structorize 0.0.1+2 structorize: ^0.0.1+2 copied to clipboard
With just a few commands I create all The structure needed to get your Flutter project ready to run.
structorize #
With just a few commands I create all The structure needed to get your Flutter project ready to run.
Installation #
structorize: ^0.0.1+2
Setup #
- Note: By running this command some files in your flutter project will be modified. Example:
. So I do not advise running this command in a project that already has other configurations made
flutter pub run structorize:start
flutter pub get
flutter pub run gen_i18n:initialize --locale-en-pt
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
It is important to run all these commands to ensure that there is no error
This will create the following structure (Domain Driven Design):
Simplified View
├── ...
└── lib # Predefined directory
├── i18n # Responsible for translation classes
├── src
│ ├── application # Application layer includes dto and usecase
│ ├── domain # Domain layer includes model and service
│ ├── infrastructure # Infrastructure layer includes repository, firebase and sqflite
│ ├── injection # Injection responsible for the configuration of dependency injections
│ ├── presentation # Presentation layer includes user interface and notifier
│ ├── utils # Utils responsible for utility classes
│ ├── extension # Extension responsible for configuring the extensions
│ └── app.dart # Application configuration file
├── main.dart # Main file
└── route.dart # Defines application routes
| |-- lib
| | |-- i18n
| | | '-- i18n.dart
| | |-- main.dart
| | |-- route.dart
| | '-- src
| | |-- app.dart
| | |-- application
| | | '-- core
| | | |-- base_view_model.dart
| | | '-- base_view_model.g.dart
| | |-- domain
| | | '-- core
| | | |-- api.dart
| | | |-- navigator
| | | | '-- navigation_service.dart
| | | '-- value_objects
| | | '-- enum_values.dart
| | |-- infrastructure
| | | '-- core
| | | |-- http_client
| | | | |-- api_endpoints.dart
| | | | '-- dio_builder.dart
| | | '-- navigator
| | | '-- default_navigation_service.dart
| | |-- injection
| | | |-- config.dart
| | | |-- injectable_module.dart
| | | '-- injection.dart
| | |-- presentation
| | | |-- core
| | | | |-- animation_route.dart
| | | | |-- components
| | | | | |-- base_component.dart
| | | | | |-- bottom_sheet_container.dart
| | | | | |-- default_app_bar.dart
| | | | | '-- icon.dart
| | | | |-- functions.dart
| | | | '-- transparent_page_route.dart
| | | |-- empty_screen.dart
| | | '-- splash_screen.dart
| | '-- utils
| | |-- color_util.dart
| | |-- constants.dart
| | |-- size_util.dart
| | '-- theme_util.dart
| |-- pubspec.yaml
| '-- test
| '-- widget_test.dart
Note #
When creating a flutter project I adopted certain patterns of developments, folder structures and others Settings that help me build applications: testable, scalable, and easy to maintain.
In most of my works the architecture is the same, the design pattern is the same, the management state is the same and has dependencies that I use almost by default.
In this way I created this library in order to automate my work, with just a few commands I created all The structure needed to get a Flutter project ready to run.