smartstruct 1.4.0
smartstruct: ^1.4.0 copied to clipboard
smartstruct - A dart bean mapper annotation processor - the easy nullsafe way!
v1.4.0 #
- Extending default types to be ignored by static mapping (
- Nullable lists are not being mapped properly. (
- Update to analyzer 5.0.0 (
v1.3.0 #
- Bump Analyzer to 4.0.0 (Thanks to @luissalgadofreire)
Bugfixes #
- Fix Static Functional Mapping (
v1.2.7 #
Bugfixes #
- Generator does not recognize inherited methods (Thanks to @skykaka)
- Unable to generate files in different directories (Thanks to @skykaka)
Features #
Static Mapping ( Static Mapping with a proxy ( (Thanks to @skykaka)
v1.2.6 #
- Nested Mapping directly in the mapping annotation (
- Better support for freezed (
v1.2.5 #
- Ignore certain fields (
v1.2.4+1 #
- Bugfix: Mapper failing to generate when using interfaces
v1.2.4 #
- Support inheritance (
v.1.2.3+1 #
- Updated analyzer dependency to 2.0.0
v.1.2.3 #
- Added the functionality to add custom mapper function to a target (
- New option caseSensitiveFields to turn on or off case sensitivity then comparing mappable fields (
v1.2.2 #
- The generator will now always run after all .g.dart files from other builders have been run, so the mapper can potentially create mappers for other created classes. See Issue #24
v.1.2.1 #
- Constructors in the abstract mapper will now also be implemented by the generated mapper class ( This should fix an issue where you cannot inject dependencies via the constructor in your mapper class.
v1.2.0 #
- Fixed the useInjection attribute to properly work now ( Note that all generated files are suffixed with .mapper.g.dart now instead of .g.dart So for migration purposes you'll have to just change the part 'foomapper.g.dart' in your mapper files to part 'foomapper.mapper.g.dart
// before
part 'foomapper.g.dart'
// after
part 'foomapper.mapper.g.dart'
copied to clipboard
v1.1.3 #
- Added Support for Lists (
v1.1.2+1 #
- Added tests for the generator (
- Added Example
- Documentation
v1.1.2 #
- Hotfix: Change Builder dependency in build.yaml
v1.1.1 #
- Hotfix. Forgot to add smartstruct pub dev dependency
v1.1.0 #
- Split the code into a generator, and smartstruct library project. To migrate from earlier versions, you need to add the smartstruct_generator dependency to your dev_dependencies This has the advantage that your final build won't have to include the builder code, but only the mapper annotations
v1.0.5 #
v1.0.3 #
- README updated
v1.0.2 #
- README updates
v1.0.1 #
- Added explicit field mapping support via Mapping Annotation
v1.0.0 #
- Initial Mapper Annotation published