stack_appodeal_flutter 3.4.0-beta.1 copy "stack_appodeal_flutter: ^3.4.0-beta.1" to clipboard
stack_appodeal_flutter: ^3.4.0-beta.1 copied to clipboard

Official Flutter plugin to support Appodeal SDK for Android and iOS platforms. Support Consent Dialog for GDPR/CCPA zone.

Changelog #

3.4.0-beta.1 #

Updated SDKs #

3.3.3 #

Updated SDKs #

  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.3.3
  • Fixed AppodealPlayStorePurchase purchaseTimestamp cast error #81

3.3.2 #

Updated SDKs #

  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 3.3.2
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.3.2

3.3.1 #

Updated SDKs #

  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 3.3.1
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.3.1

3.3.0 #

Updated SDKs #

  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 3.3.0
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.3.0

3.3.0-beta.3 #

Updated SDKs #

3.3.0-beta.2 #

Updated SDKs #

3.3.0-beta.1 #

Updated SDKs #

3.2.1 #

Updated SDKs #

  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 3.2.1
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.2.1

3.2.1-beta.1 #

Features #

  • 💥 Google CMP and TCF v2 Support

    • To enhance the relevance of ads for your users and comply with regulations like GDPR and CCPA, explicit user consent is required for collecting personal data.
    • We recommend using the Stack Consent Manager, built on Google User Messaging Platform (UMP), as a ready-made solution to obtain user consent.
    • Follow this instruction to configure Google UMP and set up a consent form.
    • If you have a question about Stack Consent Manager and Google UMP, please contact our support team.
  • Major Consent Api changes

Updated SDKs #

Removed #

  • Removed AppodealUserConsent class.
  • Removed GDPRUserConsent class.
  • Removed CCPAUserConsent class.
  • Removed ApdConsentError class.
  • Removed Appodeal.updateGDPRUserConsent method.
  • Removed Appodeal.updateCCPAUserConsent method.
  • Removed Appodeal.loadConsentForm method.
  • Removed Appodeal.showConsentForm method.
  • Removed Appodeal.setCustomVendor method.
  • Removed Appodeal.disableAppTrackingTransparencyRequest method.

Added #

  • Added AppodealConsent class.
  • Added ConsentStatus class.
  • Added ConsentError class.
  • Added AppodealConsent.load method.
  • Added method.
  • Added AppodealConsent.loadAndShowIfRequired method.
  • Added AppodealConsent.revoke method.

3.2.0+1 #

  • Simplified Android Core Plugin dependencies

3.2.0 #

  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 3.2.0
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.2.0
  • 💥 AdMob Bidding Support
    • Download our newest version of AdMob Sync tool from this page and perform sync.
    • You can read more about AdMob Sync in our guide.

3.2.0-beta.3 #

  • Updated Kotlin to 1.8.10 and use bom for align all kotlin versions
  • Added android namespace for AGP version > 8;

3.2.0-beta.2 #

3.2.0-beta.1 #

  • Updated Gradle Plugin version to 7.3.1
  • Updated iOS Deployment Target version to 13.0
  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 3.2.0-beta.1
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.2.0-beta.1

3.1.3 #

  • Promoted the beta release to the stable version
  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 3.1.3 stable
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.1.3 stable

3.1.3-beta.3 #

  • Fixed issue with repeating consent window.
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to

3.1.3-beta.2 #

  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 3.1.3-beta.2
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.1.3-beta.2
  • Minor fixes and stability improvements.

3.1.3-beta.1 #

  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 3.1.3-beta.1
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.1.3-beta.1
  • Removed method Appodeal.setRequestCallbacks(...). Removed removed request callback logic.

3.0.2 #

  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 3.0.2
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.0.2

3.0.1 #

  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 3.0.1
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.0.1
  • Started support AdRevenueCallbacks for notified about ad revenue events.
  • Reverted methods Appodeal.setUserId(...) Appodeal.getUserId() for analytics.

3.0.0 #

  • Major Api changes
  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 3.0.0
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 3.0.0
  • Started support Monetization + UA + Analytics data services.
  • Added new api for in-app purchases and event tracking.
  • Internal Api improvements
  • Internal View Ad improvements

1.2.2 #

  • Smart banners disable by default.
  • Changed View Ad smart banner behavor.
  • Minor fixes and stability improvements.
  • Deprecated consent logic behavor.
  • Deprecated methods: Appodeal.updateConsent(...), Appodeal.setTriggerOnLoadedOnPrecache(...), Appodeal.setSharedAdsInstanceAcrossActivities(...), Appodeal.trackInAppPurchase(...), Appodeal.setUserId(...), Appodeal.setUserAge(...), Appodeal.setUserGender(...).

1.2.1 #

  • Started support for Flutter 3.0
  • Updated kotlin and gradle versions

1.2.0 #

  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK adapters for to 2.11.1
  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK adapters for to 2.11.0
  • Added Appodeal class api dart doc comments
  • Added obtain placement name logic for method show in Android side
  • Synchronized left/right banner display logic between iOS and Android

1.1.0 #

  • Major Api changes:
    • Appodeal.initializeWithConsent - removed, use Appodeal.initialize without boolConsent:

      example: Appodeal.initialize(appodealKey, [Appodeal.REWARDED_VIDEO])

    • Appodeal.canShowWithPlacement - removed, use Appodeal.canShow with placement - second param:

      example: Appodeal.canShow(Appodeal.INTERSTITIAL, "default")

    • Appodeal.showWithPlacement - removed, use with placement - second param:

      example:, "default")

    • Appodeal.disableNetworkForSpecificAdType - removed, use Appodeal.disableNetwork with adtype - second param (default it's all ad types):

      example: Appodeal.disableNetwork("admob", Appodeal.INTERSTITIAL)

    • Appodeal.setExtra - instead setExtraDataBool, setExtraDataInt, setExtraDataDouble, setExtraDataString
    • Appodeal.setCustomFilter - instead setCustomFilterBool, setCustomFilterInt, setCustomFilterDouble, setCustomFilter
    • Callbacks Now, we can use only neded callback method:


          onBannerLoaded: (isPrecache) => log('onBannerLoaded')
          onBannerShown: () => log('onBannerShown')
    • Banner View / Mrec View Got a new api:


          adSize: AppodealBannerSize.BANNER,
          //or adSize: AppodealBannerSize.MEDIUM_RECTANGLE for MREC
          placement: "default"
  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 2.11.1
  • Internal Api improvements
  • Internal View Ad improvements

1.0.5 #

  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 2.11.0
  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 2.11.0
  • Changed dependencies logic for iOS/Android module
  • Updated LICENSE
  • Updated

1.0.4-beta #

  • Updated initialize methods

1.0.3-beta #

  • Updated Appodeal Android SDK to 2.10.3
  • Updated Appodeal iOS SDK to 2.10.3

1.0.2-beta #

  • Updated initializeWithConsent() method

1.0.1-beta #

  • Minor changes

1.0.0-beta #

  • Update Appodeal iOS to 2.8.2
  • Update Appodeal Android to
pub points



Official Flutter plugin to support Appodeal SDK for Android and iOS platforms. Support Consent Dialog for GDPR/CCPA zone.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)




Packages that depend on stack_appodeal_flutter