slang 4.6.0 copy "slang: ^4.6.0" to clipboard
slang: ^4.6.0 copied to clipboard

Localization / Internationalization (i18n) solution. Use JSON, YAML, CSV, or ARB files to create typesafe translations via source generation.

4.6.0 #

  • feat: add Translations.$copyWith() and TranslationMetadata.getOverride to allow adding custom behavior (#287)
  • feat: add Japanese plural resolver (#289)

4.5.0 #

  • feat: add dart run slang configure to configure CFBundleLocalizations in Info.plist based on existing translation files
  • feat: add -h / --help / help command
  • feat: add global generate_enum config (#283)
  • fix: add unused_element_parameter to avoid warnings in Dart 3.7 (#282)

4.4.1 #

  • fix: also sanitize of when used as root key

4.4.0 #

  • feat: add (fallback) modifier to fallback entries within a map (#268)
  • fix: empty strings in base translations should not be removed when using fallback_strategy: base_locale_empty_string

4.3.0 #

  • feat: simplify file names without namespaces (#267)
  • DEPRECATED: Do not use namespaces in file names when namespaces are disabled: strings_de.json -> de.json
  • DEPRECATED: Always specify the locale in the file name (namespace enabled): strings.json -> strings_en.json, except the locale is specified in the directory name

Note: This might make the files order in your IDE less pleasant if input and output files are in the same directory. You can specify the output directory to a subdirectory to avoid this. For example, output_directory: lib/i18n/gen

4.2.1 #

  • fix: do not sanitize keys in maps

4.2.0 #

  • feat: automatically sanitize invalid keys (e.g. continue, 123) (#257)
  • fix: do not override locale in L10n format definition

4.1.0 #

  • feat: add format config to automatically format generated files (#184)
  • fix: correctly generate with enum_name and class_name different from AppLocale / Translations (#254)

4.0.0 #

DateFormat, NumberFormat, and Lazy loading

Format translations with DateFormat and NumberFormat:

Hello {name}, today is {today: yMd}. You have {money: currency(symbol: '€')}.

On web, Deferred loading is used to reduce initial load time.

  • feat: add DateFormat and NumberFormat support (#112)
  • feat: add lazy: true config which is enabled by default (#135)
  • fix: slang analyze should not treat translations as unused if they are used in linked translations (#231)
  • fix: slang analyze should detect missing enums (#234)
  • fix: trim enum keys in compressed format while parsing (e.g. "male, female": "..." to "male,female": "...") (#247)
  • fix: compilation error on web when using large interfaces (#251)
  • fix: correctly transform keys with modifiers when key_case is set (#253)
  • Breaking: Require Dart 3.3 and Flutter 3.19
  • Breaking: setLocale, setLocaleRaw, and useDeviceLocale returns a Future, use -Sync suffix for synchronous calls
  • Breaking: output_format removed, always generates multiple files now
  • Breaking: deprecated functions in LocaleSettings (supportedLocales, supportedLocalesRaw) removed
  • Breaking: defining contexts (enums) is no longer allowed in build.yaml or slang.yaml (deprecated in v3.19.0)
  • Breaking: enums specified in context are no longer transformed into pascal case keeping the original case

You can read the detailed migration guide here.

3.32.0 #

  • feat: add syntax to escape linked translations (#248) @Fasust
  • i18n: add Polish plural resolver (#245) @0rzech
  • docs: broken Unicode CLDR link (#246) @0rzech

3.31.2 #

  • fix: should match first language code if there are no matches by country code and at least one match by language code (#241) @Tienisto

3.31.1 #

  • fix: "translation overrides" do not work with parameterized linked translations (#226) @Tienisto
  • fix: linked translations should not be unused when running dart run slang analyze (#222) @Tienisto

3.31.0 #

  • feat: add dart run slang normalize to normalize translations based on base locale @Tienisto
  • feat: add parameter type support (introduced 3.30.0) to ARB files (#214) @Tienisto
  • feat: sort translation files for reproducible console output (#210) @poppingmoon

3.30.2 #

  • fix: commented out translations should be declared as unused during slang analyze (#200) @nikaera
  • fix: should use interpolation for strings with a single parameter (#207) @Tienisto
  • fix: encode csv files correctly (#202) @nikaera

3.30.1 #

  • fix: when applying translations with dart run slang apply, only modifiers from the base locale should be used (#192)

3.30.0 #

  • feat: add parameter types (e.g. Hello {name: String}, you are {age: int} years old); is Object by default @Tienisto
  • fix: handle nested interfaces (#191) @Tienisto
  • refactor: move code to src folder @Tienisto

3.29.0 #

  • feat: dart run slang analyze supports csv files (#185) @nikaera
  • feat: also add linter and coverage ignore to part files (#188) @cmenkemeller
  • fix: generate base translations as fallback when using context enums where some enum values are missing (#182) @Tienisto
  • fix: generate correct part of directive when using a custom dart file extension (#187) @cmenkemeller

3.28.0 #

  • feat: add fallback_strategy: base_locale_empty_string to also treat empty strings as missing translations (#180)
  • fix: special case where linked translations had invalid parenthesis (#181)

3.27.0 #

  • feat: add support for ARB files (#179)

3.26.2 #

  • fix: should not escape special characters when parsed via the "Translation Overrides" feature (#177)

3.26.1 #

  • fix: generate correct compatibility typedef for Translations class (#176)

3.26.0 #

  • feat: base translation class is named Translations so that Translations.of(context) returns the same type (#169)
  • feat: the name Translations can be configured via class_name (@bjernie, #174)
  • feat: add statistics configuration (similar to timestamp) to hide statistics in generated file

3.25.0 #

  • feat: add dart run slang clean to remove unused translations after running slang analyze (#141)
  • feat: add --exit-if-changed to slang analyze to fail CI if there are missing / unused translations (#141)
  • fix: code generator should not crash if context is not included in i18n (#165)
  • fix: should not generate contextBuilder and nBuilder parameter in rich text if not needed (#168)

3.24.0 #

  • feat: slang edit add respects order in base locale (@adil192)
  • feat: slang edit add works without a specified locale, it will add the string to all locales
  • feat: use WidgetsBinding.instance.platformDispatcher instead of PlatformDispatcher.instance in findDeviceLocale implementation
  • fix: correctly obfuscate line breaks and single quotes

3.23.0 #

  • feat: support multiple TranslationProvider at the same time when using multiple packages
  • fix: trailing slash in config does not work with build_runner
  • i18n: Swedish plural resolver improvement (by @lohnn)

3.22.0 #

  • feat: announcing slang_gpt, a new package to generate translations with GPT

3.21.0 #

  • feat: add input directory as comment to generated files
  • fix: migrate away from deprecated WidgetsBinding.instance.window in findDeviceLocale implementation
  • fix: handle empty maps in _missing_translations in yaml format (by @adil192)

3.20.0 #

  • feat: add slang add to add new translations (by @adil192)

3.19.0 #

  • feat: add enum value inference (no need to specify enum in the config anymore)
  • feat: add slang edit copy to copy translations
  • feat: namespaces may contain underscores if at least one file of same directory uses locale from directory name
  • DEPRECATED: Use explicit context modifier instead of relying on the config file (see migration guide)

3.18.1 #

  • chore: add logo

3.18.0 #

  • feat: add slang edit to move or delete translations over all locales
  • fix: avoid infinite loop of symlinks

3.17.0 #

  • fix: setLocale does not work when Locale enum is from two packages (by @fzyzcjy)
  • fix: slang outdated should skip missing translations instead of throwing an error

3.16.2 #

  • fix: handle dynamic keys when fallback_strategy: base_locale is used

3.16.1 #

  • fix: handle interpolation when obfuscation is enabled

3.16.0 #

  • feat: add obfuscation config to obfuscate translation strings

3.15.1 #

  • fix: slang analyze with --full should find invocations written in multiple lines

3.15.0 #

  • feat: add OUTDATED modifier to flag translations as outdated (slang analyze will treat them as missing)
  • feat: run flutter pub run slang outdated my.key.path to flag translations as outdated
  • feat: slang apply prefers modifiers from base locale over secondary locales

3.14.0 #

  • feat: LocaleSettings.useDeviceLocale listens to device locale changes
  • feat: flutter pub run slang apply only applies changed locales by default
  • fix: locale selection with script code (e.g. zh-Hant-TW uses zh-TW instead of zh-HK)

3.13.0 #

  • feat: generated files from analyze and apply have \n at the end of the file

3.12.0 #

  • feat: mixins generated by the interface feature now have == and hashCode overrides
  • feat: flutter pub run slang apply now respects the order in the base locale instead of simply add the new translations to the end
  • feat: flutter pub run slang analyze now have --split-missing and --split-unused (in addition to --split) so only one of both can be a single file

3.11.1 #

  • fix: missing unused translations in secondary locales

3.11.0 #

  • feat: add (ignoreMissing) and (ignoreUnused) modifiers which changes the behaviour of flutter pub run slang analyze

3.10.0 #

  • feat: there is now a default plural resolver so the app keeps working in production when you forgot to define one, you will only see a warning in the log
  • fix: key_map_case should work with (map) modifier

3.9.0 #

  • feat: improve interface attribute inference algorithm
  • feat: generate to lib/gen/<filename> in Flutter environment by default if input is outside of lib/ and no output directory is given

3.8.0 #

  • feat: add (interface=<Interface>) and (singleInterface=<Interface>) modifiers, a new approach to configure interfaces without touching the config file
  • feat: add AppLocaleUtils.supportedLocales and AppLocaleUtils.supportedLocalesRaw, this API works in locale_handling: false
  • fix: possible class name conflict for objects inside lists
  • DEPRECATED: LocaleSettings.supportedLocales and LocaleSettings.supportedLocalesRaw

3.7.0 #

  • feat: official web support

3.6.0 #

  • feat: RichText supports links inside default translation
  • feat: flutter pub run slang watch works recursively and does not crash on error

3.5.0 #

  • feat: csv decoding now support both CRLF and LF, " and '
  • fix: LocaleSettings.setPluralResolver should not throw an assertion error
  • fix: flutter pub run slang migrate should also work without : in command

3.4.0 #

  • feat: add --locale=<locale> argument to flutter pub run slang apply to only apply a specific locale
  • BREAKING (TOOL): --flat argument for flutter pub run slang analyze and apply is no longer available

3.3.1 #

  • fix: when namespaces are used, consider more directories (not only parent) for locale detection (e.g. assets/i18n/en-US/pages/home.json)

3.3.0 #

  • feat: flutter pub run slang analyze now also checks unused translations (on top of missing translations)
  • docs: prefer slang analyze over slang:analyze (and for all other commands); both styles are supported however

3.2.0 #

  • feat: add command flutter pub run slang:apply to add translations from the slang:analyze result
  • fix: handle isFlatMap parameter when overriding translations correctly
  • fix: update arb migration tool to respect new modifier syntax

3.1.0 #

  • feat: add command flutter pub run slang:analyze to report missing translations

3.0.0 #

Translation Overrides and Enhanced Modifiers

  • feat: it is now possible to override translations via LocaleSettings.overrideTranslations (checkout updated README)
  • feat: there is a new modifier syntax which allows for multiple modifiers e.g. myKey(plural, rich)
  • feat: improve file scan (now only checks top-level directory for any config files)
  • Breaking: default plural parameter is now n; you can revert this by setting pluralization/default_parameter: count
  • Breaking: custom plural/context parameter must follow syntax apples(param=appleCount)

All breaking changes will result in a compile-time error, so don't worry for "hidden" bugs :)

You can read the detailed migration guide here.

2.8.0 #

  • feat: add AppLocaleUtils.parseLocaleParts
  • fix: LocaleSettings.useDeviceLocale now does not complain of weird locales on Linux
  • fix: rich text now handles all characters
  • fix: rich text properly applies param_case
  • fix: empty nodes are rendered as classes instead of claiming them as plurals

2.7.0 #

  • feat: ignore empty plural / context nodes when fallback_strategy: base_locale is used
  • feat: add coverage:ignore-file to generated file and ignore every lint

2.6.2 #

  • feat: add Russian plural resolver (thanks to @LuckyWins)
  • fix: parse rich text with interpolation braces and double_braces correctly

2.6.1 #

  • fix: remove const if rich text has links

2.6.0 #

  • feat: render context enum values as is, instead of forcing to camel case
  • feat: add additional lint ignores to generated file
  • fix: generate correct ordinal (plural) call
  • fix: handle rich texts containing linked translations

2.5.0 #

  • feat: add extension method shorthand (e.g.
  • feat: add LocaleSettings.getLocaleStream to keep track of every locale change
  • feat: return more specific TextSpan instead of InlineSpan for rich texts

2.4.1 #

  • fix: do not export package:flutter/widgets.dart

2.4.0 #

  • feat: allow external enums for context feature (add generate_enum and imports config)
  • feat: add default context parameter name (default_parameter)
  • feat: add export statement in generated file to avoid imports of extension methods

2.3.1 #

  • fix: add missing fallback for flat map if configured

2.3.0 #

  • feat: use tight version for slang_flutter and slang_build_runner
  • fix: throw error if base locale not found
  • fix: TranslationProvider should use current locale
  • fix: use more strict locale regex to avoid false-positives when detecting locale of directory name

2.2.0 #

  • feat: locale can be moved from file name to directory name (e.g. i18n/fr/page1_fr.i18n.json to i18n/fr/page1.i18n.json)

2.1.0 #

  • feat: add slang.yaml support which has less boilerplate than build.yaml
  • fix: move internal build.yaml to correct package

2.0.0 #

Transition to a federated package structure

  • Breaking: rebranding to slang
  • Breaking: add slang_build_runner, slang_flutter depending on your use case
  • Breaking: remove output_file_pattern (was deprecated)
  • feat: dart-only support (flutter_integration: false)
  • feat: multiple package support
  • feat: RichText support

Thanks to @fzyzcjy.

You can read the detailed migration guide here.




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2024.09.09 - 2025.03.24

Localization / Internationalization (i18n) solution. Use JSON, YAML, CSV, or ARB files to create typesafe translations via source generation.

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#i18n #l10n #localization #translation


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collection, csv, intl, json2yaml, watcher, yaml


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