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A simple and powerful spell checker, allowing developers to detect and highlight spelling errors in text

Simple Spell Checker #

simple spell checker example preview

Simple Spell Checker is a simple but powerful spell checker, that allows to all developers detect and highlight spelling errors in text. The package also allows customization of languages, providing efficient and adaptable spell-checking for various applications.

Use with caution #

Simple Spell Checker is a client-side dependency that works without any need for an internet connection, so, it could weigh more than expected due to each of the dictionaries. As mentioned below, it supports a very wide variety of languages which can have a file of up to 300.000 words (this being just one language, since there are others such as Russian that contain up to 400.000 words), which makes the package increase in size more than expected. If you want to avoid your application increasing in size significantly, the best thing you can do is use the native solution DefaultSpellCheckService to avoid this.

Features #

  • Real-time Spell Checking: Split text into spans with correct and incorrect words, highlighting errors dynamically.
  • Custom Language Support: Add custom dictionaries for languages not included by default.
  • Caching for Performance: Automatically caches dictionaries and languages to avoid reloading large text files.
  • Customizable Error Handling: Optionally use custom gesture recognizers for wrong words, enabling custom interactions.
  • Stream-based State Management: Provides a stream of updates for spell-checking states, allowing reactive UI updates.

Current languages supported #

The package already have a default list of words for these languages:

  • German - de, de-ch
  • English - en, en-gb
  • Spanish - es
  • Catalan - ca
  • Arabic - ar
  • Danish - da
  • French - fr
  • Bulgarian - bg
  • Dutch - nl
  • Korean - ko
  • Estonian - et
  • Hebrew - he
  • Slovak - sk
  • Italian - it
  • Norwegian - no
  • Portuguese - pt
  • Swedish - sv
  • Russian - ru

Getting Started #

Add the Dependency:

  simple_spell_checker: <latest_version>

Import the necessary components into your Dart file and initialize the Spell-Checker:

SimpleSpellChecker #

SimpleSpellChecker is a single language checker.

import 'package:simple_spell_checker/simple_spell_checker.dart';

SimpleSpellChecker spellChecker = SimpleSpellChecker(
  language: 'en', // the current language that the user is using
  // if we have a current custom language and it is not found into the custom languages this value is used
  safeLanguageName: 'es', 
  // avoid throws UnSupportedError if a custom language is not founded
  safeDictionaryLoad: true,  
  // if the language if not founded creates an empty instance to replace the not founded lan
  worksWithoutDictionary: true, 
  // byPackage | byUser -> defines if the language need to be searched first in customLanguages or in the default ones
  strategy: StrategyLanguageSearchOrder.byPackage, 
  // this is a list of words that will be ignored by check ops
  whiteList: <String>[],  
  customLanguages: <LanguageIdentifier>[],
  // if is true, will take all languages into [customLanguages] to add them to the registry
  autoAddLanguagesFromCustomDictionaries: false,
  caseSensitive: false,

MultiSpellChecker #

MultiSpellChecker is a instance of the same type of SimpleSpellChecker but this one let us add multiple languages to be checked in real-time.

import 'package:simple_spell_checker/simple_spell_checker.dart';

MultiSpellChecker spellChecker = MultiSpellChecker(
  // the current languages that the user is using and correspond with english, russian, italian, and british english
  language: ['en', 'ru', 'it', 'en-gb'], 
  // if we have a current custom language and it is not found into the custom languages this value is used
  safeLanguageName: 'en', 
  // avoid throws UnSupportedError if a custom language is not founded
  safeDictionaryLoad: true,  
  // if the language if not founded creates an empty instance to replace the not founded lan
  worksWithoutDictionary: true, 
  // byPackage | byUser -> defines if the language need to be searched first in customLanguages or in the default ones
  strategy: StrategyLanguageSearchOrder.byPackage, 
  // this is a list of words that will be ignored by check ops
  whiteList: [],  
  customLanguages: <LanguageIdentifier>[],
  // if is true, will take all languages into [customLanguages] to add them to the registry
  autoAddLanguagesFromCustomDictionaries: false,
  caseSensitive: false,

Check functions #

Check your text: #

Use the check() method to analyze a String for spelling errors:

List<TextSpan>? result = spellChecker.check(
  'Your text here',
  wrongStyle: TextStyle(backgroundColor:, // set you custom style to the wrong spans 
  commonStyle: TextStyle(your_normal_styles_for_non_wrong_words), 

Check your text using a custom builder: #

Use the checkBuilder<T>() method to analyze a String for spelling errors and build your own widget with the text:

List<Widget>? result = spellChecker.checkBuilder<Widget>(
  'Your text here',
  builder: (word, isWrong) {
    return Text(word, style: TextStyle(color: isWrong ? : null));

Word tokenizer customization #

Creating your custom Tokenizer #

Use the wordTokenizer param from constructor to set a custom instance of your Tokenizer or use setNewTokenizer() or setWordTokenizerToDefault().

Example of a custom Tokenizer:

/// custom tokenizer implemented by the package
class CustomWordTokenizer extends Tokenizer {
  CustomWordTokenizer() : super(separatorRegExp: RegExp(r'\S+|\s+'));

  bool canTokenizeText(String text) {
    return separatorRegExp!.hasMatch(text);

  /// Divides a string into words
  List<String> tokenize(
    String content, {
    bool removeAllEmptyWords = false,
  }) {
    final List<String> words = separatorRegExp!.allMatches(content).map((match) =>!).toList();
    return [...words];

Handling Custom Languages: #

Add and use addCustomLanguage() by updating the customLanguages parameter:

SimpleSpellChecker #

// You dictionary should be a string splitted by new lines
// since this is the current format supported 
// Note: this could change in future releases
final LanguageIdentifier identifier = LanguageIdentifier(language: 'custom_lang', words: '<your_dictionary>');
// this need to be called for cases when we check if the language into the Spellchecker is already registered
// then, if the language on SimpleSpellChecker
// this method add new custom language to the current ones
// with it's own custom dictionary
// to set this new custom language to the state of the [SimpleSpellChecker] then use:

MultiSpellChecker #

final LanguageIdentifier identifier = LanguageIdentifier(language: 'custom_lang', words: '<your_dictionary>');
// this need to be called for cases when we check if the language into the Spellchecker is already registered
// then, if the language on SimpleSpellChecker
// this method to update the state automatically adding this 
// new language identifier to the current languages in the state

Note: #

When you add a custom language you will need to call registerLanguage() and pass the language id to avoid throw an UnSupportedError in check() or checkBuilder() method since it always check if the current state of the language/languages, is/are already registered with the other ones.

Additional Information #

Language Management #

  • setNewLanguageToState(String language): override the current language into the Spell Checker. Only available for SimpleSpellChecker instances
  • setNewLanguageToCurrentLanguages(String language): add the language to the current ones into the Spell Checker. Only available for MultiSpellChecker instances
  • setNewLanState(List languages): override the current languages into the Spell Checker. Only available for MultiSpellChecker instances
  • registerLanguage(String language): Add a new language to the registries (the registry is a different instance that the current languages that contains all languages available and is used in check() methods to avoid check if the language is not available however, this is overrided if worksWithoutDictionary is true).
  • updateCustomLanguageIfExist(LanguageIdentifier language, bool withException): override the current value if exist in customLanguages var.
  • reloadDictionarySync(): Reload the dictionary synchronously to update the language or dictionary.

White List Management #

  • SetNewWhiteList(List words): override the current white list into the Spell Checker.
  • addNewWordToWhiteList(String words): add a new word to the white list.
  • whiteList: return the current white list state.

State Management #

  • toggleChecker(): activate or deactivate the spell checking. If it is deactivate check() methods always will return null
  • isCheckerActive(): return the state of the spell checker.

Customization Options #

  • checkBuilder: Use the checkBuilder() method for a custom widget-based approach to handling spelling errors.
  • setNewStrategy: Use the setNewStrategy() method to modify the current value to change the behvarior if the dictionary is reloaded.
  • customLongPressRecognizerOnWrongSpan: Attach custom gesture recognizers to wrong words for tailored interactions.

Caching #

The package uses caching mechanisms to store loaded dictionaries and languages, significantly reducing the load time when checking large texts. The cache mechanisms share the same instances used by both type of the Spell Checkers (SimpleSpellChecker and MultiSpellChecker).

  • Language Caching: The package caches language identifiers and word dictionaries to avoid reloading them multiple times, which is particularly useful for large dictionaries.
  • Custom Language Caching: When adding custom languages, they are cached automatically to improve performance.

Stream Updates #

The SimpleSpellChecker class provides a stream (stream getter) that broadcasts updates whenever the spell-checker state changes (by now, we just pass the current state of the object list that is always updated when add a new object). This is useful for reactive UI updates.

Native methods streams without using StreamController

Use the checkStream() or checkBuilderStream<T>() method to analyze a String for spelling errors:

Note: this functions let us dispose the controllers using disposeControllers() without lost the realtime functionality.

late StreamSubscription subscription;
subscription = spellChecker 
      'Your text here',
      removeEmptyWordsOnTokenize: true,
      (List<TextSpan> data) {},
/// remenber call cancel


late StreamSubscription subscription;
subscription = spellChecker
      'Your text here',
      builder: (word, isWrong) {
        return Text(word, style: TextStyle(color: isWrong ? : null));
    (List<Widget> data) {},

/// remenber call cancel

For listen the list of the widgets while is checking: {
  print("Spell check state updated.");

For listen the changes of the language into SimpleSpellChecker:

spellChecker.languageStream.listen((event) {
  print("Spell check language state updated.");

Disposing of Resources #

When the SimpleSpellChecker is no longer needed, ensure you dispose of it properly:

//Avoid reuse this spellchecker after dispose since it will throws error

Or also, if you don't need listen the StreamControllers then you can dispose them:

//Avoid reuse the streams of the spellchecker after dispose since it will throws error

It clears any cached data and closes the internal stream to prevent memory leaks.

Contributions #

If you find a bug or want to add a new feature, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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A simple and powerful spell checker, allowing developers to detect and highlight spelling errors in text

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