stream_live_data 0.0.19 stream_live_data: ^0.0.19 copied to clipboard
Flutter stream made easy
0.0.18 #
Web support
0.0.17 #
Fix Null safety on map
0.0.16 #
Triple transformation
0.0.14 #
List fixes
0.0.13 #
Handle Errors
0.0.12 #
Better LiveData, MutableLiveData, ListLiveData
0.0.11 #
Better LiveData, MutableLiveData, ListLiveData
0.0.10 #
Introducing LiveData, MutableLiveData, ListLiveData
0.0.9 #
Active register - notify change with latest value to registered class.
0.0.8 #
Fix didn't hold latest value Added Livedata.From, to duplicate live data.
0.0.7 #
Live data with error state.
0.0.6 #
LiveData Transformation, Take two live data and combine into one.
0.0.5 #
LiveDataBuilder, build ui with builder which except LiveData.
0.0.4 #
Live data wraps flutter streams to make them easy to handle. just create LiveData for your preferable type and register for changes.