simplytranslate 1.0.1
simplytranslate: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
Free and unlimited Google and Libretranslate translations. Fast and private. Working with the SimplyTranslate API.
simplytranslate #
Simplytranslate API for Dart / Flutter
Credits #
Credits go to: which I used in my Dart project but also as a template for this package.
Sadly Google only allows a limited amount of requests therefore I chose as an alternative. But you still get Google Translation quality.
Also considered and a great project (but no Libretranslate):
Usage #
import 'package:simplytranslate/translator.dart';
void main() async {
//use Google Translate
final GoogleTranslator = SimplyTranslator(;
//use Libretranslate
final LibreTranslator = SimplyTranslator(EngineType.libre);
//get "hello" as an Audio-Url
//uses always Google TTS as Libretranslate doesnt support TTS, gives same result
print(GoogleTranslator.getTTSUrl("hello", "en"));
print(LibreTranslator.getTTSUrl("hello", "en"));
//using Libretranslate
//only text translation avaliable
var Ltranslation = await LibreTranslator
.translate("The dispositions were very complicated and difficult.", from: 'en', to: 'de');
//Die Anordnungen waren sehr kompliziert und schwierig.
//without source language (auto):
Ltranslation = await LibreTranslator
.translate("The dispositions were very complicated and difficult.", to: 'de');
//Die Anordnungen waren sehr kompliziert und schwierig.
//using Googletranslate:
var Gtranslation = await GoogleTranslator
.translate("The dispositions were very complicated and difficult.", from: 'en', to: 'de');
//get whole Text translation
//Returns String
//Die Dispositionen waren sehr kompliziert und schwierig.
//without source language (auto):
Gtranslation = await GoogleTranslator
.translate("The dispositions were very complicated and difficult.", to: 'de');
//Die Dispositionen waren sehr kompliziert und schwierig.
//get multiple word translations in target language from Google
//returns Map<String, dynamic>
Gtranslation = await GoogleTranslator
.translate("big", from: 'en', to: 'de');
//{adjective: {dick: {frequency: 1/3, words: [thick, fat, large, big, heavy, stout]}, faustdick: {frequency: 1/3,...
//get multiple word defenitions in native language from Google
//returns Map<String, dynamic>
//{adjective: [{definition: of considerable size, extent, or intensity., synonyms: {: [large, sizeable,...
Simplytranslate API docs #
Simplytranslate API docs: