sqflite_adapter 1.0.2
sqflite_adapter: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
The `TableProvider` class provides a simple way to create a table schema and perform CRUD operations on the table.
Getting started #
flutter pub add sqflite_adapter
Usage #
create a table provider by extending the TableProvider
class and implement the abstract methods. The TableProvider
class provides a simple way to create a table schema and perform CRUD operations on the table.
class TodoTableProvider extends TableProvider<TodoModel> {
final String tableName = 'todo';
final String id = 'id';
final String title = 'title';
final String isDone = 'isDone';
Future<void> insert(TodoModel model) {
return db.insert(tableName, model.toMap());
Future<void> createTable() {
return db.execute('CREATE TABLE $tableName ($id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, $title TEXT, $isDone INTEGER)');
Future<void> clear() {
return db.delete(tableName);
Future<void> update(TodoModel model) {
return db.update(tableName, model.toMap(), where: '$id = ?', whereArgs: [model.id]);
Future<List<TodoModel>> getAll() async {
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.query(tableName);
return List.generate(maps.length, (i) {
return TodoModel.fromMap(maps[i]);
create a new instance of the SQLService
class and pass the table provider to the tables
parameter. Then call the initialize
method to initialize the database.
void main() async {
SQLService sqlService = await SQLService(
tables: [
databaseName: 'todo.db'
runApp(MyApp(sqlService: sqlService));
Example Usage #
sqlService.of<TodoTableProvider>().insert(TodoModel(id: '1', title: 'Buy milk', isDone: false));
sqlService.insert<TodoModel>(TodoModel(id: '1', title: 'Buy milk', isDone: false));
//and use custom methods in the table provider
Additional information #
This package is a wrapper around the sqflite
package to make it easier to use. It provides a simple way to create a table schema and perform CRUD operations on the table.