streamline 1.2.0
streamline: ^1.2.0 copied to clipboard
CQRS/Mediator Pattern library for a streamlined Flutter development
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import 'package:streamline/streamline.dart';
import 'package:streamline_example/features/app/presentation/to_do_app.dart';
import 'package:streamline_example/features/to_do/commands/delete_to_do.dart';
import 'package:streamline_example/features/to_do/commands/save_to_do.dart';
import 'package:streamline_example/features/to_do/queries/get_to_dos.dart';
import 'package:streamline_example/impl/to_do/support/shared_preferences_to_do_repository.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
/// This is the repository that will serve as our database so we will
/// inject this on our queries and commands down bellow.
final repo = SharedPreferencesToDoRepository(
sharedPreferences: await SharedPreferences.getInstance(),
/// Just for fun, we will measure the time it takes to execute our queries
/// and commands and also log all our messaging:
// The mediator config is where you bind all your commands, queries,
// aggregators and event handlers with the appropriate handlers.
// Notice that you can do that manually, using, for instance the
// [Mediator.$queryHandler] method or any other method in [Mediator].
// This method will be called after all handlers are registered and
// the widget is rendered.
onInitialize: () => debugPrint("Mediator initialized!"),
// Here we register all our request handlers. Notice that we are creating
// our ToDo repository and passing it here (so, basically, this is a
// singleton dependency being injected to whomever needs it). If you wish,
// you can use a dependency injection library like GetIt for this purpose.
queryHandlers: {
GetToDosQuery: () => GetToDosQueryHandler(repository: repo),
// Here we register all our command handlers.
commandHandlers: {
SaveToDoCommand: () => SaveToDoCommandHandler(repository: repo),
DeleteToDoCommand: () => DeleteToDoCommandHandler(repository: repo),
// From here on, you can use any Streamline widgets
child: const ToDoApp(),
// The code below are the responsible to measure the performance of each of
// our actions and also log them to the console.
Future<dynamic> _measureQueryPerformance(
IQuery<dynamic> action,
Future<dynamic> Function(IQuery<dynamic> newAction) next,
) =>
(action) => next(action as IQuery<dynamic>),
Future<dynamic> _measureCommandPerformance(
ICommand<dynamic> action,
Future<dynamic> Function(ICommand<dynamic> newAction) next,
) =>
(action) => next(action as ICommand<dynamic>),
Future<dynamic> _measureAggregatorPerformance(
IAggregator<dynamic> action,
Future<dynamic> Function(IAggregator<dynamic> newAction) next,
) =>
(action) => next(action as IAggregator<dynamic>),
Future<dynamic> _measureActionPerformance(
IAction<dynamic> action,
Future<dynamic> Function(IAction<dynamic> newAction) next,
) async {
final sw = Stopwatch()..start();
debugPrint("Executing ${action}");
final result = await next(action);
debugPrint("${action.runtimeType} executed in ${sw.elapsedMilliseconds}ms");
return result;
Future<void> _logEventDispatch(
IEvent event,
Future<void> Function(IEvent newAction) next,
) {
debugPrint("Emitting ${event}");
return next(event);
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