string_normalizer 0.3.1 copy "string_normalizer: ^0.3.1" to clipboard
string_normalizer: ^0.3.1 copied to clipboard

Helps you remove accents and diacritics from strings. It comes with a built-in Crawler feature.

String Normalizer #

Helps you remove accents and diacritics from strings. It comes with a built-in crawler feature, which can be made more reliable.

Data source:


Data of this package: local.dart

Usage #

  • Static method
final normalized = StringNormalizer.normalize('Đây là chữ có dấu');
// Result: Day la chu co dau
  • As an extension
final normalized = 'Đây là chữ có dấu'.normalize();
// Result: Day la chu co dau
  • Shorter version
final normalized = 'Đây là chữ có dấu'.nml;
// Result: Day la chu co dau

Some Test Cases #

group('Special test cases -', () {
  test('Combining characters', () {
    final normalized = 'ìáú'.normalize();
    expect(normalized, equals('iau'));

  test('English', () {
    final text =
        'Thîs Is à Löngêr Strîng Wîth Môre Cõmplicâtêd Cãses Änd Diãcritics.';
    final expectedText =
        'this is a longer string with more complicated cases and diacritics.';
    final normalized = StringNormalizer.normalize(text).toLowerCase();
    final normalizedExtension = text.normalize().toLowerCase();
    expect(normalized, equals(expectedText));
    expect(normalizedExtension, equals(expectedText));

  test('Greek', () {
    final text = 'Αυτή είναι η ελληνική φράση με ειδικούς χαρακτήρες! Αυτό είναι το νούμερο.';
    final expectedText = 'αυτη ειναι η ελληνικη φραση με ειδικους χαρακτηρες! αυτο ειναι το νουμερο.';
    final normalized = StringNormalizer.normalize(text).toLowerCase();
    final normalizedExtension = text.normalize().toLowerCase();
    expect(normalized, equals(expectedText));
    expect(normalizedExtension, equals(expectedText));

  test('Symbol', () {
    final text = '🄐🄰🅐🅰';
    final expectedText = 'aaaa';
    final normalized = StringNormalizer.normalize(text).toLowerCase();
    final normalizedExtension = text.normalize().toLowerCase();
    expect(normalized, equals(expectedText));
    expect(normalizedExtension, equals(expectedText));

  test('Mathematical', () {
    final text = '𝐀𝐁𝐂𝐃𝐚𝐛𝐜𝐝𝟘𝟙𝟚𝟛𝟜';
    final expectedText = 'ABCDabcd01234';
    expect(text.normalize(), equals(expectedText));

Contribution #

  • Run an internal Crawler:

    • Fork the project on github.
    • Run dart run string_normalizer:crawl.
    • The crawler will let you know if there is an available update.
    • Open a PR if there is an update.
  • Modify the Crawler to get the new data.

  • Open an issue or PR.

pub points



Helps you remove accents and diacritics from strings. It comes with a built-in Crawler feature.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


characters, dart_style, http


Packages that depend on string_normalizer