sqlparser 0.36.0 copy "sqlparser: ^0.36.0" to clipboard
sqlparser: ^0.36.0 copied to clipboard

Parses sqlite statements and performs static analysis on them

0.36.0 #

  • Add support for the geopoly module.

0.35.1 #

  • Fix IN expressions accepting aliases, causing some queries to get parsed incorrectly.

0.35.0 #

  • Fix parsing binary literals.
  • Expand support for IN expressions, they now support tuples on the left-hand side and the shorthand syntax for table references and table-valued functions.
  • Drift extensions: Allow custom class names for CREATE VIEW statements.
  • Drift extensions: Support the INT64 hint for CREATE TABLE statements.

0.34.1 #

  • Allow selecting from virtual tables using the table-valued function syntax.

0.34.0 #

  • Fix explicit NULL column constraints being dropped when converting nodes to SQL.
  • Add analysis errors for illegal unqualified references to old and new in triggers.
  • Analysis support for sqlite 3.45 and jsonb functions.

0.33.0 #

0.32.1 #

  • Treat the result of sum() as nullable when inferring types.
  • Support features added in sqlite 3.44:
    • ORDER BY clauses as part of aggregate functions.
    • Support concat, concat_ws and string_agg.

0.32.0 #

  • Turn ResolvedType.hints into a list, supporting multiple type hints.

0.31.3 #

  • Fix star columns expanding to more columns than they should.

0.31.2 #

  • Add CaseInsensitiveMap.of to wrap existing maps.

0.31.1 #

  • Add the sqlite3_schema table to the builtin tables supported by every SqlEngine instance.
  • Support the timediff and octet_length functions from sqlite 3.43.0.

0.31.0 #

  • Add SqlEngine.parseMultiple to parse multiple statements into one AST.

0.30.3 #

  • Fix WITH clauses not being resolved for compound select statements.

0.30.2 #

  • Fix false-positive "unknown table" errors when the same table is used in a join with and then without an alias.

0.30.1 #

  • Report syntax error for WITH clauses in triggers.

0.30.0 #

  • Add previous and next fields for tokens

0.29.0 #

  • Parser support for constructor names in WITH drift syntax.
  • Support resolving IIF functions.
  • Fix a crash when a CTE is used on an insert, update or delete statement.
  • Fix wrong column names being reported for references in subqueries and CTEs.

0.28.1 #

  • Fix false-positive warnings about AS aliases in subqueries used in triggers.

0.28.0 #

  • Support the unhex function added in sqlite 3.41.0
  • Support custom keyword sets when formatting SQL.

0.27.0 #

  • Add mappedBy to ExpressionResultColumn when parsing in drift mode.

0.26.1 #

  • Fix missing space when formatting aggregate functions.

0.26.0 #

  • Remove token parameter from constructor in Literal subclasses and NumberedVariable.

0.25.0 #

  • Better analysis support for ANY columns in STRICT tables.
  • Assign resolved schema columns to synctactical ResultColumn in queries.

0.24.0 #

  • Make Fts5Table constructor public.

0.23.3 #

  • Analysis support for the spellfix extension.

0.23.2 #

  • Support resolving the fts5vocab module when fts5 is enabled - thanks to @FaFre.
  • Support the rtree extension - also thanks to @FaFre!
  • Improve references resolving across subqueries.

0.23.1 #

  • Gracefully handle tokenizer errors related to @ or $ variables.

0.23.0 #

  • Apply type hints for date times on textual datetime functions as well.

0.22.0 #

  • Refactor how tables and columns are resolved internally.
  • Lint for DISTINCT misuse in aggregate function calls.
  • Support the RIGHT and FULL join operators added in sqlite 3.39.0.
  • Support IS DISTINCT FROM and IS NOT DISTINCT FROM syntax added in sqlite 3.39.0.
  • Fix type inference for SUM() calls around int "subtypes" (like booleans).

0.21.0 #

  • Analysis support for new features in sqlite version 3.38.
  • Replace internal moor references with drift references.

0.20.1 #

  • Fix SQL generation for upsert statements with a conflict target.

0.20.0 #

  • Support LIST columns for a drift-specific feature.

0.19.2 #

  • Improve handling of drift-specific column types in STRICT tables.

0.19.1 #

  • Make the result of group_concat nullable.

0.19.0 #

  • Support generated columns.
  • Support features introduced in sqlite version 3.37, most notably STRICT tables.

0.18.1 #

  • Fix the AST comparator missing errors for different amount of children.

0.18.0 #

  • Fix unecessary errors around fts5 tables
  • Merge all moor-specific nodes into a single visitMoorSpecific visitor method
  • Parse BEGIN and COMMIT statements
  • Improve type inference around RETURNING clauses.

0.17.2 #

  • Fix nullability analysis of COALESCE and IFNULL

0.17.1 #

  • Fix nullability analysis of references and star columns

0.17.0 #

  • Refactor how tables and columns are resolved in statements
  • The new ResultSetAvailableInStatement class describes a result set that has been added to a statement, for instance through a from clause
  • A TableOrSubquery with an alias now introduces a TableAlias instead of the original table

0.16.0 #

  • New analysis checks for RETURNING: Disallow table.* syntax and aggregate expressions
  • Support RAISE expressions in triggers
  • Fix resolving columns when RETURNING is used in an UPDATE FROM statement
  • Fix aliases to rowid being reported as nullable

0.15.0 #

  • Breaking: Change InsertStatement.upsert to a list of upsert clauses
    • Support multiple upsert clauses
    • Do not require a conflict target in the last clause
  • Support RETURNING clauses in updates, deletes and inserts
  • Support FROM clauses in UPDATE statements
  • Support MATERIALIZED/NOT MATERIALIZED hints in common table expressions
  • Add BuiltInMathExtension which corresponds to the -DSQLITE_ENABLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS compile-time option for sqlite.
  • Add EngineOptions.version argument to specify the desired sqlite version. Using newer features will be reported as analysis warnings.
  • Fix rank columns of fts5 tables being misreported as integers

0.14.0 #

  • Fix views using common table expressions

0.13.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • Parse ordering in table key constraints
    • Deprecate KeyClause.indexedColumns in favor of KeyClause.columns

0.12.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • Migrate to null-safety
  • Remove legacy type inference
  • Parser support for new moor features

0.11.0 #

  • New package:sqlparser/utils/node_to_text.dart library that turns an AST node back into a textual representation.
  • Fix precedence of CASE expressions

0.10.1 #

  • Scan identifiers with [bracket syntax]
  • NumericToken now contains individual lexemes making up the number
  • Improve error messages in some scenarios
  • Fix type inference for binary expressions where the operands have incompatible types
  • Improve type inference around NULL

0.10.0 #

  • Breaking: Made RecursiveVisitor.visit, visitList and visitExcept an extension on AstVisitor.
  • Support the transformer pattern to modify ast nodes
  • Breaking: FrameBoundary, DeleteTarget, UpdateTarget, DefaultValues and InsertTarget are no longer constant
  • Breaking: Removed visitQueryable. Use defaultQueryable instead.
  • Support parsing and analyzing CREATE VIEW statements (see SchemaFromCreateTable.readView). Thanks to @mqus for their contribution!
  • SqlEngine.parse will no longer throw when there's a parsing error (use ParseResult.errors instead).
  • Parse DEFERRABLE clauses on foreign key constraints
  • Parse NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST on ORDER BY terms

0.9.0 #

  • New package:sqlparser/utils/find_referenced_tables.dart library. Use it to easily find all referenced tables in a query.
  • Support row values including warnings about misuse

0.8.1 #

  • Support collate expressions in the new type inference ([#533](htt ps://github.com/simolus3/moor/issues/533))
  • Added visitCollateExpression to the visitor classes

0.8.0 #

  • Remove SqlEngine.withOptions constructor - the default constructor now takes options
  • Changed SelectStatement.from from List<Queryable> to Queryable?. Selecting from multiple tables with a comma will now be parsed as a JoinClause.
  • Changed SelectStatementAsSource.statement from SelectStatement to BaseSelectStatement and allow compound select statements to appear in a FROM clause
  • Support the VALUES clause as select statement
  • The new type inference engine is now enabled by default and the enableExperimentalTypeInference option has been removed. To continue using the old engine, the useLegacyTypeInference flag can be used.

0.7.0 #

  • New feature: Table valued functions.
  • Breaking: Removed the enableJson1 parameter on EngineOptions. Add a Json1Extension instance to enabledExtensions instead.
  • Parse rowid as a valid reference when needed (SELECT rowid FROM tbl is now parsed correctly)
  • Parse UPSERT clauses for insert statements

0.6.0 #

  • Breaking: Added an argument type and argument to the visitor classes
  • Experimental new type inference algorithm (SqlEngine.withOptions(EngineOptions(enableExperimentalTypeInference: true)))
  • Support CAST expressions and the ISNULL / NOTNULL postfixes
  • Support parsing CREATE TRIGGER statements
  • Support parsing CREATE INDEX statements

0.5.0 #

  • Optionally support the json1 module
  • Optionally support the fts5 module

0.4.0 #

  • Support common table expressions
  • Handle special rowid, oid, __rowid__ references
  • Support references to sqlite_master and sqlite_sequence tables

0.3.0 #

  • parse compound select statements
  • scan comment tokens
  • experimental auto-complete engine (only supports a tiny subset based on the grammar only)
  • some features that are specific to moor

0.3.0+1: Accept \r characters as whitespace

0.2.0 #

  • Parse CREATE TABLE statements
  • Extract schema information from parsed create table statements with SchemaFromCreateTable.

0.1.2 #

  • parse COLLATE expressions
  • fix wrong order in parsed LIMIT clauses

0.1.1 #

Attempt to recognize when a bound variable should be an array (eg. in WHERE x IN ?). Also fixes a number of parsing bugs:

  • Parses tuples, proper type resolution for IN expressions
  • Don't resolve references to tables that don't appear in the surrounding statement.
  • Parse joins without any additional operator, e.g. table1 JOIN table2 instead of table1 CROSS JOIN table2.
  • Parser now complains when parsing a query doesn't fully consume the input

0.1.0 #

Initial version, can parse most statements but not DELETE, common table expressions and other advanced features.

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Parses sqlite statements and performs static analysis on them

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