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Flutter plugin for SpeedChecker SDK

SpeedChecker Flutter Plugin #

pub package

Free speed test features for your own app #

SpeedChecker Flutter plugin allows developers to integrate speed test features into their own flutter apps. You can also try our apps on Google Play and App Store, they are powered by the latest Speedchecker SDK versions. More information about SpeedChecker SDKs

Features #

  • latency, download and upload speed of the user connection
  • robust measuring of cellular, wireless and even local network
  • testing details like the current speed and progress
  • additional information like network type and location (see KPI list below in FAQ)
  • included high-capacity servers provided and maintained by Speedchecker or custom servers
  • detailed statistics and reports by Speedchecker

Platform Support #

Android iOS
supported ✔️ supported ✔️

Requirements #

  • minSdkVersion 19
  • Location permissions
  • Xcode 13.3.1 or later
  • Swift 5
  • Development Target 11.0 or later

Installation #

Add speed_checker_plugin as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Usage #

To get speed test results, you need to create an instanse of 'SpeedCheckerPlugin' class, start 'startSpeedTest' method in your class and then listen to 'speedTestResultStream'.

  String _status = '';
  int _ping = 0;
  String _server = '';
  String _connectionType = '';
  double _currentSpeed = 0;  // real-time value of the current test speed (download or upload)
  int _percent = 0; 		 // real-time value of the current test progress (download or upload)
  double _downloadSpeed = 0;
  double _uploadSpeed = 0;
  String _error = '';
  String _warning = '';
  final _controller = SpeedCheckerPlugin();

You can start this method on custom event, such as button click.

  void getSpeedStats() {
    _controller.speedTestResultStream.listen((result) {
      setState(() {
        _status = result.status;
        _ping = result.ping;
        _percent = result.percent;
        _currentSpeed = result.currentSpeed;
        _downloadSpeed = result.downloadSpeed;
        _uploadSpeed = result.uploadSpeed;
        _server = result.server;
        _connectionType = result.connectionType;
        _error = result.error;
        _warning = result.warning;

Do not forget to close the stream to prevent memory leaks. It can be done by overriding 'dispose' method

	  void dispose() {

Demo application #

Please check our demo application in Flutter which includes speed test functionality as well as speedometer UI.

License #

SpeedChecker is offering different types of licenses:

Items Free Basic Advanced
Speed Test Metrics Download / Upload / Latency Download / Upload / Latency / Jitter Download / Upload / Latency / Jitter
Accompanying Metrics Device / Network KPIs Device / Network KPIs Device / Network KPIs / Advanced Cellular KPIs
Test Customization - test duration, multi-threading, warm-up phase etc test duration, multi-threading, warm-up phase etc
Location Permission Required location permissions - -
Data Sharing Requirement Required data sharing - -
Measurement Servers - Custom measurement servers Custom measurement servers
Background and passive collection - - Background and Passive data collection
Cost FREE 1,200 EUR per app per year Cost: Enquire


Is the SDK free to use?

Yes! But the SDK collects data on network performance from your app and shares it with Speedchecker and our clients. The free SDK version requires and enabled location. Those restrictions are not in the Basic and Advanced versions

Do you have also native SDKs? #

Yes, we have both Android and iOS SDKs.

Does SDK support other types of tests?

Yes! YouTube video streaming, Voice over IP and other tests are there as well. Check out our API documentation

Do you provide free support?

No, we provide support only on Basic and Advanced plans

What are all the metrics or KPIs that you can get using our SDKs?

The free version of the SDK allows getting basic metrics which are described in this API documentation

Full list of our KPIs for Basic and Advanced versions

Do you host all infrastructure for the test?

Yes, you do not need to run any servers. We provide and maintain a network of high-quality servers and CDNs to ensure the testing is accurate. If you wish to configure your own server, this is possible on Basic and Advanced plans.

How do you measure the speed?

See our measurement methodology

What's next? #

Please contact us for more details and license requirements.