spotify_sdk 0.0.3
spotify_sdk: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
A flutter plugin that let's you communicate with the flutter sdk
spotify_sdk #
Description #
This will be a spotify_sdk package for flutter using both the spotify-app-remote sdk and spotify-auth library. The auth library is needed to get the authentication token to work with the web api.
Instructions #
Api #
Function | Description | Android | iOS |
connectToSpotifyRemote | Connects the App to Spotify | ✔️ | 👷 |
getAuthenticationToken | Gets the Authentication Token that you can use to work with the Web Api | ✔️ | 👷 |
queue | Queues given spotifyUri | ✔️ | 👷 |
play | Plays the given spotifyUri | ✔️ | 👷 |
pause | Pauses the current track | ✔️ | 👷 |
resume | Resumes the current track | ✔️ | 👷 |
skipNext | Skips to next track | ✔️ | 👷 |
skipPrevious | Skips to previous track | ✔️ | 👷 |
seekTo | Seeks the current track to the given position in milliseconds | ✔️ | 👷 |
seekToRelativePosition | Adds to the current position of the track the given milliseconds | ✔️ | 👷 |
toggleShuffle | Cycles through the shuffle modes | ✔️ | 👷 |
toggleRepeat | Cycles through the repeat modes | ✔️ | 👷 |
addToLibrary | Adds the given spotifyUri to the users library | ✔️ | 👷 |
getCrossfadeState | Gets the current crossfade state | ✔️ | 👷 |
getPlayerState | Gets the current player state | ✔️ | 👷 |
getImage | Get the image from the given spotifyUri | 👷 | 👷 |
logout | logs the user out and disconnects the app connection | 👷 | 👷 |