solidart 1.5.4 copy "solidart: ^1.5.4" to clipboard
solidart: ^1.5.4 copied to clipboard

A simple State Management solution for Dart applications inspired by SolidJS

1.5.4 #

  • CHORE: Add devToolsEnabled option to manually disable the DevTools extension that defaults to kDebugMode

1.5.3 #

  • BUGFIX: Fix an auto dispose issue of Signals that have some active observations.

1.5.2 #

  • BUGFIX: Fix DevTools extension with null signal name.

1.5.1 #

  • CHORE: Upload DevTools extension to

1.5.0 #

  • FEAT: Add DevTools extension to solidart.

1.4.1 #

  • BUGFIX: The method didUpdateSignal of SolidartObserver was not triggered for collections.

1.4.0 #

  • FEAT: Create SolidartConfig which you can use to customize the autoDispose of all the tracking system and and observers.
  • BUGFIX: Removed the internal ResourceUnresolved state so you can easily use the ResourceState sealed class.

1.3.0 #

1.2.2 #

  • BUGFIX: Fix the update method of a Resource that triggered reportObserved.

1.2.1 #

  • BUGFIX: Fix the updateValue method of a Signal that triggered reportObserved. (thanks to @9dan)

1.2.0 #

  • FEAT: Add 3 new signals: ListSignal, SetSignal and MapSignal. Now you can easily be notified of every change of a list, set or map. Before:

    final list = Signal([1, 2]);
    // this doesn't work
    // instead you have to provide a new list instance
    list.value = [...list, 3];


    final list = ListSignal([1, 2]);
    // this now works as expected
  • CHORE: Rename the firstWhere method of a ReadSignal into until

  • CHORE: Rename the firstWhereReady method of a Resource into untilReady

  • CHORE: Rename the update method of a Signal into updateValue

  • CHORE: Deprecate createSignal, createComputed, createEffect and createResource

1.1.0 #

  • BUGFIX: Fix a bug in the Resource where the stream subscription was not disposed correctly

1.0.1 #

Improve copyWith methods of ResourceReady and ResourceError

1.0.0+4 #

Fix the pub points.

1.0.0+3 #

Fix the pub points.

1.0.0+2 #

Fix the pub points.

1.0.0+1 #

Fix the pub points.

1.0.0 #

The core of the library has been rewritten in order to support automatic dependency tracking like SolidJS.

  • FEAT: Add automatic dependency tracking

  • BREAKING CHANGE: To create derived signals now you should use createComputed instead of This allows you to derive from many signals instead of only 1.


    final count = createSignal(0);
    final doubleCount = => value * 2);


    final count = createSignal(0);
    final doubleCount = createComputed(() => count() * 2);
  • FEAT: The createEffect no longer needs a signals array, it automatically track each signal.


    final effect = createEffect(() {
      print('The counter is now ${counter.value}');
    }, signals: [counter]);


    final disposeFn = createEffect((disposeFn) {
      print('The counter is now ${counter.value}');
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The fireImmediately field on effects has been removed. Now an effect runs immediately by default.

  • FEAT: Add observe method on Signal. Use it to easily observe the previous and current value instead of creating an effect.

    final count = createSignal(0);
    final disposeFn = count.observe((previousValue, value) {
      print('The counter changed from $previousValue to $value');
    }, fireImmediately: true);
  • FEAT: Add firstWhere method on Signal. It returns a future that completes when the condition evalutes to true and it returns the current signal value.

    final count = createSignal(0);
    // wait until the count is greater than 5
    final value = await count.firstWhere((value) => value > 5);
  • FEAT: Add firstWhereReady method on Resource. Now you can wait until the resource is ready.

    final resource = createResource(..);
    final data = await resource.firstWhereReady();
  • FEAT: The Resource now accepts ResourceOptions. You can customize the lazy value of the resource (defaults to true), if you want your resource to resolve immediately.

  • CHORE: ResourceValue has been renamed into ResourceState. Now you can get the state of the resource with the state getter.

  • CHORE: Move refreshing from ResourceWidgetBuilder into the ResourceState. (thanks to @manuel-plavsic)

  • FEAT: Add hasPreviousValue getter to ReadSignal. (thanks to @manuel-plavsic)

  • FEAT Before, only the fetcher reacted to the source. Now also the stream reacts to the source changes by subscribing again to the stream. In addition, the stream parameter of the Resource has been changed from Stream into a Stream Function() in order to be able to listen to a new stream if it changed.

  • FEAT: Add the select method on the Resource class. The select function allows filtering the Resource's data by reading only the properties that you care about. The advantage is that you keep handling the loading and error states.

  • FEAT: Make the Resource to auto-resolve when accessing its state.

  • CHORE: The refetch method of a Resource has been renamed to refresh.

  • FEAT: You can decide whether to use createSignal() or directly the Signal() constructor, now the're equivalent. The same applies to all the other create functions.

1.0.0-dev8 #

  • FEAT: Add the select method on the Resource class. The select function allows filtering the Resource's data by reading only the properties that you care about. The advantage is that you keep handling the loading and error states.
  • FEAT: Make the Resource to auto-resolve when accessing its state

1.0.0-dev7 #

  • CHORE: createComputed now returns a Computed class instead of a ReadSignal.

1.0.0-dev6 #

  • FEAT Before, only the fetcher reacted to the source. Now also the stream reacts to the source changes by subscribing again to the stream. In addition, the stream parameter of the Resource has been changed from Stream into a Stream Function() in order to be able to listen to a new stream if it changed

1.0.0-dev5 #

  • BUGFIX Refactor the core of the library in order to fix issues with previousValue and hasPreviousValue of Computed and simplify the logic.

1.0.0-dev4 #

  • Move refreshing from ResourceWidgetBuilder into the ResourceState. (thanks to @manuel-plavsic)
  • Add hasPreviousValue getter to ReadSignal. (thanks to @manuel-plavsic)

1.0.0-dev3 #

  • Deprecate value getter in the Resource. Use state instead.
  • Remove where method from ReadSignal.

1.0.0-dev2 #

  • Rename until into firstWhere

  • Rename untilReady into firstWhereReady

  • FEAT: add where method to Signal. It returns a new ReadSignal with the values filtered by condition. Use it to filter the value of another signal, e.g.:

    final loggedInUser = user.where((value) => value != null);

    The initial value may be null because a Signal must always start with an initial value. The following values will always satisfy the condition. The returned ReadSignal will automatically dispose when the parent signal disposes.

1.0.0-dev1 #

This is a development preview of the 1.0.0 release of solidart. The core of the library has been rewritten in order to support automatic dependency tracking like SolidJS.

  • FEAT: Add automatic dependency tracking

  • BREAKING CHANGE: To create derived signals now you should use createComputed instead of This allows you to derive from many signals instead of only 1.


    final count = createSignal(0);
    final doubleCount = => value * 2);


    final count = createSignal(0);
    final doubleCount = createComputed(() => count() * 2);
  • FEAT: The createEffect no longer needs a signals array, it automatically track each signal.


    final effect = createEffect(() {
      print('The counter is now ${counter.value}');
    }, signals: [counter]);


    final disposeFn = createEffect((disposeFn) {
      print('The counter is now ${counter.value}');
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The createEffect method no longer returns an Effect, you cannot pause or resume it anymore. Instead it returns a Dispose callback which you can call when you want to stop it. You can also dispose an effect from the inside of the callback.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The fireImmediately field on effects has been removed. Now an effect runs immediately by default.

  • FEAT: Add observe method on Signal. Use it to easily observe the previous and current value instead of creating an effect.

    final count = createSignal(0);
    final disposeFn = count.observe((previousValue, value) {
      print('The counter changed from $previousValue to $value');
    }, fireImmediately: true);
  • FEAT: Add until method on Signal. It returns a future that completes when the condition evalutes to true and it returns the current signal value.

    final count = createSignal(0);
    // wait until the count is greater than 5
    final value = await count.until((value) => value > 5);
  • FEAT: Add untilReady method on Resource. Now you can wait until the resource is ready.

    final resource = createResource(..);
    final data = await resource.untilReady();
  • FEAT: The Resource now accepts ResourceOptions. You can customize the lazy value of the resource (defaults to true), if you want your resource to resolve immediately.

  • CHORE: ResourceValue has been renamed into ResourceState. Now you can get the state of the resource with the state getter.

0.3.0 #

  • BUGFIX: Listening to the source of a Resource was not stopped when the source disposed.
  • BUGFIX: A Resource would not perform the asynchronous operation until someone called the fetch method, typically the ResourceBuilder widget. This did not apply to the stream which was listened to when the resource was created. Now the behaviour has been merged and the fetch method has been renamed into resolve.
  • CHORE: Renamed ReadableSignal into ReadSignal.
  • CHORE: Renamed the readable method of a Signal into toReadSignal()

0.2.4 #

  • Add assert to resource fetch method to prevent multiple fetches of the same resource.

0.2.3 #

  • The select method of a signal now can take a custom options parameter to customize its behaviour.
  • Fixed an invalid assert in the ResourceBuilder widget that happens for resources without a fetcher.

0.2.2 #

  • createResource now accepts a stream and can be used to wrap a Stream and correctly handle its state.

0.2.1 #

  • Get a signal value with signalName().

0.2.0+1 #

  • Add documentation link inside the pubspec

0.2.0 #

  • Documentation improvements
  • Refactor Resource, now the createResource method takes only 1 generic, the type of the future result.
    // before
    final resource = createResource<SourceValueType, FetcherValueType>(fetcher: fetcher, source: source);
    // now
    final resource = createResource<FetcherValueType>(fetcher: fetcher, source: source); // the FetcherValueType can be inferred by Dart >=2.18.0, so you can omit it

0.1.2 #

  • Add official documentation link
  • Fix typo in fireImmediately argument name

0.1.1 #

  • Set the minimum Dart SDK version to 2.18.

0.1.0+6 #

  • Update Readme

0.1.0+5 #

  • Add code coverage

0.1.0+4 #

  • Fix typo in README

0.1.0+3 #

  • Decrease minimum Dart version to 2.17.0

0.1.0+2 #

  • Remove unused import

0.1.0+1 #

  • Fix typos on links

0.1.0 #

  • Initial version.



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A simple State Management solution for Dart applications inspired by SolidJS

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