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Slide Show Pro is a Flutter package for creating animated sliders with effects like fade, scale, slide, and rotate. Easily mix effects for dynamic, professional transitions.

Slide Show Pro #

Demo Video 1 Demo Video 2

Slide Show Pro is a package designed to simplify the creation of animated sliders. With Slide Show Pro, you can seamlessly integrate various animation effects such as fade, scale, slide, and rotate into your projects.

Whether you're building an image gallery, a product showcase, or any feature that requires smooth and engaging animations, Slide Show Pro makes it easy to achieve professional-grade results with minimal effort.

Features #

  • Multiple Animation Effects: Easily apply different animations, including:
    • Fade: Smoothly transitions between images by fading in and out.
    • Scale: Create a zoom effect that can enhance visual engagement.
    • Slide: Transition images by sliding them in and out of view.
    • Rotate: Add a spinning effect to your images for a dynamic display.
  • Mix and Match: Combine different effects to create stunning and dynamic transitions.
  • Customizable: Adjust various parameters to fit your specific needs.
  • User-Friendly: Achieve professional-grade results with minimal effort.

Usage #

Let’s take a look at how to use SlideShowProPage with different animation effects.

Initial Start with Effects #

const SlideShowProPage(
  children: [
    FadeEffect(child: Placeholder()),
    ScaleEffect(child: Placeholder()),
    RotateEffect.fromLeft(child: Placeholder()),
    SlideEffect.fromLeft(child: Placeholder()),

SlideShowPro Effects List #

The following effects can be used within SlideShowPro to add animations to your slides:

Effects #

  • FadeEffect
    Adds a fading transition to your slides.

  • ScaleEffect
    Adds a scaling transition to your slides.

  • RotateEffect
    Enables rotational animation, with options to specify the direction using named constructors:

    • RotateEffect.fromLeft
    • RotateEffect.fromRight
  • SlideEffect
    Allows sliding animations from different directions, selectable via named constructors:

    • SlideEffect.fromLeft
    • SlideEffect.fromRight
    • SlideEffect.reverseVertical: reverse vertical sliding
    • SlideEffect.fromTop
    • SlideEffect.fromBottom
    • SlideEffect.reverseHorizontal: reverse horizontal sliding
  • FixedPositionEffect
    Fixes the slide in a set position, with options for direction using named constructors:

    • FixedPositionEffect.vertical
    • FixedPositionEffect.horizontal

Builder Constructor #

To create a slider with a large number of items that all share the same animation effect, you can use the SlideShowProPage.builder method.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    body: SlideShowProPage.builder(
      itemsCount: 10,
      infiniteScroll: true,
      itemBuilder: (context, index) {
        return EffectsBuilder(
          child: Container(color: Colors.grey, child: const Placeholder()),
          enteringBuilder: (child) {
            return FadeEffect(child: child);
          exitingBuilder: (child) {
            return SlideEffect.fromLeft(child: child);

Effects Builder #

With EffectsBuilder, you can customize both entering and exiting effects for your slides.

      children: [
          child: const Placeholder(),
          enteringBuilder: (child) {
            return child;
          exitingBuilder: (child) {
            return FixedPositionEffect.vertical(child: child);
          child: const Placeholder(),
          enteringBuilder: (child) {
            return const FadeEffect(child: Placeholder());
          exitingBuilder: (child) {
            return SlideEffect.fromLeft(child: child);

Appear Effects #

To display an item’s content when the widget is centered, you can use Appear effects. Available options include:

  • FadeAppear
    Adds a fading appearance transition.

  • ScaleAppear
    Adds a scaling appearance transition.

  • SlideAppear
    Enables sliding appearance animations from various directions, with options specified through named constructors:

    • SlideAppear.fromLeft
    • SlideAppear.fromRight
    • SlideAppear.fromTop
    • SlideAppear.fromBottom
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    body: SlideShowProPage(
      children: [
          child: Container(
            color: Colors.black12,
            child: const ScaleAppear(
              child: Center(
                child: Text(
                  'Item 1',
                  style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24),
          child: Container(
            color: Colors.black26,
            child: const FadeAppear(
              child: Center(
                child: Text(
                  'Item 2',
                  style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24),


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Slide Show Pro is a Flutter package for creating animated sliders with effects like fade, scale, slide, and rotate. Easily mix effects for dynamic, professional transitions.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)




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