states_and_capitals 0.0.1 states_and_capitals: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
A Flutter package for getting the states and capitals in Nigeria
This package returns information about states and local governments of a country. These information include the country code, the number of local governments, their motto and so on.
Features #
This package can give information about a country, its country code, its capital, the number of states it has. For each state in a country, you can get their names, motto, capital and the number of local governments it has. For each local government in a state, you can only get their name.
Getting started #
Just import the package at the top of your .dart file and you can use it.
Usage #
This is an example usage detailing how to get the list of countries, states or local governments
import 'package:states_and_capitals/states_and_capitals.dart';
List<Country> countries = StatesAndCapitals.getCountries();
List<State> states = StatesAndCapitals.getStatesInCountry(countryId: 0);
List<LGA> lgas = StatesAndCapitals.getLocalGovernmentsInCountryAndState(countryId: 0, stateId: 0);
Additional information #
This package only supports Nigeria at the moment. In the immediate future, more countries and their corresponding states and capitals would be added.