snapchat_loginkit 1.0.0
snapchat_loginkit: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
Flutter plugin for integrating Snapchat LoginKit, providing a seamless authentication experience for Flutter apps.
snapchat_loginkit #
A Flutter plugin for integrating Snapchat login kit into your Flutter applications, allowing users to log in with their Snapchat accounts.
Features #
- Snapchat login: Enable users to log in to your app using their Snapchat credentials.
- Subscribe / Unsubscribe to Login State Updates: Subscribe or Unsubscribe to updates about the success of the login process.
- Send Requests to Get User Data: After Successful login, Get the user information such as displayName, AvatarUrl, AvatarId, externalId, tokenId and profileLink.
- Query Login State: Check if the user is already logged in to Snapchat.
- Fetch Access Token: Retrieve the access token after a successful login, which can be used to make API calls to Snapchat on behalf of the user.
- Access To Scope: Check if the user has granted access to a specific scope (permission) in their Snapchat account.
- Login With Firebase: Integrate Firebase authentication with Snapchat login, allowing users to log in to your app using Firebase authentication after logging in with Snapchat.
Getting Started #
First thing first, you must login to your developer account on Snapchat Developers portal and get your Client ID for the app. For more information you can read the docs Login Kit.
The Client ID is different for
environment. So be careful to use the correct values. To useProduction
Client ID, your snapchat app should be approved and live on snapchat developer portal. Read more about submitting app for review.
Installation #
Before we can use the snapchat_loginkit
plugin in our flutter app, it is necessary to perform platform-specific configuration setups first.
Understand Scopes #
Snapchat Scopes let your application declare which Login Kit features it wants access to. If a scope is toggleable, the user can deny access to one scope while agreeing to grant access to others.
Android #
In :android module, define snap_connect_scopes
as an Android resource array in values/arrays.xml
Define the following values in
file under :android module.
# staging env for snapkit
Inside the app's build.gradle
use manifestPlaceholders attribute to pass these values to login kit. Read more about configuring build types in android.
- Depending on your requirements, you can either setup only one configuration for all
android {
defaultConfig {
manifestPlaceholders = [
SNAP_CLIENT_ID : localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.clientId"),
SNAP_REDIRECT_URL : localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.redirectUrl"),
SNAP_SCOPES_ARRAY : "@array/snap_connect_scopes",
SNAP_REDIRECT_HOST : localProperties.getProperty(""),
SNAP_REDIRECT_PATH : localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.path"),
SNAP_REDIRECT_SCHEME : localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.scheme"),
FIREBASE_CUSTOM_TOKEN_URL: localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.firebaseExtCustomTokenUrl")
- OR better way, setup different configurations for different
android {
flavorDimensions "environment"
productFlavors {
staging {
manifestPlaceholders = [
SNAP_CLIENT_ID : localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.clientId"),
SNAP_REDIRECT_URL : localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.redirectUrl"),
SNAP_SCOPES_ARRAY : "@array/snap_connect_scopes",
SNAP_REDIRECT_HOST : localProperties.getProperty(""),
SNAP_REDIRECT_PATH : localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.path"),
SNAP_REDIRECT_SCHEME : localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.scheme"),
FIREBASE_CUSTOM_TOKEN_URL: localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.firebaseExtCustomTokenUrl")
production {
manifestPlaceholders = [
SNAP_CLIENT_ID : localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.clientId"),
SNAP_REDIRECT_URL : localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.redirectUrl"),
SNAP_SCOPES_ARRAY : "@array/snap_connect_scopes",
SNAP_REDIRECT_HOST : localProperties.getProperty(""),
SNAP_REDIRECT_PATH : localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.path"),
SNAP_REDIRECT_SCHEME : localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.scheme"),
FIREBASE_CUSTOM_TOKEN_URL: localProperties.getProperty("com.snap.kit.firebaseExtCustomTokenUrl")
NOTE: The same properties name should be used as defined in the
iOS #
Add the following fields in your application’s Info.plist
Read Snapchat iOS Documentation for more information.
Securing Your Client ID in Xcode
Adding a Build Configuration file to your project for storing your client id and confidential keys. Let's add SNAP_CLIENT_ID
properties in configuration file.
// Configuration settings file format documentation can be found at:
// Snapchat Settings
- OR better way, setup different configurations file for different
NOTE: Now, whenever we push code to our repo, we can make sure that config file does not reach the server by adding it in .gitignore
Handle Deeplink
In AppDelegate
, use the SCSDKLoginClient
interface to receive the deeplink:
import SCSDKLoginKit
func application(
_ app: UIApplication,
open url: URL,
options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
if SCSDKLoginClient.application(app, open: url, options: options) {
return true
After the keys setup, add snapchat_loginkit:
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Then run flutter pub get
to install the package.
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:snapchat_loginkit/snapchat_loginkit.dart';
Access Loginkit in Flutter #
Initializing the SnapchatLoginkit #
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp>{
late final SnapchatLoginkit _snapchatLoginkitPlugin;
void initState() {
_snapchatLoginkitPlugin = SnapchatLoginkit(loginStateCallback: this);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Snapchat loginkit example'),
body: Container(),
Login with snapchat #
LoginStateCallback Provides methods to handle Snapchat login callbacks.
Use [LoginStateCallback] methods to listen to login events such as success, failure, start, and logout.
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> implements LoginStateCallback {
late final SnapchatLoginkit _snapchatLoginkitPlugin;
void initState() {
_snapchatLoginkitPlugin = SnapchatLoginkit(loginStateCallback: this);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Snapchat loginkit example'),
body: Center(child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () {
child: const Text('Login with Snapchat'),
/// Callback method invoked when the login process fails.
void onFailure(String message) {}
/// Callback method invoked when the user logs out.
void onLogout() {}
/// Callback method invoked when the login process starts.
void onStart() {}
/// Callback method invoked when the login process is successful.
void onSuccess(String accessToken) async {}
Subscribe / Unsubscribe to Login State Updates #
To subscribe to updates about the success of the login process, use addLoginStateCallback()
To unsubscribe from login updates, use removeLoginStateCallback()
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> implements LoginStateCallback {
late final SnapchatLoginkit _snapchatLoginkitPlugin;
void initState() {
_snapchatLoginkitPlugin = SnapchatLoginkit(loginStateCallback: this);
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Snapchat loginkit example'),
body: Container(),
/// Callback method invoked when the login process fails.
void onFailure(String message) {}
/// Callback method invoked when the user logs out.
void onLogout() {}
/// Callback method invoked when the login process starts.
void onStart() {}
/// Callback method invoked when the login process is successful.
void onSuccess(String accessToken) async {}
Send Requests to Get User Data #
Once a user logs into your app with Snapchat, you can make requests for their displayName
, AvatarUrl
, AvatarId
, externalId
, tokenId
and profileLink
Construct the user data query
UserDataQuery query = UserDataQueryBuilder()
Call the fetch API
UserResponse userResponse = await _snapchatLoginkitPlugin.fetchUserData(query);
debugPrint("User Code: ${userResponse.code}");
debugPrint("User Message: ${userResponse.message}");
debugPrint("User: ${userResponse.user}");
final displayName = userResponse.user.displayName;
final avatarUrl = userResponse.user.avatarUrl;
final avatarId = userResponse.user.avatarId;
final externalId = userResponse.user.externalId;
final tokenId = userResponse.user.tokenId;
final profileLink = userResponse.user.profileLink;
Query Login State #
To check whether a user is currently logged in, use isUserLoggedIn()
bool isUserLoggedIn = await _snapchatLoginkitPlugin.isUserLoggedIn();
Fetch Access Token #
Retrieve the access token after a successful login, use fetchAccessToken()
final response = await _snapchatLoginkitPlugin.fetchAccessToken();
debugPrint("Token Code: ${response.code}");
debugPrint("Token Message: ${response.message}");
debugPrint("Token Token: ${response.token}");
Access To Scope #
Check if the user has granted access to a specific scope (permission) in their Snapchat account. use hasAccessToScope('scope')
final bool hasAccess = await _snapchatLoginkitPlugin.hasAccessToScope('');
Authenticate With Firebase #
Users to authenticate with Firebase using their Snapchat accounts. Define the com.snap.kit.firebaseExtCustomTokenUrl=firebaseExtCustomTokenUrl
value in
file under :android module.
Before call this method loginWithFirebase()
you should need to provide Firebase extension token url. for more help, how to generate firebase extension token url visit
Firebase Extension Token Url Android , Firebase Extension Token Url iOS
Unlink #
A user can choose to end the current OAuth2 Snapchat session and stop sharing their Display Name and Bitmoji avatar with your app.
The logout()
method can be used to clear the access.
Bugs and feature requests #
Have a bug or a feature request? Please first search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.
Author #
Connect with Us:
Contributing #
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Show your Support #
Give a star if this project helped you.