stripe_android 3.2.0 copy "stripe_android: ^3.2.0" to clipboard
stripe_android: ^3.2.0 copied to clipboard


Stripe platform implementation for Android

3.2.0 #

  • Added possibility to create a PII token.
  • Support country code in Cardfield.
  • Added default values to CardformField.
  • Several fixes by the Stripe sdk v.0.13.0.

3.1.1 #

  • Fix #771

3.1.0 #

  • Added styling parameters for the payment sheet.
  • Better error logging for Google Pay.
  • Fix #462 Not returning back when using in app browser.
  • Fix bug that threw not implemented exception in the nextCardAction method when using 3d Secure.
  • Make Flutter Stripe backwards compatible with Flutter v2.
  • Fix #731 Styling for the Cardform field.
  • Several fixes by the Stripe sdk v.0.10.0, v.0.11.0 and v.0.12.0 .

3.0.2 #

  • fix internal dependency version to stripe_platform_interface

3.0.1 #

** Breaking change **

  • handleCardAction is now called handleNextAction

3.0.0 #

** Breaking changes **

  • Support for Flutter 3 and support Dart sdk 2.16 and higher.
  • Only supports application running on Freezed v2.0.0 and higher
  • Changed parameter structure for createPaymentMethod, confirmPayment, confirmSetupIntent in line with latest changes of the Stripe SDK. For example
        	bankName:   'revolut',


              PaymentMethodDataIdeal( 'revolut'),
  • Change styling parameter structure for Cardformfield in order to support more styling options.

Other changes

  • Support for paypal (accessible in private beta on Stripe)
  • Several fixes by the Stripe sdk v.0.8.0 and v.0.9.0

2.5.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Mostly fixes and changes to types, but some method's now accept slightly different parameters:
    • Removed setUrlSchemeOnAndroid in favor of setReturnUrlSchemeOnAndroid. setReturnUrlSchemeOnAndroid functions exactly the same, this is just a rename.
    • Removed handleCardAction in favor of handleNextAction. handleNextAction functions exactly the same, this is just a rename.
  • BREAKING: This library now supports iOS 12 and up, due to stripe-ios increasing the deployment target.
    • To upgrade your iOS deployment target to 12.0, you can either do so in Xcode under your Build Settings, or by modifying IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in your project.pbxproj directly. You will also need to update your Podfile to target :ios, '12.0'.
  • Feat: add card ID and bankAccount ID to token response
  • Feat: Add support for ACHv2
  • Feat: Add support for setting a card's currency when creating a Token
  • Feat: Added support for placeholderColor, textErrorColor , borderColor, borderRadius, and borderWidth for AuBECSDebitForm on iOS
  • Several fixes by the Stripe sdk v0.7.0
  • Updated freezed dependency to allow 2.x

2.4.0 #

  • Add support for paying with Klarna.
  • Several fixes by the Stripe sdk v0.4.0
  • Fix #632 added return_url to payment sheet. Needed for Ideal payments
  • Fix #185 make sure that address will be added to the payment intent.

2.3.0 #

  • add isGooglePaySupported method
  • reenable support for legacy bank account token creation
  • Several fixes by the Stripe sdk v0.3.0

2.2.0 #

  • Add currency code to the Paymentsheet
  • Add validation state to cardfield
  • Deprecated CreatetokenParams use CreateTokenParams.card instead
  • Several fixes by the Stripe sdk v0.2.4
  • Fix #416 ocassional crash on Android on the Paymentsheetfragment

2.1.1 #

  • Improved logging for Android initialization
  • Fix #494 Make ShippingDetails parameters nullable
  • Fix #499 Update cardnumber when using dangerouslyGetFullCardDetails

2.1.0 #

** Enabled web support (Beta) **

Other changes

  • Integrated native form to collect Aubecs payment data
  • Add Button Border-Radius for Apple Pay Button #448
  • Update dependencies to comply to new Flutter and dart release
  • Add billing name for future payments #441

2.0.2 #

  • New params primaryButtonColor, billingDetails and allowsDelayedPaymentMethods for initPaymentSheet
  • Fixed iOS focus issues #408

2.0.1 #

  • FIX: focus issue on CardFormField on Android. #397
  • DOCS: correct AppCompat mention in #392

2.0.0 #

** First stable release **

** Breaking changes **

  • Temporarily disable Wechat

Other changes

  • add openApplePaySetup method
  • several fixes by Stripe SDK (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)
  • Focus issues on Android #14 are fixed

1.3.0 #


  • Deprecate redundant parameters for payment sheet.

Other changes

  • Add new multiline card form.
  • Add Stripe Google pay integration.
  • Add WeChat payment method.
  • Improved example app.

1.2.0 #

** Breaking changes **

  • Rename confirmPaymentMethod to confirmPayment accordingly with the change in the native SDK

Other changes

  • Sync with latest Stripe sdk.
  • Add StripeException that encapsulates finer grained and localized error messaging coming from the Stripe SDK.
  • Add CardEditController to handle the clear, focus, blur methods from the cardfield.
  • Implement FontFamily on iOS.
  • Add dangerouslyUpdateCardDetails to allow custom UIs. (Please be sure to understand the severe implications of this approach here).

1.1.0 #

** Breaking changes **

  • Make paymentIntentClientSecret nullable for SetupPaymentSheetParameters and add setupIntentClientSecret.
  • Rename ThreeDSecureSubmitButtonThemeData to ThreeDSecureButtonThemeData in order to facilitate for a generic class to customise 3D secure buttons.

Other changes

  • Sync with latest Stripe sdk.
  • Fix #147 add urlscheme to initialise method. Thanks to @dariuspo.
  • Improved focus behavior on Cardfield.
  • Add dangerouslyGetFullCardDetails and FontFamily to cardfield.
  • Better debug logging in case something goes wrong.

1.0.2 #

  • Fix #68 Android leaks and activity for result propagation
  • Add FPX payment method
  • Fix #87 can't create payment method iOS
  • Expose apple pay styling options to API

1.0.1+3 #

  • Fix: CardField textColor and enablePostalCode params

1.0.1+2 #

  • Fix Colors in CardField #64

1.0.1+1 #

  • Minor fix #57

1.0.1 #

  • Include Payment Sheet

1.0.0 #

  • Initial beta release