stream_mixin 3.0.4
stream_mixin: ^3.0.4 copied to clipboard
State management using stream to avoid use of flutter's State/setState/StatefulWidget, boosting the performance and code separation.
stream_mixin #
State management using stream to avoid use of flutter's State/setState/StatefulWidget, boosting the performance and code separation.
Breaking change in 2.0.0 and 3.0.0. Check the changelog. #
The Intention #
The intention for this package is to use stream instead of flutter's state for streaming data from the controller/adapter/service class to the widgets, which results in better performance and cleaner code.
Basic example #
A basic example of a counter service that increments the count and streams the count to the widget
class Counter with StreamMixin<int> {
increment() {
update((lastUpdate ?? 0) + 1);
/// You can either create a global instance of Counter or create a
/// singleton (recommented) like class by adding the following in Counter class
/// ```dart
/// Counter._();
/// static Counter instance = Counter._();
/// ```
final counter = Counter();
anywhereInTheApp() {
Widget someWidget() {
return StreamBuilder<int>(
stream: counter.onChange,
builder: (cxt, snap) => Text(( ?? 0).toString()),
Contribute ❤️ #
There are couple of ways in which you can contribute.
- Propose any feature, enhancement
- Report a bug
- Fix a bug
- Participate in a discussion and help in decision making
- Write and improve some documentation. Documentation is super critical and - its importance cannot be overstated!
- Send in a Pull Request 🙂