speech_to_text 7.1.0-beta.3 copy "speech_to_text: ^7.1.0-beta.3" to clipboard
speech_to_text: ^7.1.0-beta.3 copied to clipboard

A Flutter plugin that exposes device specific speech to text recognition capability.

Changelog #

7.1.0 #

New #

  • support for web search recognition type on Android thanks to @vongrad for the PR
  • example app improvements to expose more options, provide help, and improve behaviour on smaller devices.

Fix #

  • on iOS there is a new bug in their speech recognition that resets the transcription after a pause in the users' speech. This version attempts a mitigation by using meta information from the recognizer to concatenate subsequent transcriptions so the whole is not lost. There are problems with this approach, notably extra capitalization and possibly incorrects spaces being added. The concatenated transcription is added as the first result but all other results are still the same. See issue #552 for details.

7.0.0 #

New #

  • support for speech recognition on MacOS
  • supports WASM compliation for web

Fix #

  • Remove support for deprecated v1 Android registration #545
  • Update deprecated Android build settings
  • Improves handling of possible duplicates from the locales() method to ensure they are removed
  • Language codes are properly handled for on device recognition on Android

6.6.2 #

New #

  • on iOS now mixes audio with other uses to allow multiple audio plugins to coexist

Fix #

  • Second iOS listen now starts faster

6.6.1 #

New #

  • More detailed error returns on iOS
  • Updated JS dependency to 0.7.1 (would it kill you to release a 1.0 version?)

6.6.0 #

New #

  • listen now has a new SpeechListenOptions listenOptions parameter to specify the recognizer options for the listen session. Some of the separate parameters have been deprecated as a result. See the listen method for documentation.
  • SpeechListenOptions.enableHapticFeedback is a new option which allows haptic feedback during speech recognition on iOS. Usually haptics are disabled to avoid interfering with the microphone.
  • SpeechListenOptions.autoPunctuation is a new option which turns on automatic punction inference during speech recognition on iOS.

6.5.1 #

Fix #

  • Removed BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission from the plugin Android manifest, should be in apps

6.5.0 #

New #

  • SpeechToText.webDoNotAggregate option for use in the option parameter of the initialize method. This can be used to change the behaviour on some browsers that implement the speech API differently. Test the user agent to decided whether to set this option. Currently it seems to be required on mobile Android to prevent duplicate results.

6.4.1 #

Fix #

  • Removed incorrect MODIFY_PHONE_STATE permission from Android manifest

6.4.0 #

Fix #

  • Fix web handling of alternates and multiple phrases was incorrect. Before this change multiple phrases were being seen as alternates. This properly combines those phrases into a single set of recognized words and produces alternates as appropriate.

  • Android 33+ now returns a valid list from locales. It returns the supported on device languages. This is (probably) smaller than the full list of online languages but better than the current list that only has the default language in it. It also seems to be the only option that's available.

6.3.0 #

New #

  • New changePauseFor method allows the pause duration to be modified during a listen session.

Fix #

  • Documentation cleanup and improvements, thanks @Bungeefan
  • Crash on Android versions 11 and below

6.2.0 #

New #

  • Upgrades and fixes for Flutter 3.0

Fix #

  • Error status is cleared on each listen call.

Fix #

  • Bluetooth permission check no longer crashes on some Android devices

6.1.0 #

New #

  • Updated to the latest Kotlin version to meet newer build requirements

6.0.0 #

New #

  • Now has minimal support for Mac apps where it will always report speech as unavailable. This allows the plugin to be used in apps where speech is an optional capability without blocking the deploy to the Mac platform.

Fix #

  • Cleanup BT code on Android for clarity

5.6.1 #

Fix #

  • Bluetooth permission not granted no longer crashes on Android

5.6.0 #

New #

  • Rejecting Bluetooth permission no longer blocks subsequent recognition using non-bluetooth inputs.

Fix #

  • onDevice recognition for Android should handle switching from onDevice between recognition sessions.

5.5.0 #

New #

  • initialize method on the SpeechToTextProvider adds the finalTimeout and options parameters that match the same parameters on SpeechToText
  • onDevice support added for Android
  • example app now supports pauseFor and waitFor parameters

Fix #

  • example app updated for new Android build requirements
  • Result method signature fixed in Android override

5.4.3 #

New #

  • new Android option androidNoBluetooth can be used in initialize to disable Bluetooth support on Android devices which removes the need for Bluetooth permission.

5.4.2 #

New #

  • Now asks for Bluetooth permission on SDK 31 and above. When upgrading an already installed app the permission will not be requested. Users will have to manually set the permission or clear their app cache to force a re-request. See this issue

5.4.1 #

New #

  • Android permission documentation

5.4.0 #

New #

  • Support for bluetooth headsets in Android

5.3.0 #

New #

  • Documentation improvements for listen parameters
  • iOS error handling improvements

Fix #

  • lastRecognizedWords now cleared before each listen call
  • web issue resolve #242

5.2.0 #

New #

  • Requires compileSdkVersion 31 to build, check your build.gradle
  • Changed the error_unknown return to error_unknown ({error_code}) so that the native Android error code is visible. This is a potentially breaking change if you behaviour for the error_unkown value.
  • Added new SDK 31 error messages for Android
    • error_language_not_supported
    • error_language_unavailable
    • error_server_disconnected
    • error_too_many_requests

Fix #

  • Fix for Android to handle list end on unrecognized content properly #253

5.1.1 #

Fix #

  • Fix for Android compile issue on latest SDK #259

5.1.0 #

New #

  • The example app now supports Web as a run target
  • Improved the example app and its documentation
  • Improved the provider example app
  • Android now handles the done condition better, especially in case of error
  • Updated the minimal example in the README file

Fix #

  • Fix for listing available Locales on some Android devices

5.0.0 #

New #

  • Bluetooth headsets now supported on iOS
  • onStatus now receives the new done status after all listening is complete. This is a potentially breaking change as it adds a new status to handle.
  • initialize and hasPermission now checks if speech is supported on web

Fix #

  • removed duplicate not listening status sent on iOS
  • iOS now restores all audio options after listening
  • iOS returns speech results faster when also playing a stop sound

4.2.2 #

Fix #

  • handle deprecation of setMockMethodHandler #229

4.2.1 #

Fix #

  • minor code format issue that lost me 10 points, this shall not stand!

4.2.0 #

New #

  • Flutter 2.0 / Dart 2.12 null safety features are now the main release

Fix #

  • iOS is now faster starting to listen #207
  • fix for sample rate issue on iOS #109
  • systemLocale now reports the device locale rather than the app locale. Previously it was constrained to only be one of the localized languages of the application. #200

4.1.1-nullsafety #

Fix #

  • Web support has changed to use the Flutter class definitions and now works in release mode
  • pauseFor and listenFor accuracy improved

4.1.0-nullsafety #

New #

  • New property finalTimeout on the initialize method to set how long the plugin will wait for a final result from the device before manuafacturing one. This used to be a pre-defined value of 100 ms in earlier releases. The default is now 2 seconds.

4.0.0-nullsafety #

New #

  • Now supports Flutter 2.0 / Dart 2.12 null safety features.
  • Now supports the web platform

3.2.0 #

New #

  • New property finalTimeout on the initialize method to set how long the plugin will wait for a final result from the device before manuafacturing one. This used to be a pre-defined value of 100 ms in earlier releases. The default is now 2 seconds.

3.1.0 #

New #

  • now compatible with Android SDK 30
  • initialize now supports the options parameter to supply platform specific options during initialization.
  • SpeechToText.androidAlwaysStop supported as an option. Forces the plugin to use the speech recognizer stop method even on SDK versions where that might fail. See https://github.com/csdcorp/speech_to_text/issues/150
  • SpeechToText.androidIntentLookup looks up the intent name instead of using the default. This can work around some issues with security exceptions when trying to use the default. See https://github.com/csdcorp/speech_to_text/issues/153

Fix #

  • Phones that don't report extra languages no longer hang on locales call

3.0.1 #

Fix #

  • Minor static code analysis improvements (addicted to pub points)

3.0.0 #

New #

  • Now using a platform interface to prepare for web support. Although this should not cause any functional changes it is a major refactoring.

Fix #

  • Android stop now completes even if not initialized
  • iOS onDevice initialization is more reliable
  • No longer crashes on iOS version < 10

2.7.0 #

New #

  • the example had onDevice true which is a rarely used flag and was causing confusion
  • the partialResults option for the SpeechToTextProvider.listen was defaulted to false which is a less common usage and didn't match the default for SpeechToText.listen so it has been changed to true

2.6.0 #

New #

  • new parameter onDevice on the SpeechToTextProvider listen method supports forcing offline recognition.
  • Added a new Tips section to the README doc to answer some common questions.

Fix #

  • Android now correctly returns multiple possible matches with confidence
  • Android now supports the onDevice flag properly, note that at least some Android devices need an offline language pack installed for each target language to enable offline recognition.

2.5.0 #

New #

  • new parameter localeId on the SpeechToTextProvider listen method supports selecting a non default languge for the recognizer when using the provider.

Fix #

  • A work around for a bug in Android 10(29) that made stop and cancel not work. The plugin now calls destroy on the Android SpeechRecognizer which terminates the listen session immediately. There is a downside to this approach in that it does not always report results that were in process when destroy was called, however it does mean that stop works.
  • The example for SpeechToTextProvider, provider_example.dart had an error that made it always use the default language and ignore the drop-down selection. This has been corrected.

2.4.1 #

Fix #

  • Updated the version number in the readme file, which I forget to do, every single time.

2.4.0 #

New #

  • new parameter sampleRate on the listen method supports some older iOS devices by allowing customization to support the expected hardware sample rate. 44100 works with some older devices.

Fix #

  • pauseFor now times out closer to the expected time and more reliably. Duplicate partial results were causing it to extend previously.
  • finalResult is now reliably true on the last result on iOS when pauseFor or listenFor timeout or stop is called directly. Previously it would only return true when the stop happened almost immediately

2.3.0 #

New #

  • new parameter onDevice on the listen method enforces on device recognition for sensitive content
  • onSoundLevelChange now supported on iOS
  • added compile troubleshooting help to README.md
  • SpeechToTextProvider is an alternate and simpler way to interact with the SpeechToText plugin.
  • new provider_example.dart example for usage of SpeechToTextProvider.

Fix #

  • on iOS handles some conflicts with other applications better to keep speech working after calls for example

2.2.0 #

New #

  • improved error handling and logging in the iOS implementation
  • added general guides for iOS to the README
  • moved stress testing out of the main example
  • iOS now defaults to using the speaker rather than the receiver for start /stop sounds when no headphones

Fix #

  • iOS now properly deactivates the audio session when no longer listening
  • start and stop sounds on iOS should be more reliable when available

2.1.0 #

Breaking #

  • listenFor now calls stop rather than cancel as this seems like more useful behaviour

Fix #

  • Android no longer stops or cancels the speech recognizer if it has already been shutdown by a timeout or other platform behaviour.
  • Android no longer tries to restart the listener when it is already active
  • Now properly notifies errors that happen after listening stops due to platform callback rather than client request. See https://github.com/csdcorp/speech_to_text/issues/51

2.0.1 #

Fix #

  • Resolves an issue with the Android implementation not handling permission requests properly on apps that didn't use the 1.12.x plugin APIs for registration. The permission dialog would not appear and permission was denied.

2.0.0 #

Breaking #

  • Upgraded to New Swift 1.12 plugin structure, may work with older Flutter version but not guaranteed

New #

  • the plugin now requests both speech and microphone permission on initialize on iOS
  • added debugLogging parameter to the initialize method to control native logging

Fix #

  • The Android implementation now blocks duplicate results notifications. It appears that at least on some Android versions the final results notification onResults is notified twice when Android automatically terminates the session due to a pause time. The de-duplication looks for successive notifications with < 100 ms between them and blocks the second. If you miss any onResult notifications please post an issue.

1.1.0 #

New #

  • error_timeout has been separated into error_network_timeout and error_speech_timeout

1.0.0 #

New #

  • hasPermission to check for the current permission without bringing up the system dialog
  • listen has a new optional cancelOnError parameter to support automatically canceling a listening session on a permanent error.
  • listen has a new optional partialResults parameter that controls whether the callback receives partial or only final results.

0.8.0 #

New #

  • speech recognizer now exposes multiple possible transcriptions for each recognized speech
  • alternates list on SpeechRecognitionResult exposes alternate transcriptions of voice
  • confidence on SpeechRecognitionResult gives an estimate of confidence in the transcription
  • isConfident on SpeechRecognitionResult supports testing confidence
  • hasConfidenceRating on SpeechRecognitionResult indicates if confidence was provided from the device
  • new SpeechRecognitionWords class gives details on per transcription words and confidence

Fix #

  • speechRecognizer availabilityDidChange was crashing if invoked due to an invalid parameter type
  • Added iOS platform 10 to example Podfile to resolve compilation warnings

0.7.2 #

Breaking #

  • Upgrade Swift to version 5 to match Flutter. Projects using this plugin must now switch to 5.

0.7.1 #

Fix #

  • Upgrade Kotlin to 1.3.5 to match the Flutter 1.12 version
  • Upgrade Gradle build to 3.5.0 to match the Flutter 1.12 version
  • Android version of the plugin was repeating the system default locale in the locales list

0.7.0 #

New #

  • locales method returns the list of available languages for speech
  • new optional localeId parameter on listen method supports choosing the comprehension language separately from the current system locale.

Breaking #

  • cancel and stop are now async

0.6.3 #

Fix #

  • request permission fix on Android to ensure it doesn't conflict with other requests

0.6.2 #

Fix #

  • channel invoke wasn't being done on the main thread in iOS

0.6.1 #

Fix #

  • listening sound was failing due to timing, now uses play and record mode on iOS.

0.6.0 #

Breaking #

  • The filenames for the optional sounds for iOS have changed.

New #

  • Added an optional listenFor parameter to set a max duration to listen for speech and then automatically cancel.

Fix #

  • Was failing to play sounds because of record mode. Now plays sounds before going into record mode and after coming out.
  • Status listener was being ignored, now properly notifies on status changes.

0.5.1 #

  • Fixes a problem where the recognizer left the AVAudioSession in record mode which meant that subsequent sounds couldn't be played.

0.5.0 #

Initial draft with limited functionality, supports:

  • initializing speech recognition
  • asking the user for permission if required
  • listening for recognized speech
  • canceling the current recognition session
  • stopping the current recognition session
  • Android and iOS 10+ support


  • some error handling
  • testing across multiple OS versions
  • and more, to be discovered...
pub points


verified publishercsdcorp.com

A Flutter plugin that exposes device specific speech to text recognition capability.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


clock, flutter, flutter_web_plugins, json_annotation, meta, pedantic, speech_to_text_platform_interface, web


Packages that depend on speech_to_text