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Dart code generator for Squadron workers. Implement your worker service and let squadron_builder bridge the gap with Web Workers and Isolates!

squadron_builder #

Dart code generator for Squadron workers. Implement your worker service and let squadron_builder bridge the gap with Web Workers and Isolates!

Example #

The example computes Fibonacci numbers recursively, simply applying the definition of the Fibonacci sequence. It is very inefficient, but illustrates the effect of multithreading.

The service implementation uses squadron annotations:

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:squadron/squadron_annotations.dart';
import 'package:squadron/squadron.dart';

import 'my_service.activator.g.dart';

part 'my_service.worker.g.dart';

@SquadronService(baseUrl: '/workers')
class MyService extends WorkerService {
  Future<int> fibonacci(int i) async => _fib(i);

  // naive & inefficient implementation of the Fibonacci sequence
  static int _fib(int i) => (i < 2) ? i : (_fib(i - 2) + _fib(i - 1));

  late final Map<int, CommandHandler> operations =

To have squadron_builder generate the code for the worker and the worker pool, run:

dart run build_runner build

The main program runs the same computation:

  • first with a plain instance of MyService (single-threaded, running in the main program's Isolate),
  • then with an instance of MyServiceWorkerPool (multi-threaded, running in specific Isolates managed by the worker pool).

The worker and worker pool generated by squadron_builder both wrap the original service and implement it: as a result, they are interchangeable with the original service.

import 'package:squadron/squadron.dart';

import 'my_service.dart';

void main() async {
  Squadron.logLevel = SquadronLogLevel.info;

  int count = 5;

  Squadron.info('Computing with MyService (single-threaded)');
  await computeWith(MyService(), count);

  Squadron.info('Computing with MyServiceWorkerPool (multi-threaded)');
  final pool = MyServiceWorkerPool(
      concurrencySettings: ConcurrencySettings(
    minWorkers: count,
    maxWorkers: count,
    maxParallel: 1,
  await pool.start();
  await computeWith(pool, count);

Future computeWith(MyService service, int count) async {
  final sw = Stopwatch();

  final futures = <Future<int>>[];
  for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    futures.add(service.fibonacci(40 + i));

  final results = await Future.wait(futures);
  Squadron.info('  * Results = $results');
  Squadron.info('  * Total elapsed time: ${sw.elapsed}');

To run the example:

dart run .\example\main.dart

Sample output:

[2022-08-21T19:55:46.358940Z] [INFO] [MAIN] Computing with MyService (single-threaded)
[2022-08-21T19:55:52.559343Z] [INFO] [MAIN]   * Results = [102334155, 165580141, 267914296, 433494437, 701408733]
[2022-08-21T19:55:52.571404Z] [INFO] [MAIN]   * Total elapsed time: 0:00:06.199773
[2022-08-21T19:55:52.571404Z] [INFO] [MAIN] Computing with MyServiceWorkerPool (multi-threaded)
[2022-08-21T19:55:55.777452Z] [INFO] [MAIN]   * Results = [102334155, 165580141, 267914296, 433494437, 701408733]
[2022-08-21T19:55:55.777452Z] [INFO] [MAIN]   * Total elapsed time: 0:00:03.170634


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Dart code generator for Squadron workers. Implement your worker service and let squadron_builder bridge the gap with Web Workers and Isolates!

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analyzer, build, source_gen, squadron


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