split_intl 0.0.3 copy "split_intl: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
split_intl: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

Split your localization file into multiple files.

About #

When following the guide on flutter.dev on how to add your own custom localization to your app you are introduced to the intl package. This package requires you to create a configuration file in your projects root directory, called l10n.yaml. Typically this configuration file looks like this:

arb-dir: lib/l10n
template-arb-file: app_en.arb
output-localization-file: app_localizations.dart

This essentially tells the generator to look for localization files in the directory lib/l10n, and that the template file is called app_en.arb (see "Configuring the l10n.yaml file" for more info). Therefore the generator will look for lib/l10n/app_en.arb and generate a dart file called app_localizations.dart based on the values specified in your template arb file. By adding more files with different language codes (the 2 characters at the end of the name of an arb file) in lib/l10n you can add more localizations to your app, like app_de.arb for german.

But by using this pattern you will quickly realise, that putting all your localizations for a language into a single file decreases the readability of said file immensely. Also the inability to add comments to .arb or .json files is not necessarily helpful.

Now that is where split_intl comes in. split_intl allows you to

  • split a single .arb file into multiple .arb, .json or .jsonc files

  • add comments to your localization files (by using the .jsonc format)

How to use split_intl #

Without split_intl your projects structure would look something like this

 ┣ 📂lib
 ┃ ┣ 📂l10n
 ┃ ┃ ┗ 📜app_en.arb
 ┃ ┗ 📜main.dart
 ┣ 📂linux
 ┣ 📂test
 ┣ 📂windows
 ┣ 📜.gitignore
 ┣ 📜.metadata
 ┣ 📜analysis_options.yaml
 ┣ 📜l10n.yaml
 ┣ 📜pubspec.lock
 ┗ 📜pubspec.yaml

and the contents of lib/l10n/app_en.arb would look like this

  "appTitle": "The best app",
  "@appTitle": {
    "description": "The title of the application."
  "fieldRequired": "required",
  "@fieldRequired": {
    "description": "The message for a field that requires user input (cannot be empty)."
  "inputFormOptionsPageTitle": "Add",
  "@inputFormOptionsPageTitle": {
    "description": "The title for the OptionsPage in the InputFormView widget."
  "inputFormPanelPageTitle": "Input values",
  "@inputFormPanelPageTitle": {
    "description": "The title for the PanelPage in the InputFormView widget."

but by using split_intl you can change the structure to look like this

 ┣ 📂lib
 ┃ ┣ 📂l10n
 ┃ ┃ ┗ 📂en
 ┃ ┃   ┃ general.arb
 ┃ ┃   ┗ input_form_panel.jsonc
 ┃ ┗ 📜main.dart
 ┣ 📂linux
 ┣ 📂test
 ┣ 📂windows
 ┣ 📜.gitignore
 ┣ 📜.metadata
 ┣ 📜analysis_options.yaml
 ┣ 📜l10n.yaml
 ┣ 📜pubspec.lock
 ┗ 📜pubspec.yaml


  "appTitle": "The best app",
  "@appTitle": {
    "description": "The title of the application."
  "fieldRequired": "required",
  "@fieldRequired": {
    "description": "The message for a field that requires user input (cannot be empty)."


  // All values in this file are used by the InputFormView widget
  "inputFormOptionsPageTitle": "Add",
  "@inputFormOptionsPageTitle": {
    "description": "The title for the OptionsPage in the InputFormView widget."
    I like block comments
  "inputFormPanelPageTitle": "Input values",
  "@inputFormPanelPageTitle": {
    "description": "The title for the PanelPage in the InputFormView widget."
   * I really do like them

split_intl just takes all files in lib/l10n/en and contatenates the content of each .arb, .json or .jsonc file together and removes all comments. To add more languages, simply add a new directory with the language code as its name, like lib/l10n/de. The generated files will be outputed into lib/l10n, for example lib/l10n/en -> lib/l10n/app_en.arb. To to that you simply need to run

flutter pub run split_intl:generate

This command generates the lib/l10n/app_en.arb file, which can be used by

flutter gen-l10n

to generate the dart source files.

pub points


unverified uploader

Split your localization file into multiple files.

Repository (GitLab)
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API reference


unknown (license)


dartx, equatable, meta, path, yaml


Packages that depend on split_intl