simple_smart_scraper 1.0.21 copy "simple_smart_scraper: ^1.0.21" to clipboard
simple_smart_scraper: ^1.0.21 copied to clipboard

A simple smart data scraping library. Data scraping is a technique in which a computer program extract data from human-readable output coming from another program.

A simple smart data scraping library.

Usage #

Import the package into your Dart code using:

import 'package:simple_smart_scraper/simple_smart_scraper.dart';

Below are step by step instructions of how to write your first data scraper using simple_smart_scraper package.

Before starting our tutorials, let's first define Data Scraping. According to , Data scraping is a technique in which a computer program extract data from human-readable output coming from another program.


First locate your target data to scrape , Our target data is the html string below.

final html_data =
                     <td><a href="link1" color="black">Home</a></td>
                     <td><a href="link2" color="white">Info</a></td>

For remote data such as html pages that need to be cleaned first, use getCleanedHtml function that download and provides options for cleaning the downloaded html data.

var cleanedHtm = await getCleanedHtml('data-url', keepTags: const <String>[

            Tutorial 1: Parsers

A parser class that provide the parsers to parse our data

class MyParser with ParserMixin {
  //A parser to parse h2 tag  //<h2>MagabeLab</h2>
  //Use element function and provide a tag name as follows
  Parser titleParser() => element('h2');

  //A parser to parse Welcome text //<h1><i>Welcome</i></h1>
  //Here i use parentElement function and pass h1 as a tag
  Parser welcomeParser() => parentElement('h1', element('i'));

  //A parser to parse <td><a href="xxx">xxx</a></td>
  Parser tdParser() => parentElement('td', element('a'));

  //A parser to parse a tbody tag from the data, tbody has 2 child element both td elements, so i use repeat
  Parser tbodyParser() => parentElement('tbody', repeat(tdParser(), 2));

  //Return MagabeLab text from h2 tags
  String getTitle(String input) {
    String h2 = getParserResult(parser: titleParser(), input: input);
    return getElementText(tag: 'h2', input: h2);

  //Return Welcome text from i tags
  String getWelcomeText(String input) {
    String h1 = getParserResult(parser: welcomeParser(), input: input);
    String i = getParserResult(parser: element('i'), input: h1);
    return getElementText(tag: 'i', input: i);

  String tbody(String input) =>
      getParserResult(parser: tbodyParser(), input: input);

  Map<String, String> getLinkAndName(String input) {
    Map<String, String> map = <String, String>{};
    var tdList = getParserResults(parser: tdParser(), input: tbody(input));
    for (var td in tdList) {
      var a = getParserResult(parser: element('a'), input: td);
      var name = getElementText(tag: 'a', input: a);
      var href = getAttributeValue(tag: 'a', attribute: 'href', input: a);
      if (name.isNotEmpty && href.isNotEmpty) {
        map[name] = href;
    return map;

  //Just for fun ,using fast-lazy method
  String getLinkBasedColorAttribute(String color, String input) {
    var aList = getParserResults(parser: element('a'), input: input);
    for (var a in aList) {
      var c = getAttributeValue(tag: 'a', attribute: 'color', input: a);
      bool match = nonCaseSensitiveChars(c)
          .accept(color.trim()); //notice this match call
      if (match) {
        return getAttributeValue(tag: 'a', attribute: 'href', input: a);
    return '';

Now we are ready to try our parsers

  MyParser _myParser = MyParser();

  print(_myParser.getTitle(html_data)); //MagabeLab

  print(_myParser.getWelcomeText(html_data)); //Welcome

  print(_myParser.tbody(html_data));       //<tbody>
                                           //<td><a href="link1">Home</a></td>
                                           //<td><a href="link3" color="white">Info</a></td>

  print(_myParser.getLinkAndName(html_data));    //{Home: link1, Info: link2}

  print(_myParser.getLinkBasedColorAttribute('black', html_data));    //link1
  print(_myParser.getLinkBasedColorAttribute('white', html_data));    //link2

  //Even these calls still return appropriate results because of our awesome match algorithm
  print(_myParser.getLinkBasedColorAttribute('WHITE', html_data));     //link2
  print(_myParser.getLinkBasedColorAttribute('whIte', html_data));     //link2
  print(_myParser.getLinkBasedColorAttribute('Black', html_data));     //link1

Is it possible to write some kind of a decoder that will decode html page data to dart object on the fly ? The Answer is YES, let's see the following tutorial

            Tutorial 2: Decoder

Again our data

final html_data =
                     <td><a href="link1" color="black">Home</a></td>
                     <td><a href="link2" color="white">Info</a></td>

A decoder that decode our data and return a Link model with data (href,color, name) The data is obtained from an 'a' element that looks like

 <a href="link2" color="white">Info</a>

Introducing our model class

class Link {
  String href;
  String color;
  String name;

  Link(this.href, this.color,;

  String toString() {
    return '{href:$href, color:$color name:$name}';

The decoder class

class MyDecoder extends Decoder<Link> {
  Link mapParserResult(String result) {
    var name = getElementText(tag: 'a', input: result);
    var href = getAttributeValue(tag: 'a', attribute: 'href', input: result);
    var color = getAttributeValue(tag: 'a', attribute: 'color', input: result);
    if (name.isNotEmpty && href.isNotEmpty && color.isNotEmpty) {
      return Link(href, color, name);
    return null;

  Parser get parser => element('a');

Now our decoder is ready to use and there are many ways to use it, here i only show two

  MyDecoder _mydecoder = MyDecoder();

            Method 1: calling the decoder's decode method

  _mydecoder.decode(html_data).listen((link) {
  }, onDone: () {
    print('done! Method 1');
  The above call chain print the following

  {href:link1, color:black name:Home}
  {href:link2, color:white name:Info}
  done! Method 1
            Method 2: passing the decoder to a stream transform function

First our toStream function , you don't need to write your own, the library already provided you with a nice stringToStream function that you can use.

  Stream<String> toStream(txt) async* {
    yield txt;

Now we are ready for method 2.

  toStream(html_data).transform(_mydecoder).expand((i) => i).listen((link) {
  }, onDone: () {
    print('done! Method 2');
  The above call chain print the following

  {href:link1, color:black name:Home}
  {href:link2, color:white name:Info}
  done! Method 2
            Tutorial 3: DecoderBloc

simple_smart_scraper comes with DecoderBloc, a class that help you integrate your data scraping logic into flutter applications, Bloc creation is simple let's see how.

A Bloc (Business Logic Component) is like a pipe, Events go in and States come out.

First, we create data structures to represent bloc events , here i am using an enum ,you can use a class to represent bloc events if you want to.

enum MyBlocEvent { title, welcome, link, done }

Second, we create data structures to represent bloc states.

class MyBlocState {}

//NOTE: Use libraries like equatable to avoid overriding  operator == and hashCode methods.

class TitleState extends MyBlocState {
  String title;

  bool operator ==(Object other) =>
      identical(this, other) ||
      other is TitleState &&
          runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
          title == other.title;

  int get hashCode => title.hashCode;

class WelcomeState extends MyBlocState {
  String welcome;

  bool operator ==(Object other) =>
      identical(this, other) ||
      other is WelcomeState &&
          runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
          welcome == other.welcome;

  int get hashCode => welcome.hashCode;

class LinkState extends MyBlocState {
  Link link;

  bool operator ==(Object other) =>
      identical(this, other) ||
      other is LinkState &&
          runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
          link ==;

  int get hashCode => link.hashCode;

class CompletedState extends MyBlocState {}

Now we are ready to implement our bloc.

class MyBloc extends DecoderBloc<MyBlocEvent, MyBlocState> {
  MyDecoder _decoder = MyDecoder();
  MyParser _myParser = MyParser();
  String _welcome = '';
  String _title = '';
  List<Link> links = <Link>[];

  Future<void> load(String input, {String baseUrl}) {
    _welcome = '';
    _title = '';
    return super.load(input, baseUrl: baseUrl);

  void dispatchEvents(String input, {String baseUrl}) {
    _welcome = _myParser.getWelcomeText(input);
    if (_welcome.isNotEmpty) {
    _title = _myParser.getTitle(input);
    if (_title.isNotEmpty) {

      input: input,
      decoder: _decoder,
      listener: links.add,
      onDone: () {
        dispatchDelayedEvent(Duration(seconds: 1), MyBlocEvent.done);

  Stream<MyBlocState> mapEventToState(MyBlocEvent event) async* {
    switch (event) {
      case MyBlocEvent.welcome:
        if (_welcome.isNotEmpty) {
          yield WelcomeState(_welcome);
      case MyBlocEvent.title:
        if (_title.isNotEmpty) {
          yield TitleState(_title);
        for (var link in links) {
          yield LinkState(link);
      case MyBlocEvent.done:
        yield CompletedState();
        complete(); //must call complete() when done for the bloc to be able to reload or load new input

Now that our bloc is ready, let's use it.

  MyBloc mybloc = MyBloc();

    print('State = $state');

    The above print the following

      State = Instance of 'WelcomeState'
      State = Instance of 'TitleState'
      State = Instance of 'LinkState'
      State = Instance of 'LinkState'
      State = Instance of 'CompletedState'

    ..listen((state) {
      if (state is WelcomeState) {
      } else if (state is TitleState) {
      } else if (state is LinkState) {
      } else if (state is CompletedState) {
        print('MyBloc completed');

     The above print the following

       {href:link1, color:black name:Home}
       {href:link2, color:white name:Info}
       MyBloc completed

            Recipes 101

  var p = MyParser();

  //get element text using getElementText
  print(p.getElementText(tag: 'b', input: '<b>Hello word</b>')); //Hello word

  //get element attributes values using getAttributeValue
      tag: 'A',
      attribute: 'HREF',
      input: '<div><a href="#link"></a></div>')); //#link

final String html1 = 
          <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
          <link href="/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
          <script src="/dashboard/javascripts/modernizr.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
          <body<div><a href="#link"></a></div> <div><b>Nancy</b></div>

  //parse meta information from string html1
  //get meta tag
  Parser metaParser = p.elementStartTag(tag: 'meta');
  String meta = p.getParserResult(parser: metaParser, input: html1);
  print(meta); //<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

  //get content attribute from meta tag
  String content = p.getAttributeValue(tag: 'meta', attribute: 'content', input: meta);
  print(content); // text/html; charset=UTF-8

  Parser linkParser = p.elementStartTag(tag: 'link', isClosed: true);
  String link = p.getParserResult(parser: linkParser, input: html1);
  print(link); //<link href="/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

  print(p.getElementText(tag: 'b', input: html1)); //Nancy

  print(p.getAttributeValue(tag: 'script', attribute: 'type', input: html1)); //text/javascript

  //print all element tags
  print(p.getElementTags(html1)); // {meta, link, script, a, div, b}

  print(p.getElementAttributes(parser: metaParser, input: html1)['http-equiv']); // Content-Type

  print(p.hasAttribute(tag: 'meta', attribute: 'href', input: meta)); // false
  print(p.hasAttribute(tag: 'meta', attribute: 'http-equiv', input: meta)); // true

  //remove attributes
   print(p.removeAttributes(attributes:{'rel','href'}, input: '<link href="/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />')); // <link   type="text/css" />

  //keep attributes
  print(await p.keepAttributes(attributes:{'rel','href'}, input: '<link href="/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />')); // <link href="/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"  />

  //remove using parsers
  print(p.remove(parsers: [p.parentElement('div', p.element('a'))], input: '<body http-equiv="Content-Type" href="er"><div><a href="#link"></a></div> <div><b>Nancy</b></div></body>')); // <body http-equiv="Content-Type" href="er"> <div><b>Nancy</b></div></body>

  var result;
  try {
    result = p.stripRepeat('<div><a>My Name is ...</a></div>', 1);
  } on StripException catch (e) {
    result = e.output;
    print('$result');  // <a>My Name is ...</a>

  try {
    result = p.stripRepeat('<div><a>My Name is ...</a></div>', 2);
  } on StripException catch (e) {
    result = e.output;
    print('$result');  // My Name is ...

    //remove tags

    var html = await p.removeTags(
      tags: {'body', 'div'},
      input: html1,
      finalizer: (output) {
        //remove the meta tag
        var meta = p.getParserResult(
            parser: p.elementStartTag(tag: 'meta'), input: output);
        return Future.value(output.replaceAll(meta, ''));


    var html2 = await p.removeTags(
      tags: {'body', 'div'},
      input: html1,
      finalizer: (output) async {
        //remove the meta tag
        var meta = p.getParserResult(
            parser: p.elementStartTag(tag: 'meta'), input: output);

        output = output.replaceAll(meta, '');
        //only keep href attribute
        output = await p.keepAttributes(attributes: {'href'}, input: output);
        return Future.value(output);


    //Getting any element with anyElement function

      parser: p.anyElement(except: {'div'}),
      input: '<div><a href="#link">link</a></div>',       // [<a href="#link">link</a>]

      parser: p.anyElement(),
      input: '<div><a href="#link">link</a></div>',       // [<a href="#link">link</a>, <div><a href="#link">link</a></div>]

    //Data Cleaning
 var input = 
                <h2>CHURA SCHOOL - PS1907062</h2>
                <tr><td >CAND. NO</td>
                <td  >SEX</td>
                <td  >CANDIDATE NAME</td>
                <td  >SUBJECTS</td></tr>
       keepTags: {'tr', 'td', 'h2', 'h1'},
       input: input,
       finalizer: (output) {   // hard remove the h1 tag
         return p.remove(parsers: [p.element('h1')], input: output);
       }));                                                //<h2>CHURA SCHOOL - PS1907062</h2>
                                                           //<tr><td >CAND. NO</td>
                                                           //<td  >SEX</td>
                                                           //<td  >CANDIDATE NAME</td>
                                                           //<td  >SUBJECTS</td></tr>

       print(await p.clean(
              keepTags: {'tr', 'td', 'h2'}, //notice h1 is not included
              input: input,
              ));                                                //<h2>CHURA SCHOOL - PS1907062</h2>
                                                                  //<tr><td >CAND. NO</td>
                                                                  //<td  >SEX</td>
                                                                  //<td  >CANDIDATE NAME</td>
                                                                  //<td  >SUBJECTS</td></tr>
final data = 
         <section class="top-bar-section">
                   <!-- this is a comment -->
                   <!-- Right Nav Section -->
                   <ul class="right">
                       <li class="" chura><a href="/applications.html">Applications</a></li>
                       <li class=""><a target="_blank" href="/dashboard/phpinfo.php">PHPInfo</a></li>
                       <li class=""><a href="/phpmyadmin/">phpMyAdmin</a></li>
        <h5><a href="/dashboard/docs/reset-mysql-password.html">Reset the MySQL/MariaDB Root Password</a></h5>
        <h5><a href="/dashboard/docs/send-mail.html">Send Mail with PHP</a></h5><div>php</div>

Removing Comments

    var p = MyParser();

      //Using removeComments method

      //Using anyElement(except) method by providing a "comment" or "comments" as exception ;eg;-
   final unQualifiedElements = ['h5','ul'];
   final qualifiedElements  =  getParserResults(
            parser: anyElement(except: {'comments',...unQualifiedElements}),  // notice another exception "comments"
            input: data,
    Note: anyElement returns overlapping elements, if you don't want that

    <i>  You can filter the results using

            List<String> filterOutRepeatedElements(List<String> elements);

    <ii> Or Use String getElements({
               Set<String> except = const <String>{},
               @required String input,

    getElements uses filterOutRepeatedElements to filter, and return a String containing non-overlapping elements

clean and cleanSync methods

      print(await p.clean(
        keepAttributes: {'href'},
          keepTags: {'li', 'a'},
          input: data));

      print( p.cleanSync(
          keepAttributes: {'href'},
          keepTags: {'li', 'a'},
          input: data));
             All 2 calls ,print the following output
        <li  chura><a href="/applications.html">Applications</a></li>
        <li ><a  href="/dashboard/phpinfo.php">PHPInfo</a></li>
        <li ><a href="/phpmyadmin/">phpMyAdmin</a></li>
        <a href="/dashboard/docs/reset-mysql-password.html">Reset the MySQL/MariaDB Root Password</a>
        <a href="/dashboard/docs/send-mail.html">Send Mail with PHP</a>
    Note: clean/cleanSync also remove comments and filter-out overlapping elements.
             Dictionary Based Parsing(DBP) Using SimpleSmartParser

Use SimpleSmartParser and SimpleSmartParserResult to directly target any element using dictionary based access .

  SimpleSmartParserResult parserResult = SimpleSmartParser.parse(data);

  List<Element> liList = parserResult.getElements('li');
                print the following output
  <li class="" chura><a href="/applications.html">Applications</a></li>
  <li class=""><a target="_blank" href="/dashboard/phpinfo.php">PHPInfo</a></li>
  <li class=""><a href="/phpmyadmin/">phpMyAdmin</a></li>
  //Getting the comments
  final firstComment = parserResult.getCommentAt(0);
  print(firstComment);     // <!-- this is a comment -->


                print all parsed comments

    <!-- this is a comment -->
    <!-- Right Nav Section -->
 //Other Elements
  print(parserResult.getOtherElements());    //[<br>]

            Exam Results Example

This example demonstrate how to combine two wonderful http and simple_smart_scraper packages to download, clean , parse and decode html into dart objects. After our example is completed , invoking the following code

var client = http.Client();
  var res = await client.send(http.Request('get', Uri.parse(url)));
      .expand((i) => i)
      .listen((results) {


         print('${} -  ${}');


  • Download html data from a website
 var url = '';
 With the following markup

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
</head><body vlink="#800080" text="#000080" link="#0000ff" bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">
<h1><p align="LEFT"> PSLE 2017 EXAMINATION RESULTS</p></h1>
<h3><p align="LEFT">NSIMBA PRIMARY SCHOOL - PS1907062
<p align="LEFT">
SCHOOL Average   : 173.0417
<table width="80%" cellspacing="2" border="" bgcolor="LIGHTYELLOW" align="LEFT">
<tbody><tr><td width="10%">
<p align="CENTER">
<b><font size="2" face="Courier"></font></b></p><p align="CENTER"><b><font size="2" face="Courier">CAND. NO</font></b></p></td>
<td width="5%" valign="MIDDLE">
<b><font size="2" face="Courier"></font></b><font size="2" face="Courier"></font><p align="CENTER"><font size="2" face="Courier"><b>SEX</b></font></p></td>
<td width="30%" valign="MIDDLE">
<b><font size="2" face="Courier"></font></b><font size="2" face="Courier"></font><p align="CENTER"><font size="2" face="Courier"><b>CANDIDATE NAME
<td width="60%" valign="MIDDLE">
<b><font size="2" face="Courier"></font></b><font size="2" face="Courier"></font><p align="LEFT"><font size="2" face="Courier"><b>SUBJECTS
<tr><td width="10%" valign="MIDDLE">
<font size="1" face="Arial"></font><p align="CENTER"><font size="1" face="Arial">PS1907062-001</font></p></td>
<td width="5%" valign="MIDDLE">
<font size="1" face="Arial"></font><p align="CENTER"><font size="1" face="Arial">M</font></p></td>
<td width="30%" valign="LEFT">
<font size="1" face="Arial"></font><p><font size="1" face="Arial">WINONA DUSTIN</font></p></td>
<td width="58%" valign="MIDDLE">
<font size="1" face="Arial"></font><p align="LEFT"><font size="1" face="Arial">Kiswahili - B, English - B, Maarifa - C, Hisabati - B, Science - B, Average Grade - B</font></p></td></tr>
<tr><td width="10%" valign="MIDDLE">
<font size="1" face="Arial"></font><p align="CENTER"><font size="1" face="Arial">PS1907062-003</font></p></td>
<td width="5%" valign="MIDDLE">
<font size="1" face="Arial"></font><p align="CENTER"><font size="1" face="Arial">M</font></p></td>
<td width="30%" valign="LEFT">
<font size="1" face="Arial"></font><p><font size="1" face="Arial">WALTER WHITE</font></p></td>
<td width="58%" valign="MIDDLE">
<font size="1" face="Arial"></font><p align="LEFT"><font size="1" face="Arial">Kiswahili - B, English - B, Maarifa - C, Hisabati - B, Science - B, Average Grade - B</font></p></td></tr>
<tr><td width="10%" valign="MIDDLE">
<font size="1" face="Arial"></font><p align="CENTER"><font size="1" face="Arial">PS1907062-024</font></p></td>
<td width="5%" valign="MIDDLE">
<font size="1" face="Arial"></font><p align="CENTER"><font size="1" face="Arial">M</font></p></td>
<td width="30%" valign="LEFT">
<font size="1" face="Arial"></font><p><font size="1" face="Arial">MUFASSA SIMBA</font></p></td>
<td width="58%" valign="MIDDLE">
<font size="1" face="Arial"></font><p align="LEFT"><font size="1" face="Arial">Kiswahili - A, English - A, Maarifa - A, Hisabati - A, Science - A, Average Grade - A</font></p></td></tr>

  • Invoke String cleanResultsHtml(String html) method , that will clean the above html and output the following cleaned html

<h3>NSIMBA PRIMARY SCHOOL - PS1907062</h3>
<tr><td >CAND. NO</td>
<td  >SEX</td>
<td  >SUBJECTS</td></tr>
<tr><td  >PS1907062-001</td>
<td  >M</td>
 <td  >WINONA DUSTIN</td>
<td  >Kiswahili - B, English - B, Maarifa - C, Hisabati - B, Science - B, Average Grade - B</td></tr>
<tr><td  >PS1907062-003</td>
<td  >M</td>
 <td  >WALTER WHITE</td>
<td  >Kiswahili - B, English - B, Maarifa - C, Hisabati - B, Science - B, Average Grade - B</td></tr>
<tr><td  >PS1907062-024</td>
<td  >M</td>
 <td  >MUFASSA SIMBA</td>
<td  >Kiswahili - A, English - A, Maarifa - A, Hisabati - A, Science - A, Average Grade - A</td></tr>

  • Use the ResultsParsers and ResultsDecoder to parse and decode the above cleaned html into a dart object Results
  • And finally print following to the screen.


WINONA DUSTIN -  PS1907062-001
WALTER WHITE -  PS1907062-003
MUFASSA SIMBA -  PS1907062-024

Now let's study how the program is written.

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:simple_smart_scraper/petitparser_2.4.0.dart';
import 'package:simple_smart_scraper/simple_smart_scraper.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

class ResultsParsers with ParserMixin {
  static final String councilTag = 'h2';
  static final String titleTag = 'h1';
  static final String schoolTag = 'h3';

    String cleanResultsHtml(String html) {
        return cleanSync(
          keepTags: {'tr', 'td', 'h2', 'h1', 'h3'},
          input: html,

  Parser councilParser() => element(councilTag);
  Parser titleParser() => element(titleTag);
  Parser schoolParser() => element(schoolTag);
  Parser candidateResultParser() =>
      parentElement('tr', repeat(element('td'), 4));

   The tr element has 4 td element each containing  a text, the last td(index == 3 ) can be easy converted to a map

  <tr><td  >PS1907062-024</td>
  <td  >M</td>
   <td  >MUFASSA SIMBA</td>
  <td  >Kiswahili - A, English - A, Maarifa - A, Hisabati - A, Science - A, Average Grade - A</td></tr>
  CandidateResult parseCandidateResult(String tr) {
    final tds = getParserResults(parser: element('td'), input: tr);
    dynamic value(int index) {
      if (tds.length == 4 && (index < 4)) {
        return (index < 3)
            ? getElementText(tag: 'td', input: tds[index])
            : convertToMap(getElementText(tag: 'td', input: tds[index]),
                first: ',', second: '-');
      } else {
        return (index < 3) ? '' : {};

    return CandidateResult(
      name: value(2),
      sex: value(1),
      no: value(0),
      subjects: value(3),

  Results parseResults(String html) {
   String toHtml(Parser parser) {
      return getParserResult(parser: parser, input: html);

    final _council = getElementText(
        tag: ResultsParsers.councilTag, input: toHtml(councilParser()));

    final _title = getElementText(
        tag: ResultsParsers.titleTag, input: toHtml(titleParser()));

    final _school = getElementText(
        tag: ResultsParsers.schoolTag, input: toHtml(schoolParser()));

    var _candidateResults = <CandidateResult>[];
    for (var tr
        in getParserResults(parser: candidateResultParser(), input: html)) {

    if (_candidateResults.isNotEmpty) {
      //removing the first element, because it contain no useful information but data that represent html table headers

    return Results(
        council: _council,
        title: _title,
        school: _school,
        candidateResults: _candidateResults);

class CandidateResult {
  final String name;
  final String sex;
  final String no;
  final Map<String, String> subjects;

  CandidateResult({,,, this.subjects});

  factory CandidateResult.fromHtml(String html) {
    return ResultsParsers().parseCandidateResult(html);

  Map<String, String> toJson() {
    return <String, String>{
      'name': name,
      'sex': sex,
      'no': no,
      'subjects': subjects.toString()

  String toString() {
    return jsonEncode(this);

class Results {
  final String council;
  final String title;
  final String school;
  final List<CandidateResult> candidateResults;

  Results({this.council, this.title,, this.candidateResults});

  factory Results.fromHtml(String html) {
    return ResultsParsers().parseResults(html);

  static Future<Results> fromUrl(String url) async {
    var data = '';
    try {
      data = ResultsParsers().cleanResultsHtml(await download(url));
    } catch (_) {} finally {
      return Results.fromHtml(data);

  Map<String, String> toJson() {
    return <String, String>{
      'council': council,
      'title': title,
      'school': school,
      'candidateResults': candidateResults.toString()

  String toString() {
    return jsonEncode(this);

ResultsDecoder can be implemented in two ways.

Implementation 1: using  the forward() that return ForwardParser
(forward() is preferred in situations where no data parsing/cleaning is needed)

class ResultsDecoder extends Decoder<Results> {
final ResultsParsers _parsers = ResultsParsers();

 Results mapParserResult(String result) {
   return Results.fromHtml(_parsers.cleanResultsHtml(result));

 ///Using forward() to forward the input to mapParserResult,
 ///In this case, mapParserResult is the one doing all the cleaning and parsing
 Parser get parser =>
     forward(); //forward return a parser that does'nt parse its input ,but only return the input as the result of the parse operation

Since our ResultsDecoder need to clean the html first using _parsers.cleanResultsHtml(...) before decoding it with
Results.fromHtml(...) , Implementation 2 is preferred in this situation.

 Implementation 2: using the intercepted method that return InterceptedParser ( preferred in this situation)

class ResultsDecoder extends Decoder<Results> {
 final ResultsParsers _parsers = ResultsParsers();

  Results mapParserResult(String result) {
    //The parse result is the cleaned html returned by the interceptor method
    return Results.fromHtml(result);

  ///Using intercepted method to clean the html before mapParserResult is called
  Parser get parser => intercepted(interceptor: (input) {
        return _parsers.cleanResultsHtml(input);

Running our program.

void main() async {

 var client = http.Client();
   var res = await client.send(http.Request('get', Uri.parse(url)));
       .expand((i) => i)
       .listen((results) {


          print('${} -  ${}');



Alternative usage

  Results results = await Results.fromUrl(url);





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unverified uploader

A simple smart data scraping library. Data scraping is a technique in which a computer program extract data from human-readable output coming from another program.

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equatable, http, meta, path, rxdart, xml


Packages that depend on simple_smart_scraper