simple_pip_mode 0.5.1 simple_pip_mode: ^0.5.1 copied to clipboard
A complete Picture-In-Picutre mode plugin (Android support only)
A complete Picture-In-Picture mode plugin for android API level 26+ (Android Oreo).
Provides methods to check feature availability, enter PIP mode and callbacks.
Features #
- Verify PIP system availability and current state.
- Method to enter PIP mode, with aspect ratio, auto enter and seamless resize parameters.
- On PIP mode change Callbacks.
- Widget to build PIP-dependent layouts.
Installation #
In the dependencies:
section of your pubspec.yaml
, add the following line:
simple_pip_mode: <latest_version>
Usage #
This section has example code for the following tasks:
- Update manifest
- Verify PIP support
- Entering PIP mode
- Enabling callbacks
- Using callbacks
- Using the PIP Widget
Update manifest #
Add android:supportsPictureInPicture="true"
to the activity on your AndroidManifest.xml
Verify pip support #
Use SimplePip.isPipAvailable
and SimplePip.isPipActivated
static getters to verify whether the device supports Picture In Picture feature and the feature is currently activated respectively.
Entering pip mode #
Import simple_pip.dart
file and call enterPipMode
import 'package:simple_pip_mode/simple_pip.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.picture_in_picture),
onPressed: () => SimplePip().enterPipMode(),
Enabling callbacks #
In your main activity kotlin file import the callback helper.
import cl.puntito.simple_pip_mode.PipCallbackHelper
Instance a callback helper, provide the flutter engine to it, and finally, call helper on callback.
class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {
private var callbackHelper = PipCallbackHelper()
override fun configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
override fun onPictureInPictureModeChanged(active: Boolean, newConfig: Configuration?) {
Done! now you can use PIP callbacks and the PIP widget.
Using callbacks #
To use callbacks, just pass them as parameters to SimplePip
SimplePip _pip = SimplePip(
onPipEntered: () => doSomething(),
onPipExited: () => doSomeOtherThing(),
Using the PIP widget #
To use the widget, you need to enable callbacks first.
Import pip_widget.dart
import 'package:simple_pip_mode/pip_widget.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return PipWidget(
builder: (context) => Text('This is built when PIP mode is not active'),
pipBuilder: (context) => Text('This is built when PIP mode is active'),
You can also pass callbacks directly to PipWidget
Contribute #
I'm currently working on more features, so issues and pull requests are appreciated!