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states_rebuilder: ^4.3.0-beta+1 copied to clipboard


a simple yet powerful state management technique for Flutter

states_rebuilder #

pub package CircleCI codecov

- Performance - Predictable and controllable state mutation - Immutable / Mutable states support - Strictly rebuild control - Auto clean state when not used
  • Code Clean

    • Zero Boilerplate
    • No annotation & code-generation
    • Separation of UI & business logic
    • Achieve business logic in pure Dart.
  • User Friendly

    • Built-in dependency injection system
    • SetState in StatelessWidget.
    • Hot-pluggable Stream / Futures
    • Easily Undo / Redo
    • Elegant error handling and refreshing
    • Navigate, show dialogs without BuildContext
    • Named route with dynamic segmenet
    • Nested routes mapping
    • Easily persist the state and retrieve it back
    • Override the state for a particular widget tree branch (widget-wise state)
  • development-time-saving

    • Easily CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE (CRUD) from rest-API or database.
    • Easy user authentication and authorization.
    • Easily app themes management.
    • Simple internalization and localization.
    • Work with TextFields and Form validation, both in client and server side.
    • Implicit animation with the power of explicit animation.
    • Easy and user friendly interface for ScrollControllers
  • Maintainable

    • Easy to test, mock the dependencies
    • state tracker middleware
    • Built-in debugging print function
    • Capable for complex apps

Table of Contents #

Getting Started with States_rebuilder #

  1. Add the latest version to your package's pubspec.yaml file.

  2. Import it in any Dart code:

import 'package:states_rebuilder/states_rebuilder.dart';
  1. Basic use case:
// πŸ—„οΈPlain Data Class
class Model {
  int counter;


// πŸ€”Business Logic - Service Layer
extension ModelX on Model {
  increment() => this.counter++;  

// πŸš€Global Functional Injection 
// This state will be auto-disposed when no longer used, and also testable and mockable.
final model = RM.inject<Model>(
  () => Model(0), 
  undoStackLength: 8,
  //Called after new state calculation and just before state mutation
  middleSnapState: (MiddleSnapState middleSnap){
    //Log all state transition.

    middleSnap.print()//Build-in logger

    //Can return another state

// πŸ‘€UI  
class CounterApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const CounterApp();
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column (
        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
        children: [
                child: const Text('🏎️ Counter ++'),
                onPressed: () => model.setState(
                    (s) => s.increment(),
                child: const Text('⏱️ Undo'),
                onPressed: () => model.undoState(),
              () => Text('🏁Result: ${model.state.counter}'),

Breaking Changes #

Since 4.0:   Here #

Since 3.0:   Here #

Since 2.0:   Here #

A Quick Tour of states_rebuilder API #

Business logic #

The business logic classes are independent from any external library. They are independent even from states_rebuilder itself.

The specificity of states_rebuilder is that it has practically no boilerplate. It has no boilerplate to the point that you do not have to monitor the asynchronous state yourself. You do not need to add fields to hold for example onLoading, onLoaded, onError states. states_rebuilder automatically manages these asynchronous statuses and exposes the isIdle, isWaiting, hasError and hasData getters and onIdle, onWaiting, onError and onData hooks for use in the user interface logic.

With states_rebuilder, you write business logic without bearing in mind how the user interface would interact with it.

This is a typical simple business logic class:

class Foo { //don't extend any other library specific class
  int mutableState = 0; // the state can be mutable
  final int immutableState; // Or it can be immutable (no difference)

  Future<int> fetchSomeThing async(){
    //No need for any kind of async state tracking variables
    return repository.fetchSomeThing();
    //No need for any kind of notification

  Stream<int> streamSomeThing async*(){
    //Methods can return stream, future, or simple sync objects,
    //states_rebuilder treats them equally

cheat cheet

To make the Foo object reactive, we simply inject it using global functional injection:

final Injected<Foo> foo = RM.inject<Foo>(
  ()=> Foo(),
  onInitialized : (Foo state) => print('Initialized'),
  // Default callbacks for side effects.
  onSetState: On.all(
    onIdle: () => print('Is idle'),
    onWaiting: () => print('Is waiting'),
    onError: (error) => print('Has error'),
    onData: (Foo data) => print('Has data'),
  // It is disposed when no longer needed
  onDisposed: (Foo state) => print('Disposed'),
  // To persist the state
  persist:() => PersistState(
      key: '__FooKey__',
      toJson: (Foo s) => s.toJson(),
      fromJson: (String json) => Foo.fromJson(json),
      // Optionally, throttle the state persistance
      throttleDelay: 1000,
  // middleSnapState as a middleWare place
  // Used to track and log state lifecycle and transitions.
  // It can also be used to return another state created from 
  // the current state and the next state.
  middleSnapState: (middleSnap) {
     middleSnap.print(); //Build-in logger
    // Example of simple email validation
    if (middleSnap.nextSnap.hasData) {
      if (!'@')) {
        return middleSnap.nextSnap.copyToHasError(
          Exception('Enter a valid Email'),
//For simple injection you can use `inj()` extension:
final foo = Foo().inj<Foo>();
final isBool = false.inj();
final string = 'str'.inj();
final count = 0.inj();

Injected interface is a wrapper class that encloses the state we want to inject. The state can be mutable or immutable.

Injected state can be instantiated globally or as a member of classes. They can be instantiated inside the build method without losing the state after rebuilds.

To inject a state, you use RM.inject, RM.injectFuture, RM.injectStream or RM.injectFlavor.

The injected state even if it is injected globally it has a lifecycle. It is created when first used and destroyed when no longer used. Between the creation and the destruction of the state, it can be listened to and mutated to notify its registered listeners.

When the state is disposed of, its list of listeners is cleared, and if the state is waiting for a Future or subscribed to a Stream, it will cancel them to free resources.

Injected state can depend on other Injected states and recalculate its state and notify its listeners whenever any of its of the Inject model that it depends on emits a notification.

πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about the RM.injected API.

To mutate the state and notify listener:

//Inside any callback: 
foo.state= newFoo;
//Or for more options

  (s) => s.fetchSomeThing(),
  onSetState: On.waiting(()=> showSnackBar() ),
  debounceDelay : 400,

//if state is bool

The state when mutated emits a notification to its registered listeners. The emitted notification has a boolean flag to describe is status :

  • isIdle : the state is first created and no notification is emitted yet.
  • isWaiting: the state is waiting for an async task to end.
  • hasError: the state mutation has ended with an error.
  • hasData: the state mutation has ended with valid data.

states_rebuilder offers callbacks to handle the state status change. The state status callbacks are conveniently defined using the On class with its named constructor alternatives:

// Called when notified regardless of state status of the notification
On(()=> print('on'));
// Called when notified with data status> print('data'));
// Called when notified with waiting status
On.waiting(()=> print('waiting'));
// Called when notified with error status
On.error((err, refresh)=> print('error'));
// Exhaustively handle all four status
  onIdle: ()=> print('Idle'), // If is Idle
  onWaiting: ()=> print('Waiting'), // If is waiting
  onError: (err, refresh)=> print('Error'), // If has error 
  onData:  ()=> print('Data'), // If has Data
// Optionally handle the four status
  onWaiting: ()=> print('Waiting'),
  onError: (err, refresh)=> print('Error'),
  onData:  ()=> print('Data'),
  or: () =>  print('or')

//Used to listen to a future.
    onWaiting: ()=> Text('Waiting..'),
    onError: (error, refresher) => Text('Error'),//Future can be reinvoked
    onData: (data)=> MyWidget(),
).future(()=> anyKindOfFuture);

//This widget subscribes to the `stateAsync` of the injected model.
//This is a one-time subscription of the `onWaiting` and `onError` and 
//ongoing subscription of `onData`
    onWaiting: ()=> Text('Waiting..'),//One-time subscription
    //On error, future can be reinvoked
    onError: (error, refresher) => Text('Error'),//One-time subscription
    onData: (data)=> MyWidget(),//Ongoing subscription

///Used with injectedCRUD. It watches the state of the backend service
    onWaiting: ()=> Text('Waiting..'),//The querying is ongoing
    onError: (error, refresh) => Text('Error'),// The querying fails
    onResult: (result)=> MyWidget(),// The querying succeeds

///Used with injectedAuth. It displays the right page depending on the signed user
    onWaiting: ()=> Text('Waiting..'),
    onUnsigned: ()=> AuthPage(),
    onSigned: ()=> HomeUserPage(),

///Listen to an injectedAnimation and set the animation tween implicitly of explicitly
    (animate) => Container(
        width: ? 200.0 : 100.0),
        color: animate(selected ? :,
        alignment: animate(selected ? : AlignmentDirectional.topCenter),
        child: const FlutterLogo(size: 75),

///List to an InjectedForm and control TextField inside its callback
  () => Column(
    children: <Widget>[
            focusNode: email.focusNode,
            controller: email.controller,
            onSubmitted: (_) {
            focusNode: password.focusNode,
            controller: password.controller,
            onSubmitted: (_) {

///Listen to an InjectedScrolling
  (scroll) {
    if (scroll.isScrolling) {
      //While scrolling return an empty container
      return Container();
    return FloatingActionButton(
      onPressed: () {},

All onError callbacks expose a refresher. It can be use to refresh the error; that is recalling the last function that caused the error.

πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about setState API.

You can notify listeners without changing the state using :


You can also refresh the state to its initial state and reinvoke the creation function then notify listeners using:


refresh is useful to re-execute async data fetching to get the updated data from a server. Typical use is the refresh a ListView display.

If the state is persisted, calling refresh will delete the persisted state and replace it with the newly created one.

Calling refresh will cancel any pending async task from the state before refreshing.

πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about the refresh API.

UI logic #

  • To listen to an injected state from the User Interface:

    • For general use and full options use:
          onIdle: ()=> Text('Idle'),
          onWaiting: ()=> Text('Waiting'),
          onError: (err, refresh)=> Text('Error'),
          onData:  ()=> Text('Data'),
        foo, //Listen to foo state
        //called once the widget is inserted
        initState: ()=> print('initState'),
        //called once the widget is removed
        dispose: ()=> print('dispose'),
        //called after notification and before rebuild
        onSetState: On.error((err) => print('error')),
        //called after notification and rebuild
        onAfterBuild: On(()=> print('After build')),
    • Rebuild when model has data only:
      // Equivalent to
      foo.rebuilder(()=> Text('${model.state}')); 
    • Handle all possible async status:
      // Equivalent to On.all
          isIdle: ()=> Text('Idle'),
          isWaiting: ()=> Text('Waiting'),
          hasError: ()=> Text('Error'),
          hasData: ()=> Text('Data'),
    • Listen to a future from foo and notify this widget only.
          future: (state, stateAsync)=> state.fetchSomeThing(),
          onWaiting: ()=> Text('Waiting..'),
          onError: (err) => Text('Error'),
          onData: (T data) => Text(data),
    • Listen to a stream from foo and notify this widget only.
          stream: (state, subscription)=> state.streamSomeThing(),
          onWaiting: ()=> Text('Waiting..'),
          onError: (err) => Text('Error'),
          onData: (T data) => Text(data),
          onDone: ()=> Text('Done'),
  • To listen to many injected models and expose a merged state:

          isWaiting: ()=> Text('Waiting'),//If any is waiting
          hasError: (err, refresh)=> Text('Error'),//If any has error
          isIdle: ()=> Text('Idle'),//If any is Idle
          hasData: (data)=> Text('Data'),//If all have Data
      ).listenTo([model1, model1 ..., modelN]);

    πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about the widget listeners.

  • To undo and redo immutable state:


    πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about undo redo state.

  • To navigate, show dialogs and snackBars without BuildContext:;'/namePage');
    RM.navigate.toDialog(AlertDialog( ... ));
    RM.scaffoldShow.snackbar(SnackBar( ... ));

    You can easily change page transition animation, using one of the predefined TransitionBuilder or just define yours.

    You can use dynamic segments with named routing

    return MaterialApp(
        navigatorKey: RM.navigate.navigatorKey,
        onGenerateRoute: RM.navigate.onGenerateRoute({
          '/': (_) => LoginPage(),
          '/posts': (_) => RouteWidget(
                routes: {
                  '/:author': (RouteData data) {
                      final queryParams = data.queryParams;
                      final pathParams = data.pathParams;
                      final arguments = data.arguments;
                      //Inside a child widget of AuthorWidget :
                      return  AuthorWidget();
                  '/postDetails': (_) => PostDetailsWidget(),
          '/settings': (_) => SettingsPage(),

    In the UI:'/'); // => renders LoginPage()'/posts'); // => 404 error'/posts/foo'); // =>  renders AuthorWidget(), with pathParams = {'author' : 'foo' }'/posts/postDetails'); // =>  renders PostDetailsWidget(),
    //If you are in AuthorWidget you can use relative path (name without the back slash at the beginning)'postDetails'); // =>  renders PostDetailsWidget(),'postDetails', queryParams : {'postId': '1'}); // =>  renders PostDetailsWidget(),

    πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about router.

  • To Persist the state and retrieve it when the app restarts,

    final model = RM.inject<MyModel>(
      persist:() => PersistState(
        key: 'modelKey',
        toJson: (MyModel s) => s.toJson(),
        fromJson: (String json) => MyModel.fromJson(json),
        //Optionally, throttle the state persistance
        throttleDelay: 1000,

    You can manually persist or delete the state


    πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about state persistance.

  • To Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) from backend or DataBase,

    final products = RM.injectCRUD<Product, Param>(
        ()=> MyProductRepository(),//Implements ICRUD<Product, Param>
        readOnInitialization: true,// Optional (Default is false)
    //READ (param)=> NewParam());
      where: (product) => == 1,
      set: (product)=> product.copyWith(...),
      where: (product) => == 1,
      isOptimistic: false, // Optional (Default is true)

    πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about InjectCRUD.

  • To authenticate and authorize users,

    final user = RM.injectAuth<User, Param>(
        ()=> MyAuthRepository(),//Implements IAuth<User, Param>
        unSignedUser: UnsignedUser(),
        onSigned: (user)=> //Navigate to home page,
        onUnsigned: ()=> //navigate to Auth Page,
        autoSignOut: (user)=> Duration(seconds: user.tokenExpiryDate)
    //Sign up
    user.auth.signUp((param)=> Param());
    //Sign in
    user.auth.signIn((param)=> Param());
    //Sign out

    πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about InjectAuth.

  • Widget-wise state (overriding the state):

final items = [1,2,3];

final item = RM.inject(()=>null);

class App extends StatelessWidget{
  build (context){
    return ListView.builder(
      itemCount: items.length,
      itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
        return item.inherited( //inherited uses the InheritedWidget concept
          stateOverride: () => items[index],
          builder: () {

            return const ItemWidget();
            //Inside ItemWidget you can use the buildContext to get 
            //the right state for each widget branch using:
            item.of(context); //the Element owner of context is registered to item model.
            item(context) //the Element owner of context is not registered to item model.

πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about the topic of state widget-wise and InheritedWidget.

  • To dynamically switch themes,

    final theme = RM.injectTheme<String>(
        lightThemes : {
          'simple': ThemeData.light( ... ),
          'solarized': ThemeData.light( ...),
        darkThemes: {
          'simple': ThemeData.dark( ... ),
          'solarized': ThemeData.dark( ...),
        themeMode: ThemeMode.system;
        persistKey: '__theme__',
    //choose the theme
    theme.state = 'solarized'
    //toggle between dark and light mode of the chosen them

    πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about InjectedTheme.

  • To internationalize and localize your app:

    //US english
    class EnUS {
      final helloWorld = 'Hello world';
    class EsEs implements EnUs{
      final helloWorld = 'Hola Mondo';
    final i18n = RM.injectI18N<EnUS>(
          Local('en', 'US'): ()=> EnUS();//can be async
          Local('es', 'ES'): ()=> EsES();
        persistKey: '__lang__', //local persistance of language 

    In the UI:

    //choose the language
    i18n.locale = Local('es', 'Es');
    //Or choose the system language
    i18n.locale = SystemLocale();

    πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about InjectedI18N.

    • To set an animation:
    final animation = RM.injectAnimation(
      duration: const Duration(seconds: 1),
      curve: Curves.linear,

    In the UI: For Implicit animation

      child: On.animation(
          (animate) => Container(
              // Animate is a callable class
              width: ? 200.0 : 100.0),
              height: animate(selected ? 100.0 : 200.0, 'height'),
              color: animate(selected ? :,
              alignment: animate(selected ? : AlignmentDirectional.topCenter),
              child: const FlutterLogo(size: 75),

    For explicit animation

      (animate) => Transform.rotate(
      angle: animate.formTween(
          (currentValue) => Tween(begin: 0, end: 2 * 3.14),
      child: const FlutterLogo(size: 75),

    πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about InjectedAnimation.

    • To deal with TextFields and Form validation
    final email =  RM.injectTextEditing():
    final password = RM.injectTextEditing(
      validator: (String? value) {
        if (value!.length < 6) {
          return "Password must have at least 6 characters";
        return null;
    final form = RM.injectForm(
      autovalidateMode: AutovalidateMode.disable,
      autoFocusOnFirstError: true,
      submit: () async {
        //This is the default submission logic,
        //It may be override when calling form.submit( () async { });
        //It may contains server validation.
        await serverError =  authRepository.signInWithEmailAndPassword(
            email: email.text,
            password: password.text,
          //after server validation
          if(serverError == 'Invalid-Email'){
            email.error = 'Invalid email';
          if(serverError == 'Weak-Password'){
            email.error = 'Password must have more the 6 characters';
      onSubmitting: () {
        // called while waiting for form submission,
      onSubmitted: () {
        // called after form is successfully submitted
        // For example navigation to user page

    In the UI:

        () => Column(
          children: <Widget>[
                  focusNode: email.focusNode,
                  controller: email.controller,
                  decoration: InputDecoration(
                    errorText: email.error,
                  onSubmitted: (_) {
                    //request the password node
                  focusNode: password.focusNode,
                  controller: password.controller,
                  decoration: new InputDecoration(
                    errorText: password.error,
                  onSubmitted: (_) {
                    //request the submit button node
                onSubmitting: () => CircularProgressIndicator(),
                child : ElevatedButton(
                  focusNode: form.submitFocusNode,
                  onPressed: (){
                  child: Text('Submit'),

    πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about InjectedTextEditing and InjectedForm.

    • To work with scrolling list:
    final scroll = RM.injectScrolling(
      initialScrollOffset: 0.0,
      keepScrollOffset: true,
      endScrollDelay: 300,
      onScrolling: (scroll){
        if (scroll.hasReachedMinExtent) {
        print('Scrolling vertical list is in its top position');
        if (scroll.hasReachedMaxExtent) {
          print('Scrolling vertical list is in its bottom position');
        if (scroll.hasStartedScrolling) {
          //Called only one time.
          print('User has just start scrolling');

    In the UI:

        controller: scroll.controller,
        children: <Widget>[],

    πŸ—Ž See more detailed information about InjectedScrolling.

  • To mock it in test:

      // You can even mock the mocked implementation
      model.injectMock(()=> MyMockModel());

    Similar to RM.inject there are:

    RM.injectFuture  // For Future, 
    RM.injectStream, // For Stream,
    RM.injectFlavor  // For flavor and development environment

And many more features.

Examples: #

Basics: #

Since you are new to states_rebuilder, this is the right place for you to explore. The order below is tailor-made for you πŸ˜ƒ:

  • Hello world app: Hello world app. It gives you the most important feature simply by say hello world. You will understand the concept of global function injection and how to make a pure dart class reactive. You will see how an injected state can depends on other injected state to be refreshed when the other injected state emits notification.

  • The simplest counter app: Default flutter counter app refactored using states_rebuilder.

  • Login form validation: Simple form login validation. The basic Injected concepts are put into practice to make form validation one of the easiest tasks in the world. The concept of exposed model is explained here.

  • CountDown timer. This is a timer that ticks from 60 and down to 0. It can be paused, resumed or restarted.

  • Theming and internationalization. This is a demonstration how to handle theme switching and app internationalization using RM.injectedTheme and RM.injectedI18N.

  • CRUD query. This is an example of a backend service fetching data app. The app performs CRUD operation using RM.injectCRUD.

  • Infinite scroll listView. This is another example of CRUD operation using RM.injectCRUD. More items will be fetched when the list reaches its bottom.

Advanced: #

Here, you will take your programming skills up a notch, deep dive in Architecture 🧐:

  • User posts and comments: The app communicates with the JSONPlaceholder API, gets a User profile from the login using the ID entered. Fetches and shows the Posts on the home view and shows post details with an additional fetch to show the comments.

Firebase Series: #

  • Firebase login The app uses firebase for sign in. The user can sign in anonymously, with google account, with apple account or with email and password.

Firestore Series in Todo App: #

TODOS MVC app The same examples as above adding the possibility for a user to sin up and log in. A user will only see their own todos. The log in will be made with a token which, once expired, the user will be automatically disconnected.

--> -->
Note that all of the above examples are tested. With `states_rebuilder`, testing your business logic is the simplest part of your coding time as it is made up of simple dart classes. On the other hand, testing widgets is no less easy, because with `states_rebuilder` you can isolate the widget under test and mock its dependencies.**


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a simple yet powerful state management technique for Flutter

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