sqlite_crdt 0.0.1 copy "sqlite_crdt: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
sqlite_crdt: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

A CRDT backed by a Sqlite database.

⚠ This package is still under development and may not be stable

Dart implementation of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) using a Sqlite database for data storage.
This project is a continuation of the crdt package and may depend on it in the future.

Notes #

sqlite_crdt has no intention of being an ORM - on the contrary, ideally it should look like using a normal SQL database. Unfortunately that's not possible at this time because CRDTs have a few properties that need to be guaranteed:

  • Every change needs to be associated to hlc and modified timestamps
  • There are different rules to generating the timestamps depending on whether data is being inserted or merged
  • Timestamp generation require non-trivial checks, e.g. clock drift, duplicate nodes, etc.
  • Records may not be deleted, but rather marked by setting the is_deleted flag

For those reasons, while the raw sqlite database is exposed, changes to the database should only be made using the provided methods insert update merge setDeleted and their siblings.

Usage #

// Create or load the database
final crdt = await SqliteCrdt.open(
    version: 1,
    onCreate: (db, version) {
    // Use [createCrdtTable] to automatically add the CRDT columns
        CREATE TABLE users (
          id INTEGER NOT NULL,
          name TEXT,
          PRIMARY KEY (id)
    // You can also create non-crdt tables, they will be ignored
    CREATE TABLE not_a_crdt (
      id TEXT NOT NULL,
      count INTEGER,
      PRIMARY KEY (id)

// Insert data into the database
await crdt.insert('users', {
    'id': 1,
    'name': 'John Doe',

// Delete it
await crdt.setDeleted('users', [1]);

// Or merge a remote dataset
await crdt.merge({
    'users': [
            'id': 2,
            'name': 'Jane Doe',
            'hlc': Hlc.now(uuid()).toString(),

// Queries are simple SQL statements, but notice:
// 1. the CRDT columns: hlc, modified, is_deleted
// 2. Mr. John Doe appears in the results with is_deleted = 1
final result = await crdt.query('SELECT * FROM users');

// Perhaps a better query would be
final betterResult =
    await crdt.query('SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE is_deleted = 0');

// We can also watch for results to a specific query, but be aware that this
// can be inefficient since it reruns watched queries on every database change
crdt.watch('SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE is_deleted = 0').listen(print);

// Update the database
await crdt.update('users', [2], {'name': 'Jane Doe 👍'});

// Undelete Mr. Doe
await crdt.setDeleted('users', [1], false);

// Create a changeset to synchronize with another node
final changeset = await crdt.getChangeset();

Usage: Reading Data #

Queries are standard SQL fare with three columns required for the CRDT functionality: hlc modified is_deleted

  • In most cases you'll want to filter out deleted data by adding WHERE is_deleted = 0 to your queries
  • There's a watch method that emits results whenever the database changes, but it is inefficient since it just reruns the query whenever the database changes

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.