stream_state 0.0.3 copy "stream_state: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
stream_state: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


A very simple state management option for those struggling with declarative / react style programming.

StreamState #

Extremely simple and easy to use state management

StreamState is a simple state management option for those struggling with declarative / react style programming.

You do not need to understand what streams are, or how to use them to use this package. In fact if you do understand them well, than this style of state management is likely too simple a solution for what you are doing.

General concept #

The main idea in reactive style programming is that your UI just shows the current state of your app. Instead of manually telling a Text widget to change the string it is displaying, you store that string in a variable somewhere, and any time that variable changes, the text widget automatically updates.

If you're used to programming UIs in an imperative style (Qt for example), this can be a hard concept to adjust to at first, but I promise its really awesome, powerful and enjoyable to use once it 'clicks'.

How to use #

The included counter example manages 2 pieces of state, an int counter that stores how many times we have pressed a button, and a bool useRedText that says if we should display the counter using red text or not, updated by a checkbox at the top of the screen.

For each piece of state that you want to manage, create a StreamState object with an initial value. Each StreamState object can manage state of any type, including custom classes:

    var counter = StreamState<int>(initial: 0);
    var useRedText = StreamState<bool>(initial: true);

The current state of a StreamState object is stored in it's state attribute:


It is very easy to update the state -- just modify the state attribute of the StreamState object:

    useRedText.state = !useRedText.state;

To have a widget in your UI automatically update when the state changes, you can use a StreamStateBuilder widget:

    StreamStateBuilder<int>( // its good practice to tell the builder the type of the state (int)
        streamState: counter // give the builder the StreamState object
        builder: (context, currentState)=> Text('$currentState'), // build a widget using the current state

You can nest multiple StreamStateBuilder widgets to have access to many state objects at the same time. If one state will be modified more often than another, its better (but not necessary) to put it deeper in the tree:

    StreamStateBuilder<bool>( // users will modify 'useRedText' less often, so we put it on the outside
        streamState: useRedText, // provide the 'useRedText' StreamState object
        builder: (context, useRedTextState) => StreamStateBuilder<int>( // counter will change more often so its deeper in the tree
            streamState: counter, // provide the 'counter' StreamState object
            builder: (context, counterState) => Text(
                '$counterState', // we can access the counterState
                style: TextStyle(color: useRedTextState ? : null), // and also the useRedText state

Don't stress too much about the ordering of nested builders. Flutter rebuilds widgets extremely fast so in practice this isn't too important.

AppManager / where to store StreamState objects? #

For simplicity, the included counter example uses a singleton to store the StreamState objects. This makes it very easy to access your state from anywhere in your app. You can create as many of these singletons as you'd like to separate the logic of your code.

You could also store your StreamStates in any other way, including just in a stateful widget.

Why make this package? #

Flutter was my first experience with declarative / react style programming.

When first getting into Flutter I was overwhelmed by the complexity and start up investment needed to explore, learn and choose a state management solution.

I just wanted to find something that was very simple to grasp and that I could start implementing immediately so that I could continue learning the bulk and fun parts of flutter.

I made this package because it would have made making my first few apps a much more pleasant experience.

Do you need help? #

I'm now a massive fan of flutter and react style programming. I'm still learning but also want to give back and help others where I can. If you need help implementing this or are struggling with the concepts, feel free to reach out!


While everything (haha all 2 classes!) in this package work, I want to add more features to make using it even easier. The next thing I will add will likely be an easier way to deal with deep nesting of builders.

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A very simple state management option for those struggling with declarative / react style programming.

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