stomp_dart_client 2.1.3
stomp_dart_client: ^2.1.3 copied to clipboard
Dart STOMP client for easy messaging interoperability. Build with flutter in mind, but should work for every dart application.
Stomp Dart #
This library provides an implementation for a STOMP client connecting to a remote server. It should work for both pure dart and flutter.
Usage #
The client gets created the specified config, please see the Config section to see all available options
StompClient client = StompClient(
config: StompConfig(
url: 'wss://yourserver',
onConnect: onConnectCallback
The connect callback should be used to make sure that we are actually connected before we subscribe or send messages
void onConnectCallback(StompFrame connectFrame) {
// client is connected and ready
client.subscribe(destination: '/foo/bar', headers: {}, callback: (frame) {
// Received a frame for this subscription
client.ack(id: message-id, headers: headers);
client.nack(id: message-id, headers: headers);
returns a function which can be called with an optional map of headers
dynamic unsubscribeFn = client.subscribe(destination: '/foo/bar', headers: {}, callback: (frame) {
// Received a frame for this subscription
unsubscribeFn(unsubscribeHeaders: {});
client.send(destination: '/foo/bar', body: 'Your message body', headers: {});
StompConfig #
This table shows all available options in StompConfig
Option | Description |
url: String | The url of the server you want connect to (required) |
reconnectDelay: Duration | Time duration between reconnect attempts. Set to 0 ms if you don't want to reconnect automatically. The default value is 5 seconds |
heartbeatOutgoing: Duration | Time duration between outgoing heartbeat messages. Set to 0 ms to not send any heartbeats. The default value is 5 seconds |
heartbeatIncoming: Duration | Time duration between incoming heartbeat messages. Set to 0 ms to not receive any heartbeats. The default value is 5 seconds |
pingInterval: Duration | Time duration between ping messages being sent on the underlying WebSocket. (Not supported in Web) |
connectionTimeout: Duration | Time duration it waits until a connection attempt is aborted. Set to 0 ms to not set a timeout. The default value is 0 ms |
stompConnectHeaders: Map<String, String> | Optional header values which will be used on the STOMP connect frame |
webSocketConnectHeaders: Map<String, dynamic> | Optional header values which will be used when connecting to the underlying WebSocket (not supported in Web) |
beforeConnect: Future | An async function which will be awaited before a connection is established |
onConnect: Function(StompFrame) | Function to be called when the client successfully connects to the server |
onDisconnect: Function(StompFrame) | Function to be called when the client disconnects expectedly |
onStompError: Function(StompFrame) | Function to be called when the stomp server sends an error frame |
onUnhandledFrame: Function(StompFrame) | Function to be called when the server sends a unrecognized frame |
onUnhandledMessage: Function(StompFrame) | Function to be called when a subscription message does not have a handler |
onUnhandledReceipt: Function(StompFrame) | Function to be called when a receipt message does not have a registered watcher |
onWebSocketError: Function(dynamic) | Function to be called when the underyling WebSocket throws an error |
onWebSocketDone: Function() | Function to be called when the underyling WebSocket is done/disconnected |
onDebugMessage: Function(String) | Function to be called for debug messages generated by the internal message handler |
Use Stomp with SockJS #
Use StompConfig.sockJS constructor instead of default StompConfig constructor. Note: This library does not use SockJS as its underlying connection protocol. It uses normal WebSockets, but supports SockJS URLs and data packets ( &
StompClient client = StompClient(
config: StompConfig.sockJS(
url: 'https://yourserver',
onConnect: onConnectCallback
Evaluation of headers #
The STOMP client checks the content-type
while parsing a received message. If the
header contains the value application/octet-stream
the message body will be treated
as binary data. The resulting StompFrame
will have a binaryBody
. The body
of the
frame will be empty in this case. The same is true if the content-type
header is
Token Authentication (browser-based clients) #
Browser clients can only use standard authentication headers (that is, basic HTTP authentication) or cookies and cannot provide custom headers (such as "Authorization" to use a Bearer token). Thus webSocketConnectHeaders
will do nothing in a browser environment.
Alternatives are:
- Use the STOMP client to pass authentication headers at connect time. (recommended)
- Use
to pass your headers in theCONNECT
frame. Parse those headers on the server (i.e. by using aChannelInterceptor
in Spring)
- Use
- Pass your authentication token/credentials as query parameter.
Development #
Running unit tests
dart run test -p "chrome,vm" --compiler chrome:dart2wasm,chrome:dart2js test/
Generating coverage data
dart pub global activate coverage
dart pub global run coverage:collect_coverage --port=8111 --out=coverage.json --wait-paused --resume-isolates & dart --disable-service-auth-codes --enable-vm-service=8111 --pause-isolates-on-exit test/test_all.dart
And to convert to lcov
dart pub global run coverage:format_coverage --lcov --in=coverage.json --packages=.packages --report-on=lib