simple_rich_text 2.0.49
simple_rich_text: ^2.0.49 copied to clipboard
Display a Dart string in Flutter using simple rich text characters.
simple_rich_text #
Easily format Flutter text with simple format characters.
Motivation: lowest-possible development friction to add color and formatting to text.
In comparison, easy_rich_text requires lots of code (i.e, patternList of EasyRichTextPattern objects).
Format Characters #
These are non-standard (not markdown compatible) but are more intuitive, in my opinion:
format character | format effect | simple_rich_text string input | Flutter output |
asterisk (*) | bold | "this is *bold*" | this is bold |
slash (/) | italics | "this is /italicized/" | this is italicized |
underscore (_) | underline | "this is _underlined_" | this is underlined |
Example Input #
SimpleRichText(r'*_/this is all three*_/ (*{color:red}bold*, _{color:green}underlined_, and /{color:brown}italicized/). _{push:home;color:blue}clickable hyperlink to home screen_')
Example Flutter Output #
Attributes #
Attribute pairs are placed in curly brackets immediately after first character marker. Each pair is separated by a semicolon (;) and can be in any order. Each pair has syntax name:value.
key | meaning | implemented Dart code |
color | red, blue, etc | textStyle.color: color-value |
pop | pop the navigation stack | Navigator.pop(context); |
push | push the value onto the navigation stack | Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/$route'); |
repl | replace the top route on the navigation stack | Navigator.popAndPushNamed(context, '/$route'); |
Colors Supported #
Change text color by passing color as attribute:
Example #
"this is blue hyperlink to the _{color:blue,push:calendar}calendar_ screen"
color:color_value | hex value |
aqua | 0x00FFFF |
black | 0x000000 |
blue | 0x0000FF |
brown | 0x9A6324 |
cream | 0xFFFDD0 |
cyan | 0x46f0f0 |
green | 0x00FF00 |
gray | 0x808080 |
grey | 0x808080 |
mint | 0xAAFFC3 |
lavender | 0xE6BEFF |
new | 0xFFFF00 |
olive | 0x808000 |
orange | 0xFFA500 |
pink | 0xFFE1E6 |
purple | 0x800080 |
red | 0xFF0000 |
silver | 0xC0C0C0 |
white | 0xFFFFFF |
yellow | 0xFFFF00 |
Features #
- support text hyperlinks to other screens by preceding formatted text with route inside curly brackets: e.g., "... {calendar}go to calendar screen".
Sample Inputs: #
'this is /italic/'
'this is *bold*'
'*_/this is all three*_/ (*bold*, _underlined_, and /italicized/)'
'you can quote characters to NOT format a word \*bold\*'
'this is _underline_'
'go to _{/myroute}home_ page'
'this is ~important~(red).'
'this is _*bold and underlined*_.'
Notes #
You can use multiple characters at the same time:
"this is _/underlined and italicized/_"
You can be sloppy! Unlike HTML, for convenience, if using multiple characters the open and closed sequences, they don't need to be in exact palindrome matching order:
"these are */equivalent/* and works without problems."
"these are */equivalent*/ and works without problems."
Requirements #
Ancestor MUST have textDirection set (required by internal RichText widget), either through MaterialApp widget or explicitly wrapped by a Directionality widget:
child: SimpleRichText('Peter', term: 't'),
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr)
Improvements, Bugs, and Deficiencies #
- ❌ user-definable format characters
- ❌ user-definable callback functions for custom formatting
- ❌ support non-named navigation (only pushNamed, etc., supported at present)
Pull Requests #
Pull requests are welcome!
Examples #
See the example directory.