simple_remote_config 2.0.0 simple_remote_config: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
A simple plugin for helping you to change your application's behaviors, settings,.. without updating the application via network JSON.
import 'package:simple_remote_config/simple_remote_config.dart';
import 'package:version/version.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
final remoteConfig = SimpleRemoteConfig();
const configUrl = "";
await remoteConfig.initilize(configUrl: configUrl);
final maxQuota = remoteConfig.getInt("maxQuota");
print("maxQuota: $maxQuota");
final enableLog = remoteConfig.getBool("enableLog");
if (enableLog ?? false) {
print("Log is enabled");
final inAppVersion = Version.parse("1.0.0");
final currentVersion = remoteConfig.getString("currentVersion");
if (currentVersion != null && inAppVersion < Version.parse(currentVersion)) {
print("Please update your app");
} else {
print("You are using the latest version");