stripe_intent_data 0.1.9 stripe_intent_data: ^0.1.9 copied to clipboard
A package to handle stripe payment's api responses and provides stripe intent details, charge details and customer details, it also create stipe cutomer ID if not available and returns equire data to [...]
stripe_intent_data #
A new Flutter package to reduce the effort to write stripe codes for making intent and get data from the API Like:
- Create Customer ID
- Get payment Intent Data
- Get Charge Details
Getting Started #
Create an Intent
String stripeSecretKey =
var data = await StripeIntentData(
currency: 'EUR',
stripeSecretKey: stripeSecretKey,
).getStripeIntent('name', 'email ID', 'amount', 'customer ID if available otherwise null');
Get Charge Details
String stripeSecretKey =
var data = await StripeIntentData(
currency: 'EUR',
stripeSecretKey: stripeSecretKey,
Example to understand the uses cases #