square_progress_indicator 0.0.8 copy "square_progress_indicator: ^0.0.8" to clipboard
square_progress_indicator: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard

You can create customizable square progress indicators like native flutter CircularProgressIndicator widget.

Create fully customizable square or rectangle progress indicators like native flutter CircularProgressIndicator widget!

Features #

Live demo #

You can check the example project web export on this link: https://amir14a.github.io/square_progress_indicator/ Thanks to Github!❤️

Usage #

Simple usage:

const SquareProgressIndicator(),
copied to clipboard

Customize usage:

    value: _value,
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    borderRadius: 0,
    startPosition: StartPosition.leftCenter,
    strokeCap: StrokeCap.square,
    clockwise: true,
    color: Colors.purple,
    emptyStrokeColor: Colors.purple.withOpacity(.5),
    strokeWidth: 16,
    emptyStrokeWidth: 16,
    strokeAlign: SquareStrokeAlign.center,
    child: Text("${(_value * 100).toStringAsFixed(0)}%"),
copied to clipboard

Additional information #

Parameter Type Default Info
value double? null The value of the progress, it should be between 0 and 1. don't pass it to use Indeterminate mode
width double 38 The width of rectangle that the progress line is drawn around it.
height double 38 The height of rectangle that the progress line is drawn around it.
borderRadius double 8 The border radius of the rectangle, it is applied to all four corners.
color Color? progressIndicatorTheme.color The color of the progress line.
emptyStrokeColor Color? progressIndicatorTheme.circularTrackColor The color of the line behind the progress line which show for reminding progress.
strokeWidth double 4 The width of the progress line.
emptyStrokeWidth double 4 The width of the line behind the progress line which show for reminding progress.
clockwise boolean true The direction of turn of progress line, if you pass false, the progress line will be reversed, default value is true.
startPosition double 0 (StartPosition.topCenter) Start position of progress line relative to the topCenter, you can pass a value from [StartPosition] class or custom double value you need.
strokeAlign SquareStrokeAlign SquareStrokeAlign.inside The stroke align of the progress line, pass a value from [SquareStrokeAlign] and read it's documents. see: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/painting/BorderSide/strokeAlign.html
strokeCap StrokeCap? StrokeCap.round The stroke cap of the progress line and empty line, see: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/dart-ui/StrokeCap.html
child Widget? null The child widget, it can be a text or everything you need.

Feel free to create issue or pull requests in github repository!



verified publisheramir-abbas.ir

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2024.09.09 - 2025.03.24

You can create customizable square progress indicators like native flutter CircularProgressIndicator widget.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)




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