simple_infinite_scroll 1.1.0 copy "simple_infinite_scroll: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
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Infinite Scroll List Pagination.

Simple infinite scroll listview is a package that helps you simplify the process of displaying large amounts of data, and you want to display it in unlimited pagination.

Features #

  • Infinite scroll listview
  • Dart generic
  • Automatic pagination
  • Customizable loading widget
  • Refresh listview
  • Customizable listview empty widget.
  • Customizable listview error widget.
  • Customizable listview when end of list is reached widget.

Usage #

The SimpleInfiniteScroll is very similar to that of ListView.builder. A basic implementation requires following parameters:

  • itemBuilder : widget that represents each index item in the data list.
  • controller : controls various behaviors in the listview.
  • initialPage : the initial value of the page that is loaded, by default is 1.
  • limit : the amount of data displayed on each page.
  • loadingWidget : widget that will be displayed when the scroll is maximum.
  • fetch : the function used to get the data list, contains callback parameters such as page and limit, which you can use as parameters for calling data from the repository, by default is 10.

The following is an example of a listview code snippet with model data

    initialPage: 1,
    limit: 10,
    fetch: (page, limit) => fetchArticles(page, limit),
    itemBuilder: (context, index, item){
        return ListTile(
            title: Text(item.title),

You can fetch repository data like this:

Future<List<Article>?> fetchArticles(page, limit) async{
    // fetch articles data...

Let us know! #

I would be happy if you send us feedback on your projects where you use our component. Just email and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions about my work.