splittable_flexible_row 1.0.1
splittable_flexible_row: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
Simple package to ease the creation of flexible flutter layouts using Row() widgets which can dynamically split into multiple rows based on the device's screen width.
Splittable Flexible Row class for easily building flexible layouts #
splittable - Adjective. Capable of being split. #
This package allows the definition of Row() widgets with additional information on how they can be split into multiple rows when the screen width does not allow the full row to be displayed. This allows for the easy defintition of screen size flexible flutter layouts using Row's.
Check out the Live Example #
A live example of the package in use can be found here. This example 'wraps' the app with the great device preview package in use so you can easily experiment with layouts on various screen sizes from different devices.
I created this package because I often created layouts using Column/Row for the web or desktop platforms, only to encounter the dreaded caution overflow boxes when testing the layouts on mobile, or when resizing the windows down to smaller widths.
This package allows for the direct replacement of Row()
widgets with ...Splittable.flexibleRow()
The spread operator (...
) is used so that this package can return 1 or more Row() widgets depending on the current screen width.
This allows for the author to easily specify how they would like the Row()
's children
array of widgets to be split.
This can be specified several different ways, depending on the row contents, by different screen widths, etc.
The Row's array of children widget can told to split on specific widget types [splitOn], split every N widgets [splitEveryN], split at specific indices [splitAtIndices], or the most versitile [splitAtIndicesByWidth], which allows for specifying a map of how you would like the Row to be split depending on a map of screen widths.
Features #
Easily supports simple drop in replacment for the Row() widget with very little other required code changes to accomplish a flexible layout.
Getting started #
Include the dependency in pubspec.yaml, add the import, and replace your Row()
widgets with ...splittable.flexibleRow()
calls. The only additional information is how you would like to have the row split.
Usage #
Add depends to pubspec.yaml
and add import to the dart file where it will be used:
import 'package:splittable_flexible_row/splittable_flexible_row.dart';