step_progress_indicator 1.0.2 copy "step_progress_indicator: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
step_progress_indicator: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard

Bar indicator made of a series of selected and unselected steps

[1.0.2] - 2 January 2022 #

  • Fixed issue with blendMode and roundedEdges (#32)

[1.0.1] - 16 June 2021 #

  • StepProgressIndicator and CircularStepProgressIndicator constructors as const
  • Added stepMainAxisAlignment and stepCrossAxisAlignment to align single step in StepProgressIndicator (#28)

[1.0.0] Nullsafety - 10 May 2021 #

  • Added removeRoundedCapExtraAngle to CircularStepProgressIndicator to remove extra angle caused by StrokeCap.butt when roundedCap is applied (#20)
  • Added the option to specify alignment for StepProgressIndicator (Thanks to @faridg18 for his contribution (#15))
  • Added blendMode for gradient of StepProgressIndicator (#16)
  • Fixed issue on StepProgressIndicator when adding roundedEdges with padding == 0 and no steps selected (#23)

[0.2.5+8] - 01 December 2020 #

  • Fixed issue when adding roundedEdges with only one step (#12)
  • Added more widget tests

[0.2.4+7] - 25 August 2020 #

  • Added roundedCap property to CircularStepProgressIndicator (#7)
  • Added gradientColor property to CircularStepProgressIndicator, and gradientColor, selectedGradientColor and unselectedGradientColor to StepProgressIndicator (#8)
  • Fixed customStepSize when circularDirection is CircularDirection.counterclockwise: now the step indexes start at 0 from the left to the right as expected
  • Added isSelected bool parameter to customStepSize, used to change the step size based on the selected/unselected status of the current step (breaking change)
  • Updated and expanded documentation examples
  • Fixed documentations updates

[0.2.3+6] - 20 May 2020 #

  • Added arcSize property to CircularStepProgressIndicator that allows you to draw semi-circle indicators (#3)
  • Adjusted default startingAngle to 0 instead of -math.pi / 2 (breaking change)
  • Fixed imports and small issues

[0.2.2+5] - 26 April 2020 #

  • Added material ripple effect on step tap (Thanks to @rodineijf for his contribution (#1))
  • Implemented roundedEdges property to add rounded edge corners to first and last step of the indicator (#2)
  • Updated and improved documentation and examples

[0.2.1+4] - 25 Febraury 2020 #

  • Updated LICENSE, from GPL3 to MIT

[0.2.0+3] - 24 Febraury 2020 #

  • Added CircularStepProgressIndicator
  • Added optimized support for Continuous Progress Indicators (by setting padding to 0 and not using custom attributes)
  • Added more attributes
    • customSize
    • selectedSize
    • unselectedSize
    • fallbackLength
  • Made indicator custom attributes (customStep, customColor, onTap, customSize) zero-based (breaking change)
  • Added more examples
  • Updated the documentation with more screens and detailed examples
  • Added CircularStepProgressIndicator animation example
  • Bug fixing

[0.1.1+2] - 24 January 2020 #

[0.1.0+1] - 23 January 2020 #

Initial release

pub points



Bar indicator made of a series of selected and unselected steps

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on step_progress_indicator