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Multithreading and worker pools in Dart to offload CPU-bound or long running tasks and give your mobile and Web apps some air.

Multithreading and worker pools in Dart

Features #

Worker class: a base worker class managing an Isolate and the communication from clients to the worker's Isolate.

WorkerPool<W> class: a worker pool for W workers. The number of workers is configurable as well as the degree of concurrent workloads distributed to workers in the pool.

Getting Started #

Import squadron from your pubspec.yaml file:

   squadron: ^1.0.2

Usage #

First implement a worker to offload specific tasks.

The example below implements a cpuOperation() method (where processing is essentially CPU-bound) and a ioOperation() method (where processing is essentially I/O-bound).

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';

import 'package:squadron/squadron.dart';

class SampleWorker extends Worker {
  SampleWorker() : super(SampleWorker._main);

  final startArguments = [];

  Future<int> cpuOperation(int number)
    => send<int>(_cpuOperation, [number]);

  Future<int> ioOperation(int number) {
    => send<int>(_ioOperation, [number]);

  // private implementation, this is the thread's main program
  static void _main(List command) {
    final receiver = ReceivePort();

    receiver.listen((command) async {
      WorkerRequest? req;
      try {
        req = WorkerRequest.fromMessage(command);
        if (req.command == null) {
        final op = _operations[req.command];
        if (op == null) {
          req.exception(WorkerException('unknown command ${req.command}'),
        req.reply(await op!(req));
      } on WorkerException catch (e, st) {
        req?.exception(e, st);
      } catch (e, st) {
            WorkerException('unexpected exception: ${e.runtimeType} => $e}',
                stackTrace: st.toString()),

  static const _cpuOperation = 1;
  static const _ioOperation = 2;

  static final Map<int, FutureOr<dynamic> Function(WorkerRequest req)>
      _operations = {
    _cpuOperation: _cpuOperationImpl,
    _ioOperation: _ioOperationImpl,

  static int _cpuOperationImpl(WorkerRequest req) {
    var start = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
    var elapsed = 0;
    while (elapsed < 2) {
      elapsed = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch - start;
    return req.args[0];

  static Future<int> _ioOperationImpl(WorkerRequest req) {
    await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 2));
    return req.args[0];

You can then distribute workloads to a worker pool, e.g.:

    var pool = WorkerPool(() => SampleWorker(), maxWorkers: 4, maxParallel: 2);
    await pool.start();

    var n = 42;
    var cpuResult = await pool.compute((w) => w.cpuOperation(n));
    var ioResult = await pool.compute((w) => w.ioOperation(n));

Remarks on Isolates #

While Isolates enable multithreading in Dart applications, several aspects must be taken into account:

  • Creating an Isolate can be an expensive process.

  • Isolate threads are still based on an event loop, processing asynchronous tasks/callbacks one by one.

  • Isolates do not share memory; in particular, global contexts are not shared across Isolates and may have to be initialized multiple times thus increasing the application's memory footprint and startup time.

  • Communicating with an Isolate invoves marshalling data in and out; theoretically, only base types (num, String, bool, null...) and List/Map of base types are supported. However, object instances may be sent across Isolates on some platforms, e.g. the Dart Native platform (instances will still be copied).

Scaling Options #

Squadron pools manage a collection of workers to avoid the cost of creating a new Isolate each time. Squadron also implements a simple load-balancing mechanism and posts new tasks to workers that are most available (i.e. those with the minimum workload, provided workload < maxParallel). Tasks in Squadron do not have a priority and will be handled in the order they were received.

Depending on the type of processing, scaling tasks with Squadron can be achieved horizontally (adding new workers) or vertically (distributing more tasks to workers).

  • For pure CPU-bound tasks, e.g. image/video or other heavy data processing, increasing the maxParallel pool option is likely to NOT yield any benefit for performance. If the event loop is already busy executing a task, subsequent task requests posted to the Worker will not be handled before the executing task is complete. As a result, CPU-bound tasks will be queued and scaling CPU workloads can only be achieved by adding more workers to the pool (horizontal scaling).

  • For I/O bound tasks, performance benefits are less obvious. However, if processing requires many I/O operations, offloading such tasks to a worker pool is likely to be beneficial because I/O callbacks will be registered with the worker's Isolate. This scenario can be interesting in Web application back-ends to make the main event loop more available for other incoming requests -- simple requests e.g. CRUD operations can be fully handled by the main event loop while more complex, long-running, I/O-bound tasks will be processed off the Web app's main event loop. Scaling such tasks can be achieved by increasing the maxParallel (vertical scaling) or maxWorkers (horizontal scaling) pool options. In I/O scenarios, vertical scaling should be preferred.

Worker Cooperation #

It is possible to implement some kind of worker cooperation and support more complex scenarios.

For instance, the fact that Isolates do not share memory means it may be counterproductive to implement a local, in-memory cache at worker level. Each worker would have their own copy of the cache, making expiration and update propagation awkward to implement.

As a workaround, it is possible to implement a cache worker as a Singleton (no pooling) and to share the worker's send port across other workers (SendPort objects can be sent to an Isolate).

An example is provided in cache_worker.dart. To access the cache API seamlessly, an abstract class is first defined:

abstract class Cache {
  Future<dynamic> get(dynamic key);
  Future<bool> containsKey(dynamic key);
  Future set(dynamic key, dynamic value, { Duration? timeToLive });

A cache worker is then implemented (internal details skipped, please refer to the example source code):

class CacheWorker extends Worker implements Cache {
  CacheWorker() : super(CacheWorker._main);

  final startArguments = List.empty();

  Future<dynamic> get(dynamic key) {
    return send(_get, [key]);

  Future<bool> containsKey(dynamic key) {
    return send(_contains, [key]);

  Future set(dynamic key, dynamic value, { Duration? timeToLive }) {
    assert(value != null); // null means not in cache; cannot store null
    return send(_set, [key, value, timeToLive?.inMicroseconds]);

  // ...

Finally, a cache client is implemented to proxy calls directly to the cache Isolate:

class CacheClient implements Cache {

  final SendPort _remote;

  Future<dynamic> get(dynamic key)
    => WorkerRequest(CacheWorker._get, [key]).send(_remote);

  Future<bool> containsKey(dynamic key)
    => WorkerRequest(CacheWorker._contains, [key]).send<bool>(_remote);

  Future set(dynamic key, dynamic value, { Duration? timeToLive })
    => WorkerRequest(CacheWorker._set, [key, value, timeToLive?.inMicroseconds]).send(_remote);

Sharing the cache across a pool of other workers comes down to advertising the CacheWorker's SendPort so that workers can create a cache client instance in their main program.

class OtherWorker extends Worker {
  OtherWorker([CacheWorker? cache]) : super(OtherWorker._main) {
    // the cache's SendPort will be provided to the Isolate's event loop via startArguments

  Future<int> getFromCacheOrCompute(int inputData)
    => send<int>(0, inputData);

  final startArguments = [];

  static void _main(List command) {
    final receiver = ReceivePort();
    final req = WorkerRequest.fromMessage(command);

    // create a cache instance if the worker was instantiated with a CacheWorker parameter
    Cache? cache;
    if (req.args[0] is SendPort) {
      cache = CacheClient(req.args[0]);

    receiver.listen((command) {
      final req = WorkerRequest.fromMessage(command);
      if (req.command == null) {
        // stop request
      } else if (req.command == 0) {
        // computation request with cache
        req.reply(await _getFromCacheOrCompute(req.args[0], cache));
      } else {
        // ignore

  static Future<int> _getFromCacheOrCompute(int n, Cache? cache) {
    var result = await cache?.get(n);
    if (result == null) {
      result = _crunch(n);
      cache?.set(n, Duration(hours: 6));
    return result;

The application's main program is responsible for:

  • setting up the CacheWorker Singleton
  • setting up a pool of OtherWorkers and make sure the worker factory function passes the CacheWorker Singleton to OtherWorkers.
final cacheWorker = CacheWorker();
await cacheWorker.start();

final pool = WorkerPool(() => OtherWorker(cacheWorker), minWorkers: 2, maxWorkers: 5);
await pool.start();
Architecture Diagram

                              +--> | CacheWorker singleton | <--+
                              |    +-----------------------+    |
                              |                                 |
 +-------------------+        |           +----------------+   (4)
 |  main program     | --(1)--+    +----> | otherWorker #1 |    |
 |  ---------------- |             |      | -------------- |    |
(2) OtherWorker pool | --(3)--+    |      | cacheClient #1 | ---|
 +-------------------+        |    |      +----------------+    |
                              +----|                            |
                                   |      +----------------+    |
                                   +----> | otherWorker #2 |    |
                                          | -------------- | ---+
                                          | cacheClient #2 |

1: the main program first spawns a CacheWorker
2: the main program creates a pool of OtherWorkers, making sure the CacheWorker Singleton is advertized to OtherWorkers when they are created
3: the pool creates new OtherWorkers as workload builds up, instantiating cache clients bound to the CacheWorker's SendPort
4: OtherWorkers query the CacheWorker via their local CacheClient to avoid expensive computations that have been done already 

Worker Monitoring #

Monitoring workers in a pool can be done with a simple timer. For instance, to stop workers after a given idle period:

  // install worker monitor
  final timer = Timer.periodic(refreshDuration, (timer) {
    pool.stop((w) => w.idleTime > maxIdle);

Please note that some idle workers may remain alive, depending on the minWorker pool option.

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Multithreading and worker pools in Dart to offload CPU-bound or long running tasks and give your mobile and Web apps some air.

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