sleek_palette 0.1.0 copy "sleek_palette: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
sleek_palette: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard


An opiniated color palette.

An opiniated color palette.

Install #

Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml :

    sleek_palette: <version>

Quick start #

    child: Builder((context) {
            final palette = SleekPalette.of(context);
            return Container(
                color: palette.danger
                child: Text(
                    style: TextStyle(
                        color: palette.danger.variants.invert,

Usage #

Defining a palette #


    data: const SleekPaletteData(
        primary: Color(0xFF5D3BE8),
        info: Color(0xFF3C39EE),
        secondary: Color(0xFF396BEE),
        danger: Color(0xFFEE394E),
        success: Color(0xFF3AC281),
        warning: Color(0xFFFFC369),
        dark: Color(0xFF323232),
        light: Color(0xFFEFEFEF),
        white: Color(0xFFFCFCFC),
        black: Color(0xFF090909),
        grey: Color(0xFF6A6A6A),
    child: <your app>,


The theme can be loaded asynchronously from a json file. The loaded palette is then stored in shared preferences and loaded automatically when the app is started.

    url: SleekPaletteData.fromUrl('')
    data: SleekPaletteData.fallback(), // Used while loading
    child: <your app>,

Reading a palette #

To read a color value from the palette use SleekPalette.of.

final palette = SleekPalette.of(context);
return Text(
    'Stay home!', 
    style: TextStyle(
        color: palette.danger,

The derived_color package is also automatically imported to access color variants through extensions.

final palette = SleekPalette.of(context);
return Container(
    color:  palette.danger,
    child: Text(
        'Stay home!', 
        style: TextStyle(
            color: palette.danger.variants.invert,

Updating palette #

You can update the current palette at any time. By default, the new palette is saved to preferences and automatically loaded on app launch.


You can also update the palette from a distant one.

await SleekPalette.updateFromUrl(context, '');

Thanks #

Thanks to the bulma framework team for the inspiration.