skeleton_chat_loader 1.0.0 skeleton_chat_loader: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
A Flutter widget for skeleton loading animations with a shimmer effect, designed for chat UIs.
T# skeleton_chat_loader
A Flutter package that provides customizable shimmer loading animations for chat message bubbles, perfect for chat applications while loading messages or waiting for network responses.
Features #
- Customizable message bubble dimensions
- Sender/Receiver message bubble styles
- Configurable shimmer colors
- Smooth animation transitions
- Responsive design
Screenshots #
Installation #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml
skeleton_chat_loader: ^1.0.0
flutter pub get
Usage #
Import the package:
import 'package:skeleton_chat_loader/skeleton_chat_loader.dart';
Basic Usage #
// Simple message loading skeleton
height: 50,
isSender: false,
maxWidth: 280,
Customized Loading Skeleton #
// Customized message loading skeleton with custom colors
height: 70,
isSender: true,
maxWidth: 320,
shimmerColors: [,,,
Example in a Chat List #
itemCount: 5, // Number of loading skeletons
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return MessageShimmerLoading(
height: 50,
isSender: index % 2 == 0, // Alternate between sender and receiver
maxWidth: 280,
Parameters #
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
height | double | 50 | Height of the message bubble |
isSender | bool | false | Whether the message is from the sender |
maxWidth | double | 280 | Maximum width of the message bubble |
shimmerColors | List | null | Custom colors for shimmer effect |
Contributing #
Feel free to contribute to this package by creating issues or submitting pull requests on our GitHub repository.
License #
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.