states_rebuilder 1.11.1 copy "states_rebuilder: ^1.11.1" to clipboard
states_rebuilder: ^1.11.1 copied to clipboard


a simple yet powerful state management technique for Flutter

1.11.1 (2020-01-05) #

  • Add onData(BuildContext, T) parameter to setState method. It is a shortcut to:

1.11.0 (2020-01-05) #

  • Inject.get for injected streams and future will no longer throw, it will return the the current value.
  • If whenConnectionState is defined, catchError is set true automatically.
  • Add watch parameter to StateBuilder widget and. watch allows to link the rebuild process to the variation of a set of variables.(Experimental feature).
  • Remove deprecated getAsModel and hasState.
  • Update docs and add Dependency Injection section in the readme file.

1.10.0 (2019-12-30) #

  • Add whenConnectionState method to the ReactiveModel. IT exhaustively switch over all the possible statuses of connectionState. Used mostly to return a Widget. (Pul request of ResoCoder).

1.9.0 (2019-12-28) #

  • Add assertion error helpful messages.
  • Add isIdle getter to the ReactiveModel as a shortcut to : connectionState == ConnectionState.none
  • Add isWaiting getter to the ReactiveModel as a shortcut to : connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting
  • Add onError(BuildContext, dynamic) parameter to setState method.
  • Add joinSingletonToNewData parameter to setState method.
  • Refactor codes to remove bugs and to use Flutter 1.12 version.

1.8.0 (2019-12-06) #

1- Add the following features: (See readme fille).

  • onSetState and onRebuildState parameters to the StateBuilder.
  • The BuildContext is the default tag of StateBuilder.
  • JoinSingleton, inheritedInject, initialCustomStateStatus parameters to Inject
  • reinject and getAsReactive to Injector. 2- Remove the following parameters:(Breaking changes)
  • tagID parameter from StateBuilder. before
  builder: (BuildContext context, String tagID){
    // code


  models: [firstModel, secondModel],
  builder: (BuildContext context, ReactiveModel<T> model){
    /// No more need for the `tagID` because the `context` is used as `tagID`.
    /// the model is the first instance (firstModel) in the list of the [models] parameter.
    /// If the parameter [models] is not provided then the model will be a new reactive instance
    /// See readme file for more information
  • The model parameter of the Injector.builder method. before
  builder: (BuildContext context, T model){
    // code


  builder: (BuildContext context){
    // no need for model parameter. It has less boilerplate.
  • Injector.getAsModel, StateBuilder.viewModel and StatesRebuilder.hasState are deprecated, and replaced by Injector.getAsReactive, StateBuilder.models and StatesRebuilder.hasObservers respectively.

1.7.0 (2019-11-14) #

1- Add onSetState parameter to the setState method to define a callback to be executed after state mutation. The callBack takes the context so you can push/pop routes, show dialogs or snackBar. (see example folder).

2- Add catchError parameter to the setState method to define whether to catch error while mutining the state or not.(see example folder). If an error is thrown, hasError getter is true and the error can be obtained via the error getter (see point 5 below).

3- Add the getter connectionState to the ModelStatesRebuilder<T>to get the asynchronous status of the state. it can be ConnectionState.none before executing the Future, ConnectionState.waiting while waiting for the Future and ConnectionState.done after resolving the Future.

4- Add the field stateStatus to the ModelStatesRebuilder<T> class. It allows defining a custom status of the state other than those defined by the connectionState getter.

5- add the getter hasError, hasData and error to the ModelStatesRebuilder<T> class.

6- Change the name blocs to models.

7- Refactor the code and fix bugs.

8- Update docs and examples.

1.6.1 (2019-10-22) #

  • Add watch parameter to setState method and constructor. watch allows to link the rebuild process to the variation of a set of variables.
  • Update docs

1.6.0+1 (2019-10-18) #

  • Add Injector.getAsModel method. When called with the context parameter, the calling widget is automatically registered as a listener.
  • Add setState(Function(state)) to mutate the state and update the dependent the views from the UI.
  • Model class have not to extend StatesRebuilder to get reactivity.
  • Add the named constructorInject.future which take a future and update dependents when future completes.
  • Add the named which take a steam and update dependents when stream emits a value.
  • Injector.get or Injector.getAsModel now throws if no registered model is found. This can be silent by setting the parameter silent to true
  • Injected model ara lazily instantiated. To do otherwise set the parameter isLazy of the Inject widget to false.

1.5.1 (2019-09-14) #

  • add afterInitialBuild and afterRebuild parameters to the StateBuilder, StateWithMixinBuilder and Injector widgets. afterInitialBuildandafterRebuild` are callBack to be executed after the widget is mounted and after each rebuild.

1.5.0+1 (2019-09-12) #

  • Use ObservableService and hasState instead of Observable and hasObserver, because the latters are widely used and can lead to conflict

1.5.0 (2019-09-06) #

  • Add hasStates getter to check if the StatesRebuilder object has listener.
  • Add inject parameter to the Injector widget as an alternative to the models parameter. With inject you can register models using interface Type.
  • Add observable interface. Any service class can implement it to notify any ViewModel to rebuild its corresponding view.
  • Refactor the library to make it design patterns wise and hence make it testable.
  • Test the library

1.3.2 (2019-06-24) #

  • Add appLifeCycle argument to Injector to track the life cycle of the app.
  • Refactor the code.

1.3.1 (2019-06-13) #

  • remove rebuildFromStreams.
  • Initial release of Streaming class
  • The builder closure of the Injector takes (BuildContext context, T model) where T is the generic type.
  • Fix typos

1.3.0 (2019-06-04) #

  • Initial release of rebuildFromStreams method.
  • Initial release of Injector for Dependency Injection.
  • deprecate blocs parameter and use viewModels instead
  • StateBuilder can have many tags.

1.2.0 (2019-05-23) #

  • Remove stateID and replace it by tag parameter. tag is optional and many widgets can have the same tag.
  • rebuildStates() when called without parameters, it rebuilds all widgets that are wrapped with StateBuilder and StateWithMixinBuilder.
  • Each StateBuilder has an automatically generated cached address. It is stored in the second parameter of the builder, initState, dispose, and other closures. You can call it inside the closures to rebuild that particular widget.
  • add StateWithMixinBuilder widget to account for some of the most used mixins.
  • Optimize the code and improve performance

1.1.0 (2019-05-13) #

  • Add withTickerProvider parameter to StateBuilder widget.

1.0.0 (2019-05-12) #

  • Add BlocProviderto provide your BloCs.
  • You can use enums to name your StateBuilder widgets.
  • rebuildStates now has only one positioned parameter of List
  • If rebuildStates is given without parameter, it will rebuild all widgets that have stateID.
  • improve performance.

0.1.4 #

  • improve performance

0.1.3 #

  • Add getter and setter for the stateMap.

0.1.2 #

  • Remove print statements

0.1.1 #

  • Change of the example

0.1.0 #

  • Initial version
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a simple yet powerful state management technique for Flutter

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