simple_pip_mode 0.7.0 simple_pip_mode: ^0.7.0 copied to clipboard
A complete Picture-In-Picutre mode plugin (Android support only)
A complete Picture-In-Picture mode plugin for android API level 26+ (Android Oreo).
Provides methods to check feature availability, enter PIP mode and callbacks.
Features #
- Verify PIP system availability and current state.
- Method to enter PIP mode, with aspect ratio, auto enter and seamless resize parameters.
- On PIP mode change Callbacks.
- Widget to build PIP-dependent layouts.
Installation #
In the dependencies:
section of your pubspec.yaml
, add the following line:
simple_pip_mode: <latest_version>
Usage #
This section has example code for the following tasks:
- Update manifest
- Verify PIP support
- Entering PIP mode
- Enabling callbacks
- Using callbacks
- Using the PIP Widget
Update manifest #
Add android:supportsPictureInPicture="true"
to the activity on your AndroidManifest.xml
Verify pip support #
Use SimplePip.isPipAvailable
and SimplePip.isPipActivated
static getters to verify whether the device supports Picture In Picture feature and the feature is currently activated respectively.
Entering pip mode #
Import simple_pip.dart
file and call enterPipMode
import 'package:simple_pip_mode/simple_pip.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.picture_in_picture),
onPressed: () => SimplePip().enterPipMode(),
Setting automatic pip mode #
Import simple_pip.dart
file and call setAutoPipMode
This needs at least API level 31.
import 'package:simple_pip_mode/simple_pip.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.picture_in_picture),
onPressed: () => SimplePip().setAutoPipMode(),
This way, when user presses home (or uses home gesture), the app enters PIP mode automatically.
Enabling callbacks #
There's two ways of enabling callbacks:
- Activity wrapper (Recommended!)
- Callback helper
Activity wrapper #
This is the easiest way to enable the callbacks.
Just import the wrapper class in your main activity file, and inherit from it.
import cl.puntito.simple_pip_mode.PipCallbackHelperActivityWrapper
class MainActivity: PipCallbackHelperActivityWrapper() {
import cl.puntito.simple_pip_mode.PipCallbackHelperActivityWrapper;
class MainActivity extends PipCallbackHelperActivityWrapper {
Done! now you can use PIP callbacks and the PIP widget.
Callback helper #
If something went wrong with Activity wrapper or you don't want to wrap your activity, you can enable callbacks using the callback helper.
To do so, in your main activity file import the callback helper.
import cl.puntito.simple_pip_mode.PipCallbackHelper
Instance a callback helper, provide the flutter engine to it, and finally, call helper on callback.
class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {
private var callbackHelper = PipCallbackHelper()
override fun configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
override fun onPictureInPictureModeChanged(active: Boolean, newConfig: Configuration?) {
public class MainActivity extends FlutterActivity {
private final PipCallbackHelper callbackHelper = new PipCallbackHelper();
public void configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull FlutterEngine flutterEngine) {
public void onPictureInPictureModeChanged(boolean active, Configuration newConfig) {
Done! now you can use PIP callbacks and the PIP widget.
Using callbacks #
To use callbacks, just pass them as parameters to SimplePip
SimplePip _pip = SimplePip(
onPipEntered: () => doSomething(),
onPipExited: () => doSomeOtherThing(),
Using the PIP widget #
To use the widget, you need to enable callbacks first.
Import pip_widget.dart
Add a PipWidget
widget to your tree and give it a builder
or a child
, and a pipBuilder
or a pipChild
import 'package:simple_pip_mode/pip_widget.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return PipWidget(
builder: (context) => Text('This is built when PIP mode is not active'),
child: Text('This widget is not used because builder is not null'),
//pipBuilder: (context) => Text('This is built when PIP mode is active'),
pipChild: Text('This widget is used because pipBuilder is null'),
You can also pass callbacks directly to PipWidget
Notes #
Multi-platform apps #
Every SimplePip
method calls android native code, so make sure you only make a call to a SimplePip
method when running in an Android device.
This includes SimplePip.isPipAvailable
Calling SimplePip
methods on a non-Android device will raise a MissingPluginException
Contribute #
I'm currently working on more features, so issues and pull requests are appreciated!