sleek_circular_slider 1.0.5 sleek_circular_slider: ^1.0.5 copied to clipboard
A highly customizable circular slider/progress bar for Flutter.
Sleek circular slider/progress bar for Flutter #
A highly customizable circular slider/progress bar for Flutter.
Getting Started #
- Installation
- Basic Usage
- SleekCircularSlider parameters
- CircularSliderAppearance parameters
- CustomSliderWidths parameters
- CustomSliderColors parameters
- InfoProperties parameters
- YouTube video
Installation #
sleek_circular_slider : ^lastest_version
to your pubspec.yaml, and run
flutter packages get
in your project's root directory.
Basic Usage #
Import it to your project file
import 'package:sleek_circular_slider/sleek_circular_slider.dart';
And add it in its most basic form like it:
final slider = SleekCircularSlider(
appearance: CircularSliderAppearance(),
onChange: (double value) {
There are additional optional parameters one can initialize the slider with.
final slider = SleekCircularSlider(
appearance: CircularSliderAppearance(),
min: 0,
max: 1000,
initialValue: 426,
onChange: (double value) {
// callback providing a value while its being changed (with a pan gesture)
onChangeStart: (double startValue) {
// callback providing a starting value (when a pan gesture starts)
onChangeEnd: (double endValue) {
// ucallback providing an ending value (when a pan gesture ends)
innerWidget: (double value) {
// use your custom widget inside the slider (gets a slider value from the callback)
Slider user's interaction will be disabled if there is either no [onChange] or [onChangeEnd] provided.
SleekCircularSlider parameters #
Parameter | Default | Description |
appearance CircularSliderAppearance | A set of objects describing the slider look and feel. | |
min double | 0 | The minimum value the user can select. Must be less than or equal to max. |
max double | 100 | The maximum value the user can select. Must be greater than or equal to min. |
initialValue double | 50 | The initial value for this slider. |
onChange OnChange(double value) | Called during a drag when the user is selecting a new value for the slider by dragging. | |
onChangeStart OnChange(double value) | Called when the user starts selecting a new value for the slider. | |
onChangeEnd OnChange(double value) | Called when the user is done selecting a new value for the slider. | |
innerWidget Widget InnerWidget(double value) | A custom widget to replace the build in text labels which can capture a slider value from the callback. |
CircularSliderAppearance parameters #
Parameter | Default | Description |
size double | 150 | The width & height value for the slider. |
startAngle double | 150 | The angle (in degrees) the slider begins with. |
angleRange double | 240 | The angle range (in degrees) the slider reaches when maximum value set. |
customWidths CustomSliderWidths | The object with a set of widths for the track, bar, shadow etc. | |
customColors CustomSliderColors | The object with a set of colors for the track, bar, shadow etc. | |
infoProperties InfoProperties | The object with a set of properties for internal labels displaying a current slider value. | |
animationEnabled bool | true | The setting indicating whether external changes of a slider value should be animated. |
CustomSliderWidths parameters #
Parameter | Default | Description |
trackWidth double | progressBarWidth / 4 | The width of the slider's track. |
progressBarWidth double | slider's size / 10 | The width of the slider's progress bar. |
shadowWidht double | progressBarWidth * 1.4 | The width of the slider's shadow. |
handlerSize double | progressBarWidth / 5 | The size of the slider's handler. |
CustomSliderColors parameters #
Parameter | Default | Description |
trackColor Color | #DCBEFB | The color of the slider's track. |
progressBarColor Color | The color of the slider's progress bar. Won't be used if the slider uses gradient progressBarColors != null | |
progressBarColors List | [#1E003B, #EC008A, #6285DA] | The list of colors for the progress bar's gradient. |
gradientStartAngle double | 0 | The start angle for the progress bar's gradient. |
gradientEndAngle double | 180 | The end angle for the progress bar's gradient. |
dotColor Color | #FFFFFF | The color of the slider's handle. |
hideShadow bool | false | The setting indicating whether the shadow should be showed. |
shadowColor Color | #2C57C0 | The color of the shadow. |
shadowMaxOpacity double | 0.2 | The opacity of the shadow in its darker part. |
shadowStep double | The shadow is being painted with a number of steps. This value determines how big is a width of each step. The more steps are painted the softer the shadow is. For a flat shadow use a difference between the shadowWidth and the progressWidth for the shadowStep. |
InfoProperties parameters #
Parameter | Default | Description |
mainLabelStyle TextStyle | The text style of the main text widget displaying a slider's current value. | |
topLabelStyle TextStyle | The text style of the top text widget. | |
bottomLabelStyle TextStyle | The text style of the bottom text widget. | |
topLabelText String | The text for the top text widget. | |
bottomLabelText String | The text for the bottom text widget. | |
modifier String PercentageModifier(double percentage) | closure adding the % character | The closure allowing to modify how a current value of the slider is displayed. |
Example of the modifier
String percentageModifier(double value) {
final roundedValue = value.ceil().toInt().toString();
return '$roundedValue %';
It will convert a current value to int and add the % sufix to it.