simple_remote_config 1.0.3 copy "simple_remote_config: ^1.0.3" to clipboard
simple_remote_config: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard

A simple plugin for helping you to change your application's behaviors, settings,.. without updating the application via network JSON.

Simple Remote Config #

pub package

A simple plugin for helping you to change your application's behaviors, settings,.. without updating the application via network JSON.

Features #

  • Fetch Remote Config via network JSON.
  • Cache in-memory configs
  • Provide get data via key and default value when data isn't found.

You can get started by looking at the example.

Install #

Dart #

dart pub add simple_remote_config

Flutter #

flutter pub add simple_remote_config

First step #

Android #

Don't forget to add network permission in the Android manifest (AndroidManifest.xml)

<manifest xmlns:android...>
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
 <application ...

macOS #

macOS apps must allow network access in the relevant *.entitlements files.


How to use #

Initialization #

Create your SimpleRemoteConfig instance.

import 'package:simple_remote_config/simple_remote_config.dart';

final remoteConfig = SimpleRemoteConfig();

SimpleRemoteConfig has a param Client from http package so you can pass your custom Client object when create SimpleRemoteConfig instance.

import 'package:simple_remote_config/simple_remote_config.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

final client = http.Client();

final remoteConfig = SimpleRemoteConfig(client: client);

Fetch remote config data #

SimpleRemoteConfig provides initilize function and you must pass an url to start fetching remote config data from network.

Remember: Url must return JSON format.

import 'package:simple_remote_config/simple_remote_config.dart';

final remoteConfig = SimpleRemoteConfig();

const configUrl = "";

await remoteConfig.initilize(configUrl: configUrl);

Get data from remote #

SimpleRemoteConfig fetchs data in JSON format, data is returned in key-value format, you can key to get value via get function and type T you need (dynamic by default). SimpleRemoteConfig will return value from key that you pass and correct type T.

Example JSON format:

    "key1": true, // boolean
    "key2": 10, // int
    "key3": "value from key 3" // string

And get data:

final valueKey1 = remoteConfig.get<bool>('key1');
print(valueKey1); // true

final valueKey2 = remoteConfig.get<int>('key2');
print(valueKey2); // 10

final valueKey3 = remoteConfig.get<String>('key3');
print(valueKey3); // value from key 3

If provided key is not found or provided T is incorrect, get will return null.

final valueKey1 = remoteConfig.get<String>('key1');
print(valueKey1); // null

You can pass defaultValue when get returns null.

final valueKey1 = remoteConfig.get<String>('key1', defaultValue: 'this is default value');
print(valueKey1); // this is default value

Happy coding #

That's all for now! Want a feature? Found a bug? Create an issue!



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A simple plugin for helping you to change your application's behaviors, settings,.. without updating the application via network JSON.

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