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app essentials - state managment, useful extensions, snackbar, overlay and widget messages, localizations, rest api and more

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slim - app essentials #

slim was written to give some app essentials and capabilities that are common for most apps. slim makes it easier to set up app infrastructure so you can start working on your screens and logic.

  • Localizations
  • UI Messages
  • State Management
  • Useful Extensions
  • Rest Api

Configurations #

Easy app level configuration will gives you 'ready to use' localization and UI messages.

  1. App class constructor This is the place to set your supported locales and if you want also set your own SlimLocaleLoader The default slimLocaleLoader will load you locale files from - assets/locales/ so make sure you created folder and files matching to you supported locales.

  2. MaterialApp builder Add the SlimMaterialAppBuilder.builder to it. If you have additional builders just chain them. SlimMaterialAppBuilder.builder gives you the UI messages caps.

  3. MaterialApp localizationsDelegates Set to SlimLocalizations.delegates That will support all delegates needed including the SlimLocalizations.slimLocaleLoader delegate.

  4. MaterialApp supportedLocales Set to SlimLocalizations.supportedLocales you configured in App class constructor.

The following example will load simple json locale configurations from - assets/locales/en.json

import 'package:slim/slim.dart';

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget{
		SlimLocalizations.supportedLocales = [Locale('en', 'US')];
		/// If you want to customize you locale loader just create class that extends SlimLocaleLoader and change:
		/// SlimLocalizations.slimLocaleLoader= YouCustomLocalLoader();

	Widget build(BuildContext context) =>
				builder: SlimMaterialAppBuilder.builder,
				title: 'Flutter Demo',
				theme: ThemeData(
				visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
				home: MyHomePage("First Screen"),
				localizationsDelegates: SlimLocalizations.delegates,
				supportedLocales: SlimLocalizations.supportedLocales,

Localization #

UI direction The confgurations above will make your UI ltr/rtl automatically according os locale. You can use a BuildContext extension method to get your locale text direction context.textDirection

Translation If you didn't provide any custom SlimLocaleLoader , Your localization would be configured with a default one. The default SlimLocaleLoader expects locale files to be in - assets/locales/ folder with name convention of your locale, for example - assets/locales/en.json. The default locale file format is a single level json that holds you translation.

  "welcome": "translation of 'welcome' key"

Access translation of a key gained by BuildContext extension method called translate.

Widget build(BuildContext context) => Text(context.translate('welcome'));

UI Messages #

UI Messages caps are available through BuildContext extension methods or inside SlimObject that will be explained in the State Management section below. You can display overlay with your own widget or a text message and a snackbar.

showWidget(Widget widget, {bool dissmiable = true})

showOverlay(String message,{Color messageBackgroundColor =,
bool dissmisable = true,messageTextStyle = const  TextStyle(color: Colors.white)});

showSnackBar(String message,{Color messageBackgroundColor =,
messageTextStyle = const  TextStyle(color: Colors.white)});

You can use each one of the above via BuildContext. for example:

Widget build(BuildContext context) => Column(children:[
			 child:Text('show message'),
			 onPressed:() => context.showOverlay("some text"),
			 child:Text('show snack bar'),
			 onPressed:() => context.showSnackBar("some text"),
			 child:Text('show widget'),
			 onPressed:() => context.showWidget(
				    height: 100,
					widgth: 100,

For text of overlay and snackbar you can set the background color and text style. For overlay text or widget you can specify if dismissable

State Management #

slim provides state management based on InhertiedNotifier and ChangeNotifier classes. The concept is that you keep an object at the top of the tree or sub tree of children that might access it. The object can be a state object, data object, business object or whatever you want it to be. You can even use it for passing parameters between screens, so it can be a String, int or some kind of an enum. This is the on of the powerful concepts of slim state management - it can be any state and not limited for a widget state.

Before you go over below examples, if we exclude the case for local parameter passing between screens the most recommended state object is the SlimObject and recommended access to it is the SlimBuilder widget.
By using the SlimObject from one side and access it with a SlimBuilder you get the best of three worlds:

  1. Widget state control - you can make the wrapped widget to rebuild by calling updateUI method. Since SlimObject based on ChangeNotifier it will cause all widgets that referenced it to rebuild. That is great but considered to be a ChangeNotifier disadvantage in case you only want to make the current widget to rebuild. for that you can pass the current flag and decide when you want to globally or localy update the UI.

    updateUI({bool current = false})

  2. Global & Local shared objects/values - you can make any object/values shared between your app screens. Global - put your object/value at the top of your app tree by wrapping the material app widget. Local - put your object/value at the top of a sub tree. That way you can share objects for a local tree or pass parameters between screens.

  3. Separate business logic class that relates to UI - The SlimObject allows you to separate the business from UI but gives you powerful features that you can combine as part of you business logic.

    • UI Rebuild
    • UI Messages - SlimObject contains the showOverlay,showWidget and showSnckBar methods explained in the UI Messages section.
    • Current context access
    • Combine Navigation logic - You can use the widget extension method to navigate to different screen

    By using the SlimObject & SlimBuilder approach you can easily see what you business logic does, including navigation flow.

SlimObject abstract class that can be used for state management or logic, inherits from ChangeNotifier and gives you widget rebuild options: updateUI({bool current = false}) - will refresh the state of all / current widgets that reference it. also SlimObject has context propery for current context so you can access context extensions from inside a business login class interacting with UI: context.showOverlay - display overlay text message context.showWidget - display overlay widget context.showSnackBar - display snackbar with given text context.clearMessage - clears overlays

for overlay message and snackbar can set background color and text style. for overlay message and widget you can set dismissable flag.

Putting objects in the tree For the example will use a simple Counter class:

class Counter extends SlimObject{
	int value=0;



SingleSlim with a Slimer:


MultiSlim with slimers:


MultiSlim via List<Slimer> extension method:


Access slim objects in the tree

SlimBuilder - allows for updateUI(current:true)

Widget build(BuildContext context){
	return SlimBuilder<Counter>(
			return someWidget;

Simple Access - can't do updateUI(current:true)

Widget build(BuildContext context){
	final counter = Slim.of<Counter>(context);
	return someWidget;
Widget build(BuildContext context){
	final counter = context.slim<Counter>();
	return someWidget;

Useful Extensions #

slim provides some useful extension methods for several classes (some of them mentioned previously). The full extension methods are:

bool isNullOrEmpty
bool isNotNullOrEmpty

bool hasMessage - true if any overlay currently displayed
void clearMessage() - clears current overlay message if dismissable
void forceClearMessage() - clears current overlay message even if not dismissable
void showWidget(Widget widget, {bool dismissable = true})

void  showOverlay(String message,{Color messageBackgroundColor =,
bool dismissable = true,messageTextStyle = const  TextStyle(color: Colors.white)})
void  showSnackBar(String message,{Color messageBackgroundColor =,
messageTextStyle = const  TextStyle(color: Colors.white)})

T slim<T>() - access a state object of type T
double width - media query width
double height - media query height
NavigatorState navigator - navigator state
void pop<T>({T result}) - navigator pop
Future<T> push<T>(Route<T> route) - navigator push
Future<T> pushReplacement<T>(Route<T> route) - navigator pushReplacement
void popTop() - navigator pop till can't pop anymore
String translate(String key) - locale translation of key
TextDirection textDirection - current locale text direction

Future<T> push<T>(BuildContext context) - navigator push
Future<T> pushReplacement<T>(BuildContext context) - navigator pushReplacement
Future<T> pushTop<T>(BuildContext context) - push at navigators most top

RestApi #

RestApi is an abstract class gives you get, delete, post, put methods for fast service writing. The RestApi class constructors gets the server url, and its methods gets the service url and some additional data. RestApi class has also a createHeaders methods that can be overriden. RestApi methods wrapped in try/catch clause and returns RestApiResult object.

class RestApiResult {
  bool get success => statusCode == 200 || statusCode == 201;
  int statusCode;
  String body;
  String exception;
  RestApiMethod method;
  String url;
  int milliseconds;
  String get error => body.isNullOrEmpty ? exception : body;

  RestApiResult(this.url, this.method, this.statusCode, this.milliseconds);

  String toString() => "$method [$statusCode] [$error] ${milliseconds}ms";

exapmle for login service:

class LoginService extends RestApi {
  LoginService() : super("");

  /// POST
  Future<RestApiResult> login(User user) =>
      post("login", {"userName": user.userName, "password": user.password});

  /// POST
  Future<RestApiResult> logout(User user) =>
      post("logout", {"userName": user.userName});

Full Example #

In this final section i'll describe quick sample that combines most of the slim app essentials package. All of slim usage has remarks.

import 'package:slim/slim.dart';
  1. locale json file - assets/locales/en.json
  "hi": "Hello",
  "badlogin": "Bad Login",
  "goodlogin": "Ok Login",
  "badcreds": "invalid username or password",
  "loginform": "Login"
  1. User class
class User{
    String userName;
    String password;
  1. LoginService class
/// Extends slim RestApi class
class LoginService extends RestApi {
  LoginService() : super("");

  Future<RestApiResult> login(User user) =>
      post("login", {"userName": user.userName, "password": user.password});

  Future<RestApiResult> logout(User user) =>
      post("logout", {"userName": user.userName});
  1. LoginBloc class - Business logic
/// Extends slim SlimObject class
class LoginBloc extends SlimObject {
  badLogin(User user) async {
    /// Access login service via slim
    final loginService = context.slim<LoginService>();
    /// Using context access to display loading indicator
    final result = await loginService.login(user);
    /// Using context access to clear loading indicator
    /// Checking slim RestApiResult for success
    if (result.success)
      /// Using slim widget extension method to replace current screen to Home widget
      /// Using context access to show a snackbar and locale translation

  goodLogin(User user) async {
    /// Access login service via slim
    final loginService = context.slim<LoginService>();
    /// Using context access to display loading indicator
    await loginService.login(user);
    //Using context access to clear loading indicator
    /// Using slim widget extension method to replace current screen to Home widget
  1. App Configurations
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  MyApp() {
    /// Set slim supported locales
    SlimLocalizations.supportedLocales = [Locale('en', 'US')];

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return [
      /// Putting single instance of Userat the top of the tree
      /// Putting single instance of LoginService at the top of the tree
      /// Putting single instance of LoginBloc at the top of the tree
      child: MaterialApp(
        /// Configure material app builder for slim UI messages support
        builder: SlimMaterialAppBuilder.builder,
        title: 'Flutter Demo',
        theme: ThemeData(
          visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
        home: Login(),
        /// Configure slim localizations delegates
        localizationsDelegates: SlimLocalizations.delegates,
        /// Configure slim localizations supported locales
        supportedLocales: SlimLocalizations.supportedLocales,
  1. Login screen
class Login extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    /// Using slim builder to access login bloc instance
    return SlimBuilder<LoginBloc>(
      builder: (loginBloc) {
        /// Simple slim access to user instance
        final user = context.slim<User>();
        return Scaffold(
          body: Center(
            child: Container(
              /// BuildContext extension method context.width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width
              width: context.width * 0.8,
              child: Card(
                elevation: 5,
                child: Padding(
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
                  child: Column(
                    mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                    children: <Widget>[
                        /// slim locale translation
                        style: TextStyle(
                            fontSize: 20, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
                      SizedBox(height: 20),
                        decoration: InputDecoration(
                          hintText: "Username",
                          alignLabelWithHint: true,
                        initialValue: user.userName,
                        onChanged: (value) => user.userName = value,
                        decoration: InputDecoration(
                          hintText: "Password",
                          alignLabelWithHint: true,
                        initialValue: user.password,
                        onChanged: (value) => user.password = value,
                        obscureText: true,
                      SizedBox(height: 20),
                        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
                        children: <Widget>[
                            /// slim locale translation
                            child: Text(context.translate("badlogin")),
                            /// Using the bloc
                            onPressed: () => loginBloc.badLogin(user),
                            /// slim locale translation
                            child: Text(context.translate("goodlogin")),
                            /// Using the bloc
                            onPressed: () => loginBloc.goodLogin(user),
  1. Home screen
class Home extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    /// Using slim builder to access user instance
    return SlimBuilder<User>(
      builder: (user) => Scaffold(
        backgroundColor: Colors.lightBlue,
        body: Center(
          /// Using slim locale translation and user instance
          child: Text("${context.translate("hi")} ${user.userName}"),

Example above is available in example tab and git.

Comments & suggestions are most welcome.

Enjoy !

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app essentials - state managment, useful extensions, snackbar, overlay and widget messages, localizations, rest api and more

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