snug_logger 1.0.2 copy "snug_logger: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
snug_logger: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard

Snug Logger - Cozy, Fun, Powerful! Elevate your coding with simplicity and a touch of fun. Logging made delightful.

snug_logger 🛋️ #

A cozy and efficient logging package for Flutter applications.

Overview 🌟 #

Welcome to the vibrant world of snug_logger – not your typical logger, but the spirited companion your Flutter app craves! Beyond just logging, it's a coding carnival, and snug_logger is your all-access pass. In the expansive realm of Flutter development, this lively sidekick injects excitement, turning each log message into a cheerful dance of information. Your coding journey transforms into a burst of energy, where snug_logger paints your code with a blend of professionalism and playfulness. So, kick back, revel in the coding fiesta, and let snug_logger make your development experience a lively celebration! 🎉💻

Features ✨ #

The snug_logger package brings a delightful blend of features to enhance your logging and network request handling in Flutter development. Here's a breakdown of its key attributes:

  1. Colorful Logging:

    • Dynamic and colorful log messages for different log levels, making debugging a visual and enjoyable experience.
    • Emoji-based log type indicators, adding a touch of playfulness to your logs.
  2. Dynamic Log Types:

    • Supports various log types, including debug, info, production, and a error log type.
  3. Network Request Handling:

    • A dedicated SnugDioLogger() for handling Dio network requests with detailed logging options.
    • Granular control over logging request headers, response headers, response data, and more.
  4. Structured Log Formatting:

    • Well-organized log templates with clear sections for easy readability.
    • Consistent formatting across different log types for a professional and polished appearance.

In essence, snug_logger is not just a logging package; it's a toolkit designed to infuse color, structure, and joy into your development journey. From dynamic and fun logs to seamless network request handling, this package offers a cozy and feature-rich experience for Flutter developers.

Installation 🚀 #

Get snug in seconds! Add snug_logger to your pubspec.yaml file:

  snug_logger: ^1.0.0

Then, run 🕺 #

flutter pub get

Usage 🎭 #

Import the package #

import 'package:snug_logger/snug_logger.dart';

Log Messages #

  "This is a debug message",

  "This is a debug message",,

  "This is a debug message",

  "This is a debug message",

Elevate Your Dio Network Logs with SnugDioLogger()! 🌐 🚀 #

Introducing the SnugDioLogger – your go-to companion for handling Dio network requests with style and precision. With just a few lines of code, elevate your network request logging game to a whole new level of coziness!

Dio _dio = Dio();
  // customization
    responseMessage: true,
    responseData: true,
    requestData: true,
    requestHeader: true,
    requestHeaders: true,
    logPrint: (object) {

🚀 Join the Snug Squad! #

Whether you're a coding ninja, a bug whisperer, or just someone spreading good vibes, we're all ears! Dive into the cozy chaos, open up an issue, or drop in a pull request – let's make this space warmer together. Your ideas, fixes, or just a virtual high-five are all welcome. The more, the merrier! ✨

pub points



Snug Logger - Cozy, Fun, Powerful! Elevate your coding with simplicity and a touch of fun. Logging made delightful.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


dio, flutter


Packages that depend on snug_logger