sound_stream 0.4.1
sound_stream: ^0.4.1 copied to clipboard
A Flutter plugin for streaming audio data from Mic and data to Audio engine without using a file.
sound_stream #
This plugin is still in early development stage
A Flutter plugin started from my own needs: Stream audio data from Mic and data to Audio engine without using a file. We can use it to stream audio via network or use it with STT/TTS functions.
Current features:
- Provides stream of data from mic (Uint8List)
- Player that receive stream of raw sound data (Uint8List)
- Support both Android and iOS (cross-platform)
- Recorder & Player can work simultaneously
- Only support PCM 16bit Mono (for now)
- Data type send/received from stream must be Uint8List. (Because of this Flutter's limitation)
To-do list:
- Support more audio formats
- Support more platforms (Windows, macOS, Web)
- Current code might be messy. Should clean it up (someday)