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A simple and powerful spell checker, allowing developers to detect and highlight spelling errors in text

Simple Spell Checker #

SimpleSpellChecker provides a simple and powerful spell checker, allowing developers to detect and highlight spelling errors in text. The package caches language dictionaries and allows customization of languages, providing efficient and adaptable spell-checking for various applications.

Features #

  • Real-time Spell Checking: Split text into spans with correct and incorrect words, highlighting errors dynamically.
  • Custom Language Support: Add custom dictionaries for languages not included by default.
  • Caching for Performance: Automatically caches dictionaries and languages to avoid reloading large text files.
  • Customizable Error Handling: Optionally use custom gesture recognizers for wrong words, enabling custom interactions.
  • Stream-based State Management: Provides a stream of updates for spell-checking states, allowing reactive UI updates.

Current languages supported by default #

The package already have a default list of words for these languages:

  • German - de_words
  • English - en_words
  • Spanish - es_words
  • French - fr_words
  • Italian - it_words
  • Norwegian - no_words
  • Portuguese - pt_words
  • Swedish - sv_words

Getting Started #

To use the SimpleSpellChecker in your Flutter project, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Dependency:

Add the following line to your pubspec.yaml file:

  simple_spell_checker: <latest_version>

Import the necessary components into your Dart file and initialize the Spell-Checker:

import 'package:simple_spell_checker/simple_spell_checker.dart';

SimpleSpellChecker spellChecker = SimpleSpellChecker(
  language: 'en', // the current language that the user is using
  safeDictionaryLoad: true, // avoid throws UnSupportedError if a custom language is not founded 

Check your text: #

Use the check() method to analyze a String for spelling errors:

List<TextSpan>? result = spellChecker.check(
  'Your text here',
  removeEmptyWordsOnTokenize: true,

Check your text using a custom builder: #

Use the checkBuilder<T>() method to analyze a String for spelling errors and build your own widget with the text:

List<Widget>? result = spellChecker.checkBuilder<Widget>(
  'Your text here',
  builder: (word, isWrong) {
    return Text(word, style: TextStyle(color: isWrong ? : null));

Handling Custom Languages: #

Add and use addCustomLanguage() by updating the customLanguages parameter:

final LanguageIdentifier languageId = LanguageIdentifier(language: 'custom_lang', words: '<your_dictionary>');
// this need to be called for cases when we check if the language into the Spellchecker is already registered
// then, if the language on SimpleSpellChecker
// to set this new custom language to the state of the [SimpleSpellChecker] then use:


When you add a custom language you will need to call registerLanguage() and pass the language id to avoid return null in check() or checkBuilder() method since it always call _checkLanguageRegistry() to ensure to check if the current state of the language in SimpleSpellChecker is already registered with the other ones).

Additional Information #

Language Management #

  • setNewLanguageToState(String language): override the current language into the Spellchecker.
  • registerLanguage(String language): Add a new language to the cache with the default ones supported.
  • reloadDictionarySync(): Reload the dictionary synchronously to update the language or dictionary.

Customization Options #

  • checkBuilder: Use the checkBuilder() method for a custom widget-based approach to handling spelling errors.
  • customLongPressRecognizerOnWrongSpan: Attach custom gesture recognizers to wrong words for tailored interactions.

Caching #

The package uses caching mechanisms (CacheObject) to store loaded dictionaries and languages, significantly reducing the load time when checking large texts.

  • Language Caching: The package caches language identifiers and word dictionaries to avoid reloading them multiple times, which is particularly useful for large dictionaries.
  • Custom Language Caching: When adding custom languages, they are cached automatically to improve performance.

Stream Updates #

The SimpleSpellChecker class provides a stream (stream getter) that broadcasts updates whenever the spell-checker state changes (by now, we just pass the current state of the object list that is always updated when add a new object). This is useful for reactive UI updates. {
  print("Spell check state updated.");

Disposing of Resources #

When the SimpleSpellChecker is no longer needed, ensure you dispose of it properly:

//Avoid reuse this spellchecker after dispose since it will throws error

It clears any cached data and closes the internal stream to prevent memory leaks.

Contributions #

If you find a bug or want to add a new feature, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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A simple and powerful spell checker, allowing developers to detect and highlight spelling errors in text

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