Simple CRUD

Components #

Create Service #

[host] will be used instead of "http://host" from now on.

All classes created as an example will begin with the prefix "My". Others are what Framework offers.

class MyServer extends StatelessComponent {  
  Component build(BuildContext context) {  
    return Server(
		dataAccess: MyDataAccess(), // Or use style implemantation for mongo db or mysql.
        rootName: "my_server", // for internal ops. instead of hosts  
		children: {
	         "about": MyAbout(),
	         "api" : MyApiGateway()  
		// "[host]/" is directed to
		rootEndpoint: MyUnknownEndpoint()

Gateway #

class MyApiGateway extends StatelessComponent {  
  const MyApiGateway({Key? key}) : super(key: key);  
  Component build(BuildContext context) {  
    return Gateway(  
       	// "[host]/api" is directed to
        root: MyApiDocumentation(),
        children: {
	        // "[host]/api/v1" is directed to
	        "v1": MyV1Api(),
	        // "[host]/api/v2" is directed to
		    "v2": MyV2Api(),
		    // "[host]/api/{api-key}" is directed to
		    // for auto detect api version
		    // Look upper for GeneratedRedirect explanation 
			"{api-key}" : GeneratedRedirect()

// You can nest gateways.
class MyV1Api extends StatelessComponent {  
  const MyV1Api({Key? key}) : super(key: key);  
  Component build(BuildContext context) {  
    return Gateway(  
       	// "[host]/api/v1" is directed to
        root: MyApiDocumentation(),
        children: {
	        // "[host]/api/v1/user" is directed to
	        "user": MyUserV1(),
	        "post" : MyPostV1()

Path Route Segment #

Let's say we have a path like "[host]/api/v1/user/{user_id}/...". We want to send users in trend when this path is called "[host]/api/v1/user". We can use a segment both as an endpoint and as a segment.

// You can nest gateways.
class MyUserV1 extends StatelessComponent {  
  const MyUserV1({Key? key}) : super(key: key);  
  Component build(BuildContext context) {  
    return PathRoute(
	    // "[host]/api/v1/user" is called to endpoint
		root: SimpleEndpoint(
			onCall: (req) {
				// do something
				return req.response(data);
		// And we will create sub-segments
		child: PathRoute(
			segment: "{user_id}",
			// "[host]/api/v1/user/user1" is direct to
			child: RequestTransformer(
				onRequest : (req) {
					/// adapt to version 2
					return req;
				child: Redirect("../../../v2/user")
				// child: Redirect("my_server/api/v2/user")

Wrappers #

UnknownWrapper #

Unknown routes everywhere it wrappers lead to this endpoint. Except under scopes in lower layers.

UnknownWrapper(unknown: MyMediaUnknown(), child: MyPicture()),

Error Wrapper #

UnknownWrapper(error: MyErrorEndpoint(), child: MyPicture()),

class MyErrorEndpoint extends Endpoint {
	FutureOr<void> onError(StyleException exception, StackTrace stackTrace, Request request, BuildContext errorContext) async {
		//response own error message/view that specified for Picture Endpoint

DataAccess , Crypto , Logger #

Parts wrapped in these components get this implementation in the DataAccess.of(context) call.

DataAccess(dataAccess: MyDataAccessImplement(), child: MyPicture()),

Sub-wraps are excluded. Also this applies to Crypto and Logger.

Redirects #

Simple Redirect

Can redirect incoming requests to the specified route Support path-parent relation like parent's parent's new/path : ../../new/path


Or you can find with context ancestor services root names like:

Redirect(context.findService("my_other_service").rootName + "/path/to")
MyServiceState.of(context).rootName + "/path/to"


	onRequest: (req) async {
		var keyData  = await DataAccess.of(context)
		if (keyData["v"] == 1) {
			req.path.fullPath = "../v1";
		} else {
			req.path.fullPath = "../v2";
		req.body["api_key"] = req.path.arguments["api-key"];
		return req;


	auth: "path/to/auth_user",
	admin: "path/to/admin",
	unauth: "path/to/login"

Gates #

Gates passes requests or responses through a controller.

Simple Gate

	// If onRequest return instance of request
	// request sent to child
	// or return response
	// the response is sent to the upper layer to be sent to the client.
		onRequest : (req) {
			// do something
			return req;
		child: MyOtherEndpoint()


If the request does not meet the condition, it sends an permission denied error.

	// specify permission
	onRequestPermission : ()async {
		return true;
	child: MyComponent()


If the request does not meet the condition, it sends an unauthorized error.

	// specify auth required
	authRequired : true | false
	child: MyComponent()


	// MyComponent get only request that agent is Web Socket
	// or internal. Not allowed Http request
	// if het http request response with error
	allowedAgents : [, Agent.internal]
	child: MyComponent()

Schema Gate

	// in default check body
	// you can specify to queryParameters
	// checkQueryParameters: false
	schema: jsonSchema
	child: MyComponent()

You can also create for response

/// If responded body not passed the schema, sent error to client
	schema: jsonSchema
	child: MyComponent()



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