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A wrapper for the Spotify Web API, implemented in pure Dart.

spotify_api #

Workflow codecov

A Spotify Web API wrapper written in Dart.

Alpha Notice #

This project is in an alpha stage. Most notably, not all endpoints are available yet, and some response fields are not modeled. If you are missing something in particular, feel free to open a new issue on GitHub.

Usage #

The main entry point to the API is the SpotifyWebApi class. The Dart API is organized similarly to the Spotify Web API reference, so most endpoints are collected in groups, e.g. tracks or albums.

import 'package:spotify_api/spotify_api.dart';

Future<void> example(AccessTokenRefresher refresher) async {
    final api = SpotifyWebApi(
        refresher: refresher,

    // Search for tracks, albums, etc.
    final searchResult = await
        query: 'Bohemian Rhapsody',
        types: [SearchType.track],

    // Look up a specific track
    final track = await api.tracks.getTrack('3z8h0TU7ReDPLIbEnYhWZb');

The AccessTokenRefresher is expected as a given in this example. See Authentication for more information.

Pagination #

You'll often encounter responses that contain a page of some API resource, perhaps most prominently when you search for something, or when you try to get the tracks in a playlist.

If you want to retrieve further pages, you can use a Paginator, which has several convenient methods to go through the pages:

void example(SpotifyWebApi api, Page<Track> tracks) async {
    final paginator = api.paginator(tracks);

    // Go over the items on the current page
    for (final track in paginator.currentItems()) {

    // Go over the items on the next page
    final nextPage = await paginator.nextPage();
    for (final track in nextPage.currentItems()) {

    // Iterate over all tracks in all pages (including the current one)
    await paginator.all().forEach((track) {

Authentication #

Before you can do anything in the API, you have to think about authentication. Spotify offers four different OAuth flows.

Name Supported
Authorization code
Authorization code with PKCE
Client credentials
Implicit grant

Note that it's possible to implement an authentication flow yourself. The table above just shows the existing ones that are ready-to-use.

You'll need to register your app with Spotify before you can use this library. Spotify will give you a client ID and a client secret, the latter of which you may not need, depending on the OAuth flow you want to use.

Persistent State #

The Authorization Code OAuth flows yield you a long-lived refresh token. That token should be persisted if you want to be able to obtain new access tokens without user interaction. For that purpose, there's a simple RefreshTokenStorage interface that you'll need to implement.

There are two implementations available in the library, but it's strongly recommended to choose a more sophisticated implementation:

  • An in-memory implementation (MemoryRefreshTokenStorage)
  • A very simple text file implementation (FileRefreshTokenStorage)
    • This one will write the refresh token to a configurable file on the local disk
    • Make sure the file location is at least somewhat secure!

Client credentials flow #

This is the simplest full OAuth flow, as it only requires you client ID and your client secret and works without user interaction. It's not possible to access any user data using this flow.


final api = SpotifyWebApi(
    refresher: ClientCredentialsRefresher(
        clientId: 'myclientid',
        clientSecret: 'supersecret',

Authorization code flow #

TODO: describe




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A wrapper for the Spotify Web API, implemented in pure Dart.

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convert, file, http, json_annotation, logger, meta


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